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Jun 14 2017

lancake merged T2170: Memory Leak, Game taking more then JVM specified during Normal Gameplay into T1669: Leaving to main menu instead of desktop causing issues.
Jun 14 2017, 3:08 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Engine (General), Starmade
Restricted Application changed the status of T2170: Memory Leak, Game taking more then JVM specified during Normal Gameplay from Feedback to Open.

Going to main menu and back in-game several times in the same session will indeed result in a memory build up, although that should steadily decline after a while but usually at a too slow pace to help.
Frequently alt tabbing can make the GC go lazy too often and could also take a while for it to recover completely.

Jun 14 2017, 3:07 PM · Engine, Starmade
lancake changed the status of T2173: Rail docker freeze from Open to Feedback.

@Lunchbox and @The_Onion
Can any of you upload a blueprint of the ship + thing docked to it that causes it? And/or provide very clear steps to reproduce for a simple example?

Jun 14 2017, 2:49 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
lancake closed T2174: Fleet invalid position from undock from mother ship as Rejected.

Tried out that blueprint and works just fine, looking at the logs, it's a NaN issue which received another fix on 11 March 2017, meaning only 0.199.535 has it. The task number is T1422 although it's a private issue so you won't be able to see its content.

Jun 14 2017, 2:41 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
lancake closed T2078: Thruster plumes do not draw in test sector as Rejected.

No feedback, closing task.

Jun 14 2017, 2:02 PM · CBS: Systems, Starmade
lancake closed T2019: ZipException preventing logging into a public server and then random RunTime exceptions after fix about textures not being loaded. as Rejected.

Alright, thanks for the feedback, closing task.

Jun 14 2017, 1:44 PM · Engine, Starmade
lancake closed T2090: AI fires tracking missiles without locking enemy as Rejected.

Might have been an issue but most likely resolved with the new missile targeting system, which currently has a severe issue that targets the wrong location. See T2392, closing task.

Jun 14 2017, 1:16 PM · AI, Starmade
lancake closed T2129: Achtung! Storages on factioned entities can be opened by non-faction players as Rejected.

No feedback, closing task.

Jun 14 2017, 1:14 PM · Starmade
lancake closed T2018: Damage beams do incorrect SHP damage for block destruction. as Rejected.

No feedback, not even sure if this is an issue or just the wrong conclusion from 2 completely different damaged ships.

Jun 14 2017, 11:39 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
lancake closed T2228: race gate laps not working as Rejected.

Assuming user error, no feedback so can't confirm that assumption. Closing task.

Jun 14 2017, 11:36 AM · CBS: Functional, Starmade

Jun 13 2017

Tehatomicpotato added a comment to T752: Shipyard loading issue and greyed out buttons.

This is also happening to me as well and many others on the server I play on. Nothing we do seems to get our ship yard to work while other people on the server have the same issue but others don't experience it at all.

Jun 13 2017, 11:45 PM · CBS: Shipyards, Starmade
lancake closed T2115: Removing Shop Module freezes server as Rejected.

There was a fix attempt for trade network shops, lack of feedback on it so assuming it worked, closing task.

Jun 13 2017, 3:48 PM · Tradenetwork, Starmade
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.199.357 to 0.199.535 on T2119: Missiles causing GL_INVALID_VALUE.
Jun 13 2017, 3:43 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
lancake closed T2119: Missiles causing GL_INVALID_VALUE as Rejected.

Unfortunately without a way to reproduce it consistently, it's not possible to find out if it's something related to drivers or with starmade.
You could brute force this issues to happen by holding F1 and F2, but I'm still unable to trigger anything related to it involving missiles or explosions.

Jun 13 2017, 3:43 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
lancake lowered the priority of T1990: Turret fires on selected even with AI removed from Normal to Low.
Jun 13 2017, 3:35 PM · AI, Starmade
Restricted Application added a project to T1990: Turret fires on selected even with AI removed: AI.
Jun 13 2017, 3:35 PM · AI, Starmade
lancake closed T1990: Turret fires on selected even with AI removed as Rejected.

So one of those turrets on the right is still active (yet has no bobby AI, assumed you removed that before taking the blueprint). It doesn't listen to the de-activate/activate buttons since it has no bobby AI of its own.
I docked that turret to a new entity to check if it works like it should, and it does.

Jun 13 2017, 3:35 PM · AI, Starmade
lancake changed the status of T2370: Extensive use of Damage Pulse weapons may cause ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Open to Feedback.

