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Mar 16 2017
Mar 16 2017
AndyP moved T1834: TAB+ 1 or 2 skew some textures (permanently) from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the Engine (General) board.
AndyP moved T2140: Display Module 50fps to 8fps from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the Engine (General) board.
AndyP renamed T227: Collision Damage: non physical blocks (rod lights, flowers,...) don't receive damage. from Collision Damage: non physical blocks (rod lights, flowers,...) don't receive damage.
to Collision Damage: non physical blocks (rod lights, flowers,...) don't receive damage..
AndyP edited projects for T259: Collision Damage: Plexdoor Exploit when protected vs unprotected entity, added: Engine (General); removed Engine.
AndyP renamed T264: Planet segment rotated / falling through to the planet core after respawn from Planet segment rotated / falling through to the planet core after respawn
to Planet segment rotated / falling through to the planet core after respawn.
Restricted Application edited projects for T301: SerializationException on default pirate station: Ship[Turret], added: Prefabs; removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T710: cargo space and area trigger display issues, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
Restricted Application edited projects for T390: power failure keeps ship in power failure including power inheritance, added: CBS: Systems; removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T453: shops have owners after spawning from blueprint, added: Engine (Data); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T661: Faction block's rename function not working on asteroids, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
Restricted Application edited projects for T676: When in windowed mode and not at max resolution, clicking the maximize button on the Starmade game window does not maximize the first time it is pressed, added: GUI/HUD; removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T717: Game requests ship reboot after ship core is deleted in build mode, added: Engine (General); removed Engine.
Restricted Application edited projects for T757: Cannot delete single blueprint from a faction/difficulty combination in the Wave AI manager, added: GUI/HUD; removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T957: Placement of player after exiting ship core is unexpected under specific circumstances, added: Engine (General); removed Engine.
Restricted Application edited projects for T302: space spiders do not spawn on custom neutral stations, added: Prefabs; removed Engine.
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.198.131 to 0.199.484 on T1468: Typos/Inconsistencies in menu: Uplink to STARNMADE Registry / controls -> moUse.
lancake changed the status of T1468: Typos/Inconsistencies in menu: Uplink to STARNMADE Registry / controls -> moUse from Resolved to In Queue.
Restricted Application removed a project from T1402: Camera orientation when placed on bottom of a ship, face down: Game Development.
lancake set First occurrence (version) to 0.19403 on T550: beam weapon not causing warhead to explode.
lancake moved T2242: Beams Damaging Armor HP beyond block limits, and not destroying blocks from Feedback to Open / Validated on the Issue Navigation board.
Yeah, better to upload those to be sure although I should be able to reproduce with this sector crossing part.
Was improved/resolved during the dev builds.
AndyP edited projects for T758: Chunks don't get initialized properly (non physical parts), added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T776: planet atmosphere can't be disabled, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T864: Unable to place blocks ON slabs, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T875: transparency issue with blocks next to slabs, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
Restricted Application edited projects for T1163: Star / Sun does no damage to astronaut after leaving ship inside a star, added: Universe; removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T300: storage filter and factory production does not copy/paste or undo/redo, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T306: Skybox - customized png for hires background in game gets shown different then the original png, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T925: More transparency issues, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
Restricted Application edited projects for T1271: Ship rotation potential depends on core position and not center of mass, added: Engine; removed Physics.
Restricted Application edited projects for T1271: Ship rotation potential depends on core position and not center of mass, added: Physics; removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1356: Helmet removed automatically when switching to cargo or creative mode, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1031: ship core spam protection triggers even if the ship core doesn't spawn, added: Engine (General); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1133: Transparent and invisible blocks produce shadows, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T2226: Chunk16 to chunk32 converter slices ship into sections, added: Engine (Data); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T863: Destroying a slab will give you full size debris, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T966: Lighten mode does not work on transparent blocks, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1033: Abilty to rotate blocks that should be unrotatable, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine (General).
Restricted Application removed a project from T1408: Advanced Build Mode mirrors will cause Orientation changes of blocks: Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T1444: Lights from blocks emit the wrong color, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1466: Does not correctly detect frame buffer capabilities, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1469: Non-descriptive Process Name on MacOS, added: Engine (General); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1471: After switching textures in game, cannot switch back to previous in same session, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1489: Shield don't render at all on invisible blocks, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1505: Show leaderboard key = null pointer, added: Engine (Crashes); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1513: Transparent Blocks in Shipyard Design missing Holo effect or not rendered, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1532: Lighting bleeds through solid slab surfaces., added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1656: Transparent blocks lose texture when console/light bar placed above it., added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1639: Nullpointer - exit to main menu with weird logfile, added: Engine (Crashes); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1846: Space Dust Camera-Relative, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1889: Rotate cargo space blocks, break rendering in current chunk and sometimes in surrounding chunks , added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T2178: Lighting blocks adjacent to wedges illuminate only one side, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T319: bloom only works for one star in binary systems, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1716: "Additional Stars" only show in spawn galaxy, added: Engine (Rendering); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T837: Gravity sometimes neutralizes when stepping on non-cubes., added: Engine (General); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1669: Leaving to main menu instead of desktop causing issues, added: Engine (General); removed Engine.
Restricted Application edited projects for T1686: Shop can only accept one incoming connection, added: Tradenetwork; removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1935: Pixelated small block preview in adv. Build mode view, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
Smoke awarded T1077: PROJECTILES_ADDITIVE_VELOCITY = true does not have any effect a Like token.
Mar 15 2017
Mar 15 2017
AndyP edited projects for T460: Spawning via blueprint item spawns it with your current ship alignment, added: Engine (Data); removed Engine.
Restricted Application edited projects for T550: beam weapon not causing warhead to explode, added: CBS: Weapons; removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T645: can't remove blocks behind non cubic blocks, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T936: Setting a Slab in ADV build mode saves the block state into Astronaut mode, even for different structures, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1004: New stations turn into red hull blocks., added: Engine (Data); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1046: create docking doesn't create rail docker when going in an uninitialized chunk, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1257: build mode undo/redo is incomplete, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1318: Spawning ships with same names as formerly existing one may lack docked entities, added: Engine (General); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1350: Thrust config not saved in Blueprint, added: Engine (Data); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1362: Jump distance not consistent (with changed sector size), added: Engine (Configuration); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1405: Shipyard modules are mirrored incorrectly, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1465: Projectiles cause a NullPointerException and beams are invisible, added: Engine (Crashes); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1553: Error handling for version mismatch and missing uplink insufficient, added: Engine (Configuration); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1653: You can build into the core of a planet., added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1696: /sector_chmod x y z + peace resets at every server restart, added: Engine (Commands); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1859: When in buildmode and looking inside a ship you can see the face of the blocks, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1980: Cargo spaces can be reused by multiple storages, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T2267: Server Shut Down for no apparent reason, added: Engine (Crashes); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1759: MISSILE_DEFENSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE = false or true without effect, added: Engine (Configuration); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1769: mirror orientation of mushroom, grate corner, light bar corner incorrect (LoD), added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1776: converted blueprints have undocked entities as response fleet, added: Engine (Data); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1803: Game consumes all memory, and maintains this across multiple sessions, added: Engine (General); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1882: Rubber-banding when Admin-teleporting entities, added: Engine (Commands); removed Engine.
AndyP edited projects for T1999: removing display doesn't delete meta data completely, added: Engine (Building); removed Engine.
Restricted Application edited projects for T2121: ship core falls into planet, added: Physics; removed Engine.