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Jul 20 2017

AndyP moved T2477: radial menu behavior for unload/load rails is undesirable from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Rails board.
Jul 20 2017, 11:04 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T2391: Rail + Storage disconnecting from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Rails board.
Jul 20 2017, 11:04 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T2480: unload/load rails only ask permission once per entity from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Rails board.
Jul 20 2017, 11:04 PM · Starmade, CBS: Rails
AndyP moved T834: Turrets. Random parts of turrets are disappearing off players stations and ships from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Rails board.
Jul 20 2017, 11:03 PM · CBS: Rails, Quality Assurance, Starmade
AndyP moved T2371: Docking to a rail prevents create docking attempts from working from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Rails board.
Jul 20 2017, 11:03 PM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T1683: sell/buy prices affect purchase/sale orders and vice versa from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · QA-Return, Game Development, Tradenetwork, Starmade
AndyP moved T1728: Warheads not exploding after visiting "protected" sector from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2007: Undocking from rail turret axis with logic doesn't work from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T2113: Displays on Trader Home Base all say "No data" from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Prefabs, Starmade
AndyP moved T2179: Wormhole connection on galaxy map temporarily lost upon reloading from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Beta), Galaxy Map, Starmade
AndyP moved T1171: Damage beam ticks don't deal both planet core and block damage at the same time from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2225: Trade fleets with non existent fleet class ships causes a loop when making a trade order from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Alpha), NPC-Factions, Starmade
AndyP moved T2239: design ship continues to exist after Shipyard computer is destroyed from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · CBS: Shipyards, Game Development, Starmade
AndyP moved T2279: C+V from rail basic to logic not working for docking from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Logic, Starmade
AndyP moved T2297: Can't slave storage module to rail rotator to pull cargo from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T2298: Template preview causes large performance drop from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Engine (Data), Game Development, Starmade
AndyP moved T2308: Wrong scrollbar size for shop item description from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Alpha), GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T2311: Adding new block using 4x4 texture crashes the game. from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Starmade, Textures
AndyP moved T2338: No UI scaling at higher resolutions or different DPI values from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Alpha), GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T2355: damage not applying correctly to planets from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:55 PM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2354: Turret will not attack enemy ships. from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Game Development (Alpha), AI, Starmade, Support
AndyP moved T2370: Extensive use of Damage Pulse weapons may cause ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2371: Docking to a rail prevents create docking attempts from working from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T2374: Fleets display "Trading" order when a "Move" order is combined with cloak/radarjammer mission from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Fleets, Starmade
AndyP moved T2392: lock missiles target incorrectly when fired at a non system target from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2406: Texture normal map is inverted on some faces in some orientations from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Issue Navigation, Game Development (Beta), Textures, Starmade
AndyP moved T2414: Momentum and EMP Effects un-jam & de-cloak shielded ships from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2417: Advanced Build mode Sphere/ellipsoid generation from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Engine (Building), Game Development, Starmade
AndyP moved T2419: Ethereal Entity / Ghost Ship from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Engine (General), Game Development, Starmade
AndyP moved T2428: Blueprint Error drops unusable blocks from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Engine (Data), Game Development, Starmade
AndyP moved T2446: Activation Module hides Computers from weapons menu (hotkey "G") from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Game Development (Alpha), GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T2450: "$sit" showing in keyboard shortcut help upon startup - Dev version - Linux from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Game Development (Alpha), GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T2488: Constructed ships don't use design hotbar layout from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Shipyards, Starmade
AndyP moved T2494: "Switch build/remove mouse buttons" doesn't work with Fill Tool origin placement from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Controls, Starmade
AndyP moved T2497: advanced shop rails are rotated incorrectly from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · Game Development, Starmade
AndyP moved T161: Push/Pull/Stop does not affect mothership if docked rail entities are hit from Rejected / Duplicate / Invalid to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:54 PM · QA-Return, Game Development, CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2017: Make backup sections optional from Archived to Planned Feature on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:51 PM · Feature, Starmade
AndyP moved T1651: All shapes, one block from Archived to Planned Feature on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:51 PM · Feature, Starmade, Council
AndyP moved T1651: All shapes, one block from Planned Feature to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:51 PM · Feature, Starmade, Council
AndyP moved T2017: Make backup sections optional from Planned Feature to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:51 PM · Feature, Starmade
AndyP moved T22: Rail-orientation/type get copied on FALSE signals too from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:51 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Logic, Starmade
AndyP moved T264: Planet segment rotated / falling through to the planet core after respawn from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:51 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Physics, Starmade
AndyP moved T111: Wireless connection isnt wireless when on same Entity except Asteroids from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:51 PM · Game Development (Beta), Logic, Starmade
AndyP moved T916: NPC Stations turn into red platforms. from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:51 PM · Prefabs, Starmade
AndyP moved T1070: GL_INVALID_OPERATION upon using "C" key on weapon systems from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:50 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T1494: Display Module tag powercap & shieldcap have typos from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:50 PM · Game Development (Beta), Typos, Starmade
AndyP moved T1686: Shop can only accept one incoming connection from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:50 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Tradenetwork, Starmade
AndyP moved T1362: Jump distance not consistent (with changed sector size) from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:50 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Engine (Configuration), Starmade