Interesting, found this:

[2017-06-07 09:59:12] Exception in thread "pool-2-thread-1" 
[2017-06-07 09:59:12] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 10485763
[2017-06-07 09:59:12] 	at
[2017-06-07 09:59:12] 	at
[2017-06-07 09:59:12] 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
[2017-06-07 09:59:12] 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
[2017-06-07 09:59:12] 	at Source)

which is about a minute after your force-save started.

Jun 13 2017, 2:17 PM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Weapons, Starmade

Jun 12 2017

lancake closed T955: Tethered cellphone causes strange connection sequence as Rejected.

Nightrune was unable to reproduce, not much information to go on otherwise so rejecting task.

Jun 12 2017, 11:27 PM · Starmade
lancake closed T2145: keybord setting flipp from germen to englisch settings and back as Rejected.

Closing task, no feedback.

Jun 12 2017, 11:03 PM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.199.234 to 0.199.535 on T1984: Capsule Refinery overflows on world start.
Jun 12 2017, 2:46 PM · CBS: Systems, Starmade
lancake closed T1984: Capsule Refinery overflows on world start as Rejected.

I tried on your save once more and the refinery seems to be still fine, with or without "bleeding over capacity" enabled. Perhaps fixed along the way since there were some issues related to pulling that were resolved.
Closing this task, send me a message if it requires re-opening.

Jun 12 2017, 2:46 PM · CBS: Systems, Starmade
lancake closed T1970: Chaining slaves causes server crashes as Rejected.

No feedback, closing task.

Jun 12 2017, 2:36 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
lancake closed T1939: Build mode: Can't attach new blocks to some blocks as Rejected.

Should have been fixed along the way.

Jun 12 2017, 2:30 PM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
lancake closed T1924: Infinite shop bug as Rejected.

Probably a number of shops were set to infinite on purpose, can't really check as the server is not being run anymore + don't have information which shops on that server were affected.
Closing task, no feedback.

Jun 12 2017, 2:22 PM · Universe, Starmade
lancake closed T1917: Ship jumping 1km at-a-time like there's no tomorrow (local play) as Rejected.

No idea how to reproduce and don't have the blueprint that was affected to test with.
Closing task, no feedback.

Jun 12 2017, 2:18 PM · Physics, Starmade
lancake closed T1870: Spawning of some ships and stations from catalog bugged as Rejected.

Must have been a conversion error, which was reported and resolved close after its release. No feedback so I'm assuming it's fine now.

Jun 12 2017, 2:11 PM · Starmade
lancake triaged T1877: Removed salvage modules stay linked to salvage computer as empty blocks as Low priority.
Jun 12 2017, 2:09 PM · CBS: Functional, Starmade
lancake closed T1877: Removed salvage modules stay linked to salvage computer as empty blocks as Rejected.

Couldn't reproduce but I assume it's a ghost link issue which were tackled a few months ago. If this still occurs, make a new report about it and perhaps include some screenshots to make it more clear.
Closing task, no feedback and unable to reproduce.

Jun 12 2017, 2:02 PM · CBS: Functional, Starmade
lancake closed T1880: Creating a fleet causes client crash as Rejected.

Can't do anything with the provided logs, server probably ran out of memory due to lack of restarts. Could have been a memory leak too but since this report is from a year ago, it can be closed.

Jun 12 2017, 1:59 PM · Fleets, Starmade
lancake triaged T1868: Default controls conflict with Windows keyboard shortcut to change keyboard layout as Trivial priority.
Jun 12 2017, 1:57 PM · Starmade
lancake closed T1868: Default controls conflict with Windows keyboard shortcut to change keyboard layout as Rejected.

Never a bug to begin with, didn't receive feedback if the author managed to resolve it or not so closing task.

Jun 12 2017, 1:56 PM · Starmade
lancake triaged T1836: logic pipes linked to bone of shop keep as Trivial priority.
Jun 12 2017, 1:55 PM · Engine, Starmade
lancake closed T1836: logic pipes linked to bone of shop keep as Rejected.

Might still happen although I still can't reproduce it, no feedback so closing task.

Jun 12 2017, 1:54 PM · Engine, Starmade
lancake set First occurrence (version) to 0.199.161 on T1839: [Bug] Free items from tradestations.
Jun 12 2017, 1:48 PM · Starmade
lancake closed T1839: [Bug] Free items from tradestations as Rejected.

That makes sense, just old stuff popping up which at this time should not be happening anymore.

Jun 12 2017, 1:48 PM · Starmade
lancake changed the status of T1494: Display Module tag powercap & shieldcap have typos from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Jun 12 2017, 12:31 PM · Game Development (Beta), Typos, Starmade

Jun 11 2017

AndyP added a member for Schine: nightrune.
Jun 11 2017, 8:51 PM
Restricted Application added a project to T1833: Crash when being hit by some weapons: Engine.
Jun 11 2017, 7:36 PM · Engine, Starmade
lancake closed T1833: Crash when being hit by some weapons as Rejected.

