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Mar 29 2017
Mar 29 2017
AndyP moved T2130: NPC Fleet ships un-salvageable when overheated. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2131: launcher sub-window can be stacked from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2133: AI can't use cannon/beam weapon due to wrong prediction from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2134: Sym. Planes/Remove&Replace/Mirror Cubes don't respect each other from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2135: BlockConfigImport.xml not importing new Recipes from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2144: switching from Build Mode to Flight mode rotates ship from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2146: Game crashes when holding Ctrl (for Rotation Mode) with Blue Decorative Console selected from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2153: Bloom renders stars as blury transparent dots from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2155: Fails to launch on Arch Linux 64bit from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2156: Disappearing Dockings for Fleet Controlled Ship from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2158: Sector Exports fail to carry over designs from blueprints from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2161: Crash on loading into server (Linux) from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2162: Slabs' touching sides will not render if one slab is opaque and the other is transparent. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2167: overheat despawn causes ghost docked entities from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2171: On rotation of template copy rail blocks rotation and some logic states are lost. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2172: Templates don't save display modules hidden text value to be passed to another screen from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2175: beam weapons lose damage across sector borders from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2177: Ship not moving along pickup rail from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2182: Invalid config tags for DumbMissile from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T684: Shop permission resets to All possibly when server restarts from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2191: docking ports rotated on latest dev builds from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2205: Bizzare Behavior with Storage and Cargo Space Blocks from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T1004: New stations turn into red hull blocks. from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2207: Nocx, maccet Asteroids not providing Maccet from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T1553: Error handling for version mismatch and missing uplink insufficient from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T1664: Loading sector causes mass timeouts with colliding asteroids from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2208: light bars dont mirror on symmetry mode from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T2044: "/despawn" of fleet entities fails from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T2101: Rail detection with rotators and set rotation broken from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T2118: Add dimensional limits to game config from Planned Feature to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T2278: Cannot Dock Here from Issue affecting current dev-build to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T2291: Autofill "Ingame Player Name" from launcher from Planned Feature to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2210: Game client crash everytime copy&paste blocks from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2213: NullPointerException: model lightBarLOD not found from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2219: Missile Computer Not indexed by Right/Left key mode from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2224: Game crashes when i place block from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2233: Trying To Remove Link From Shop With V Causes Crash from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2235: Placing unintended blocks while resizing the info window. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2236: Copying Large Areas Causes EOF Exception. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2237: Advanced build mode, block orientation viewport lighting issue. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2253: Display block data lost when being spawned in from blueprint from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2257: Blocks gone when respawning a blueprint from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2262: Unclear disconnect error when unlinked & server requires uplink from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T2266: Camera view doesn't comform with orientation. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T515: Capslock (or something else) causes cursor to be lost while in GUI interfaces from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T1381: After using The 'Edit Design" Player ends up by the holographic core. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T41: Shield/Power Supply Beams do not hit docked ships/turrets from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T124: Station alignment is different from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T169: Turning speed on rails when manually controlling an entity docked from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T287: Pirates move to max weapon range. from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T345: push, pull, stop effects damages astronauts from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T380: AI won't use damage pulse or push pulse from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T584: Adaptive message appears over Remove/replace button in ADV build mode from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T662: Build Inhibitor icon does not reflect Enabled status from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T672: response fleets do not spawn for custom trade stations from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T1995: /import_sector fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
AndyP moved T898: Lighting treats Slabs as Full Blocks from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T2004: Attempting to access Online Play without a Internet connection causes crash from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T2226: Chunk16 to chunk32 converter slices ship into sections from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T2252: Registry has a maximum password length of 128 characters from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T2270: Server deadlocked, unknown cause from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Restricted Application removed a project from T2273: Adjust the starter equipment for the new way shapes work: Waiting on Author.
lancake moved T2289: Make Bobby AI Activation logic controllable from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T428: Feature QA: Stay attached to ship while being logged out from Planned Feature to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T36: Too long names causes database issues from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T25: linking system memory leak from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T91: beams have trouble hitting ships at extreme ranges from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T154: Linking a computer to itself removes it previous link from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T252: Startup crash with custom Windows theme from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T292: using shield supply changes status to under fire from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T317: Dedicated server GUI maxes 1 CPU core from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T325: Asteroids can spawn in solid entities (stations) from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T524: Weapons able to ignore line of sight if lag is involved from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Restricted Application removed a project from T578: shipyard testing sector gravity and relational distance on return to normal space: Waiting on Author.
lancake moved T400: Warpgate faction permission issue from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Restricted Application removed a project from T777: turret parts can clip through certain entities: Waiting on Author.
lancake moved T836: Jump Inhibitors on station turn off when sector is unloaded from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T926: Cargo mass does not update correctly after over capacity bleeding from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
lancake moved T1809: First news title cut off if it's too long from Issue affecting current dev-build to Archived on the Starmade board.