AndyP moved T1350: Thrust config not saved in Blueprint from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:50 PM · Game Development (Beta), Engine (Data), Starmade
AndyP moved T1819: Tooltip doesn't update for single stack items <-> multi slot | meta-item interaction from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:50 PM · Game Development (Alpha), GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T1840: shopkeep can't be respawned from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:50 PM · Crew, Starmade
AndyP moved T2159: Race disappears from race menu from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:50 PM · Game Development (Beta), GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T2220: weapon menu unlinking support/effect doesn't update list from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:50 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2202: Alt Gr combinations for characters don't register from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:49 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Accessibility, Controls, Starmade
AndyP moved T2124: Advanced Build mouse cursor does not show up when key reassigned to RControl from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:49 PM · Accessibility, Controls, Starmade
AndyP moved T1354: Steam Hours Bug from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:49 PM · Starmade
AndyP moved T1533: Undocking of entities upon loading sector from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:49 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T1608: (Mac) Game becomes unresponsive in background from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:49 PM · Starmade
AndyP moved T1648: Deleting a ship from fleet roster while unloaded deletes the ship from the server. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:49 PM · Fleets, Starmade
AndyP moved T1691: moving fleet results in same UID causes IllegalArgument crash from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:49 PM · Fleets, Starmade
AndyP moved T1708: AI switch side or friendly fire focus from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:49 PM · AI, Starmade
AndyP moved T1709: Missiles targeting non-existent thing from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:48 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T1810: Warpgates don't trigger when flying through at overdriven speeds from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:48 PM · Starmade
AndyP moved T1833: Crash when being hit by some weapons from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:48 PM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T1836: logic pipes linked to bone of shop keep from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:48 PM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T1839: [Bug] Free items from tradestations from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:48 PM · Starmade
AndyP moved T1868: Default controls conflict with Windows keyboard shortcut to change keyboard layout from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:48 PM · Starmade
AndyP moved T1870: Spawning of some ships and stations from catalog bugged from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:48 PM · Starmade
AndyP moved T1877: Removed salvage modules stay linked to salvage computer as empty blocks from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:48 PM · CBS: Functional, Starmade
AndyP moved T1880: Creating a fleet causes client crash from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:48 PM · Fleets, Starmade
AndyP moved T1917: Ship jumping 1km at-a-time like there's no tomorrow (local play) from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:48 PM · Physics, Starmade
AndyP moved T1924: Infinite shop bug from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:48 PM · Universe, Starmade
AndyP moved T1939: Build mode: Can't attach new blocks to some blocks from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T1970: Chaining slaves causes server crashes from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T1984: Capsule Refinery overflows on world start from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · CBS: Systems, Starmade
AndyP moved T1990: Turret fires on selected even with AI removed from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · AI, Starmade
AndyP moved T2018: Damage beams do incorrect SHP damage for block destruction. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2019: ZipException preventing logging into a public server and then random RunTime exceptions after fix about textures not being loaded. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T2078: Thruster plumes do not draw in test sector from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · CBS: Systems, Starmade
AndyP moved T955: Tethered cellphone causes strange connection sequence from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · Starmade
AndyP moved T2090: AI fires tracking missiles without locking enemy from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · AI, Starmade
AndyP moved T2114: Old Trade-guild stations are invincible from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · Starmade
AndyP moved T2115: Removing Shop Module freezes server from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · Tradenetwork, Starmade
AndyP moved T2119: Missiles causing GL_INVALID_VALUE from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:47 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2126: StarNet not working from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:46 PM · Starmade
AndyP moved T2129: Achtung! Storages on factioned entities can be opened by non-faction players from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:46 PM · Starmade
AndyP moved T2145: keybord setting flipp from germen to englisch settings and back from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:46 PM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T2170: Memory Leak, Game taking more then JVM specified during Normal Gameplay from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:46 PM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T2174: Fleet invalid position from undock from mother ship from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:46 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T2184: Forcefields, Ice, Ice Crystals. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:46 PM · Textures, Starmade
AndyP moved T2187: Shop Module does not respect maximum stock levels from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:46 PM · Tradenetwork, Starmade
AndyP moved T847: All systems disconnected (c+v link) in sector. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:46 PM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T1059: Ship roll / rotate alone when build mode from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:46 PM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T1123: Undocking from another ship causes your ship to "disappear" and the world to flicker. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:46 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T1230: Cannons and Other Weapons Stop Doing Damage to Detached Entities from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:46 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T1272: Massive point-damage is applied to armour HP incorrectly from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:45 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T1275: Cross Entity Pull is not working from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:45 PM · CBS: Functional, Starmade
AndyP moved T1278: Transporter names, wireless logic and other data sometimes reset from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:45 PM · CBS: Functional, Starmade
AndyP moved T1419: Undocking a ship on takeoff rails causes my ship to accelerate to infinite from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:45 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T1457: Server Crash plus Alt Tab causes non-existent menu cursor from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Jul 20 2017, 10:45 PM · Starmade