Can't reproduce, perhaps fixed along the way?
Tried out a large battle of the big ships but no GL related exception or nullpointer occurred.

Jun 11 2017, 7:35 PM · Engine, Starmade
lancake changed the status of T2284: camera detaches from character when numpad+ key is pressed multiple times from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Jun 11 2017, 7:34 PM · Engine, Starmade
lancake closed T1810: Warpgates don't trigger when flying through at overdriven speeds as Rejected.

No feedback and couldn't reproduce.

Jun 11 2017, 7:20 PM · Starmade
lancake closed T1070: GL_INVALID_OPERATION upon using "C" key on weapon systems as Rejected.

Could not reproduce before, still can't. Possibly fixed by now and if not, we'll need a new task about it.

Jun 11 2017, 7:07 PM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade

Jun 10 2017

lancake changed the status of T161: Push/Pull/Stop does not affect mothership if docked rail entities are hit from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Jun 10 2017, 3:48 PM · QA-Return, Game Development, CBS: Weapons, Starmade
lancake changed the status of T1683: sell/buy prices affect purchase/sale orders and vice versa from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Jun 10 2017, 3:48 PM · QA-Return, Game Development, Tradenetwork, Starmade
lancake changed the status of T1819: Tooltip doesn't update for single stack items <-> multi slot | meta-item interaction from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Jun 10 2017, 3:48 PM · Game Development (Alpha), GUI/HUD, Starmade
lancake changed the status of T85: Scan charged message repeating endlessly from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Jun 10 2017, 3:48 PM · Quality Assurance, Game Development (Beta), CBS: Functional, Starmade
lancake changed the status of T1840: shopkeep can't be respawned from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Jun 10 2017, 3:48 PM · Crew, Starmade

Jun 9 2017

lancake changed the status of T1683: sell/buy prices affect purchase/sale orders and vice versa from Open to In Queue.
Jun 9 2017, 12:45 PM · QA-Return, Game Development, Tradenetwork, Starmade
lancake renamed T1683: sell/buy prices affect purchase/sale orders and vice versa from Shops: sell/buy prices affect buy/sell orders and vice versa to sell/buy prices affect purchase/sale orders and vice versa.
Jun 9 2017, 12:45 PM · QA-Return, Game Development, Tradenetwork, Starmade
lancake moved T1683: sell/buy prices affect purchase/sale orders and vice versa from Feedback to Confirmed on the Issue Navigation board.

I see. Main issue is then that the "Set price to Buy" and "Set price to Sell" for the shop owner (only the shop owner gets this anyway), should be switched around when it comes to function.
We might as well give them the exact same name as in the Trade Order one

Jun 9 2017, 12:44 PM · QA-Return, Game Development, Tradenetwork, Starmade
lancake renamed T1728: Warheads not exploding after visiting "protected" sector from Warheads saving "Sector + protected" state to Warheads not exploding after visiting "protected" sector.
Jun 9 2017, 12:20 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
Restricted Application changed the status of T1728: Warheads not exploding after visiting "protected" sector from Feedback to Open.

Yeah, can reproduce fine now, probably messed up and forgot that '+ protected' isn't persistent between shutdowns.

Jun 9 2017, 12:18 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
lancake closed T1708: AI switch side or friendly fire focus as Rejected.

The last one could be related to the docking system. If a parent entity overheats, it removes the faction and that of all its docks unless those have their own faction module. Then it either got undocked by losing the rail block, or lost its parent when it despawned. The result is a turret/previously docked ship, turning neutral with AI still enabled.

Jun 9 2017, 12:09 PM · AI, Starmade
lancake merged T1709: Missiles targeting non-existent thing into T2392: lock missiles target incorrectly when fired at a non system target.
Jun 9 2017, 11:57 AM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
Restricted Application edited projects for T1709: Missiles targeting non-existent thing, added: CBS: Weapons; removed Customer responded, Issue Navigation.
Jun 9 2017, 11:57 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
Restricted Application changed the status of T1709: Missiles targeting non-existent thing from Feedback to Open.

Interesting details, missile targeting changed quite a bit but this could give us clues of what's happening in another issue. Merging them together.

Jun 9 2017, 11:57 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
lancake closed T1648: Deleting a ship from fleet roster while unloaded deletes the ship from the server. as Rejected.

