While not being active the game nullpointered in windowed mode
(typing in second monitor browser window)
when clicking back into game window it was inresponsiv and shortly after dropped back to the main window with a nullpointer warning.
log contains vast amount of :
[2016-06-29 21:17:59] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-06-29 21:17:59] at obfuscated.aEk.a(SourceFile:127) [2016-06-29 21:17:59] at obfuscated.P.a(SourceFile:173) [2016-06-29 21:17:59] at obfuscated.MZ.a(SourceFile:152) [2016-06-29 21:17:59] at obfuscated.avl.b(SourceFile:623) [2016-06-29 21:17:59] at obfuscated.P.e(SourceFile:908) [2016-06-29 21:17:59] at org.schema.game.common.Starter.startMainMenu(SourceFile:1148) [2016-06-29 21:17:59] at org.schema.game.common.Starter.main(SourceFile:941)
followed by this to the end of the log file
[2016-06-29 21:17:59] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-06-29 21:17:59] [GLFRAME] THROWN: class java.lang.NullPointerException Now Printing StackTrace [2016-06-29 21:17:59] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-06-29 21:17:59] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-06-29 21:17:59] [GLFRAME] THROWN: class java.lang.NullPointerException Now Printing StackTrace [2016-06-29 21:17:59] java.lang.NullPointerException
Full log