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Starmade | advanced shop rails are rotated incorrectly
Confirmed task for development, TrivialPublic


I knew it was a thing that happened, but if you want to see yourself easily, the Starmade Official Battlemode server at sector 2 2 2 has an ADV shop with rotated rails.


Task Type
Testing Results
Affected Gamemode(s)
Single and Multi
Last tested (version)
First occurrence (version)
some time on or before 0.199.535
Video Card Vendor
Steps to reproduce
  1. make sure ADV shops can spawn with rails
  2. go to any ADV shop
  3. look at rails, some are facing the wrong way
Tester information (Internal use only)

Checked older releases with new worlds and same thing happens there.
Seems like they rotate fine, but that the rail rotation tied to it is the wrong one.

2 out of 4 is facing the wrong way, they're using [LEFT] and [BACK] when it should be one of the unknown sides.

Serverconfig (server.cfg)
 <replace this block with the file content, 
but do not remove the first and last line. 
Before using the paste function, mark the area from the 
opening angle bracket to the closing angle bracket>
Clientconfig (settings.cfg)
 <replace this block with the file content, 
but do not remove the first and last line. 
Before using the paste function, mark the area from the 
opening angle bracket to the closing angle bracket>

Event Timeline

Napther created this task.Jul 18 2017, 10:27 PM
lancake added a subscriber: lancake.

-validated- & -confirmed-

Checked older releases with new worlds and same thing happens there.
Seems like they rotate fine, but that the rail rotation tied to it is the wrong one.

2 out of 4 is facing the wrong way, they're using [LEFT] and [BACK] when it should be one of the unknown sides.

lancake shifted this object from the S1 Public space to the S3 Starmade space.Jul 18 2017, 11:05 PM
lancake changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".
lancake changed the edit policy from "Task Author" to "Starmade (Project)".
lancake edited Tester information (Internal use only). (Show Details)
lancake renamed this task from ADV shop rails are rotated incorrectly to advanced shop rails are rotated incorrectly.
lancake changed the task status from Open to In Queue.
lancake claimed this task.
lancake lowered the priority of this task from Normal to Trivial.
Restricted Application edited projects, added Game Development; removed Issue Navigation. · View Herald TranscriptJul 18 2017, 11:06 PM