No feedback, most likely a duplicate of the issue we had before where fleets don't load when they should. They did however re-appear after unloading/loading the sector.

Jun 9 2017, 11:55 AM · Fleets, Starmade
lancake changed the status of T1168: Fleet orders not persistent after reboot. from In Queue to Resolved.

This should have been implemented recently.

Jun 9 2017, 11:52 AM · Game Development (Alpha), Fleets, Starmade

Jun 8 2017

lancake edited Steps to reproduce on T1819: Tooltip doesn't update for single stack items <-> multi slot | meta-item interaction .
Jun 8 2017, 6:59 PM · Game Development (Alpha), GUI/HUD, Starmade
lancake merged T1614: fix key binding recognition into T1534: Tab+F8 opens the tutorial menu.
Jun 8 2017, 1:57 PM · Starmade
lancake merged task T1614: fix key binding recognition into T1534: Tab+F8 opens the tutorial menu.
Jun 8 2017, 1:57 PM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
lancake closed T1614: fix key binding recognition as Rejected.

Still happens, but since the debug button was moved to F1 and F1 + F8 works just fine, it's really not a concern.

Jun 8 2017, 1:57 PM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
lancake closed T1614: fix key binding recognition, a subtask of T1534: Tab+F8 opens the tutorial menu, as Rejected.
Jun 8 2017, 1:57 PM · Starmade
lancake closed T1608: (Mac) Game becomes unresponsive in background as Rejected.
Jun 8 2017, 10:55 AM · Starmade
Restricted Application edited projects for T1579: Text Rendering Issues, added: Translations; removed Customer responded, Issue Navigation.
Jun 8 2017, 10:52 AM · Translations, Starmade
lancake merged T1579: Text Rendering Issues into T2338: No UI scaling at higher resolutions or different DPI values.
Jun 8 2017, 10:52 AM · Game Development (Alpha), GUI/HUD, Starmade
lancake edited Tester information (Internal use only) on T2338: No UI scaling at higher resolutions or different DPI values.
Jun 8 2017, 10:52 AM · Game Development (Alpha), GUI/HUD, Starmade
Restricted Application changed the status of T1579: Text Rendering Issues from Feedback to Open.

Merging this issue into another one.

Jun 8 2017, 10:51 AM · Translations, Starmade
lancake closed T1533: Undocking of entities upon loading sector as Rejected.

Possibly related to the "swiss cheese" issue where some chunks would not load, or not load immediately. Anything having a rail in those chunks would then not be able to dock.
This was addressed before so most likely also fixed any issue that caused this one.

Jun 8 2017, 10:49 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
lancake moved T1529: Server hangs on faction updates from Feedback to Confirmed on the Issue Navigation board.
Jun 8 2017, 10:40 AM · Engine (General), Starmade
lancake moved T2392: lock missiles target incorrectly when fired at a non system target from Feedback to Confirmed on the Issue Navigation board.
Jun 8 2017, 10:27 AM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
lancake closed T1457: Server Crash plus Alt Tab causes non-existent menu cursor as Rejected.

No logs and no clue what would have caused it.

Jun 8 2017, 10:15 AM · Starmade
lancake triaged T1354: Steam Hours Bug as Trivial priority.
Jun 8 2017, 10:13 AM · Starmade
lancake closed T1354: Steam Hours Bug as Rejected.

New launcher didn't work properly with it back then, now it should.

Jun 8 2017, 10:13 AM · Starmade
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.19624 to 0.199.535 on T1272: Massive point-damage is applied to armour HP incorrectly.
Jun 8 2017, 10:00 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
lancake closed T1272: Massive point-damage is applied to armour HP incorrectly as Rejected.

Was changed a few months ago, now the max removed AHP per block is capped to a multiplication of itself. Forgot the value but it's something along the lines of 3-5 times of the AHP it adds itself.
Could be temporary only though...

Jun 8 2017, 10:00 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
lancake closed T1278: Transporter names, wireless logic and other data sometimes reset as Rejected.

This one has been gathering dust for a while now...Along the way a few things changed possibly related to this issue.
Most likely at least a part of it still happens, but we need new logs/new information around it.

Jun 8 2017, 9:52 AM · CBS: Functional, Starmade
Restricted Application edited projects for T1275: Cross Entity Pull is not working, added: CBS: Functional; removed CBS: Rails.
Jun 8 2017, 9:42 AM · CBS: Functional, Starmade
lancake closed T1275: Cross Entity Pull is not working as Rejected.

Seems to be working fine now, probably fixed along the way since I remember doing something (or poking someone) about it. Works fine for multiple languages, both in SP and MP.

Jun 8 2017, 9:42 AM · CBS: Functional, Starmade
lancake renamed T1171: Damage beam ticks don't deal both planet core and block damage at the same time from Damage beams incorrectly passing through planet Cores and deal no damage to it to Damage beam ticks don't deal both planet core and block damage at the same time.
Jun 8 2017, 9:28 AM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
Restricted Application changed the status of T1171: Damage beam ticks don't deal both planet core and block damage at the same time from Feedback to Open.

Well I can reproduce some of it, but doesn't sound as severe as you describe it.
Basically anything from a single tick can only apply either planet core damage, or block damage.

Jun 8 2017, 9:24 AM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
Restricted Application changed the status of T1275: Cross Entity Pull is not working from Feedback to Open.
Jun 8 2017, 9:12 AM · CBS: Functional, Starmade
lancake closed T1230: Cannons and Other Weapons Stop Doing Damage to Detached Entities as Rejected.

Some weapon related exceptions can cause something similar like this to happen. Without steps to reproduce or logs, this task isn't going anywhere.
Rejecting, too old and no feedback.

Jun 8 2017, 9:12 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
lancake renamed T1419: Undocking a ship on takeoff rails causes my ship to accelerate to infinite from Undocking a ship on takeoff rails causes mt ship to acclerate to infinite to Undocking a ship on takeoff rails causes my ship to accelerate to infinite.
Jun 8 2017, 12:34 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
lancake merged T1419: Undocking a ship on takeoff rails causes my ship to accelerate to infinite into T1422: NaN illegal comparison with shootout rail.
Jun 8 2017, 12:34 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
Restricted Application edited projects for T1419: Undocking a ship on takeoff rails causes my ship to accelerate to infinite, added: CBS: Rails; removed Customer responded, Issue Navigation.
Jun 8 2017, 12:34 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
Restricted Application changed the status of T1419: Undocking a ship on takeoff rails causes my ship to accelerate to infinite from Feedback to Open.

Should have been caused by a NaN exception upon undocking. Shootout rails pointing towards each other and including pick up rails close by would have triggered that.
That's fixed, or at least most cases are fixed...any remaining issue will be handled in another task. Merging them together now

Jun 8 2017, 12:33 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
lancake closed T1123: Undocking from another ship causes your ship to "disappear" and the world to flicker. as Rejected.

This bug would have been caused by a Not a Number exception, something that probably can still happen with shoot out rails, although that's a different task.
Rejecting as there wasn't any new feedback or clues on this, assuming it doesn't happen anymore (for normal docks).

Jun 8 2017, 12:28 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
lancake closed T1059: Ship roll / rotate alone when build mode as Rejected.

What you describe here is a feature:

Jun 8 2017, 12:21 AM · Engine, Starmade

Jun 7 2017

lancake changed the status of T1395: Salvage cannons salvage from random beams. from Feedback to In Queue.

Same as before.

Jun 7 2017, 9:31 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Functional, Starmade
lancake merged T2416: Rail to Storage Disconnection into T2391: Rail + Storage disconnecting.
Jun 7 2017, 7:48 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
Restricted Application edited projects for T2416: Rail to Storage Disconnection, added: CBS: Rails; removed Issue Navigation.
Jun 7 2017, 7:48 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
lancake raised the priority of T2416: Rail to Storage Disconnection from Normal to High.
Jun 7 2017, 7:48 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
lancake raised the priority of T2391: Rail + Storage disconnecting from Normal to High.
Jun 7 2017, 7:48 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
lancake claimed T2416: Rail to Storage Disconnection.

Thank you for the report though we already have one, merging tasks together.
There's more information if needed in the merged task, it will be fixed for the next public version.

Jun 7 2017, 7:47 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
lancake renamed T2419: Ethereal Entity / Ghost Ship from Ethereal Entity / Ghost Ship - Unknown cause to Ethereal Entity / Ghost Ship.
Jun 7 2017, 7:45 PM · Engine (General), Game Development, Starmade
lancake changed Category from issuecategory:none to issuecategory:engine on T2419: Ethereal Entity / Ghost Ship.
Jun 7 2017, 7:44 PM · Engine (General), Game Development, Starmade
lancake added a comment to T2419: Ethereal Entity / Ghost Ship.

T1870 could perhaps be related although sounds like a completely different cause.

Jun 7 2017, 7:43 PM · Engine (General), Game Development, Starmade
lancake claimed T2419: Ethereal Entity / Ghost Ship.

Putting in queue but not sure if it contains enough info to be fixed. Another entity had it too so will include info if needed.

Jun 7 2017, 7:41 PM · Engine (General), Game Development, Starmade