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- User Since
- Jan 6 2016, 7:07 PM (481 w, 5 d)
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- Available
Oct 4 2017
Oct 3 2017
This bug is fixed. None of this module are impacted now.
The crazy switching windows didn't seem occures anymore (SMS v0.30.7)
It's seems to be partially solved for some blocks, like pink lights
This one looks partially solved (I tested with trigger area block and white crystal only).
I had reinstalled SM this ticket is obsolete now I guess. No more problem so far. We can close it I guess.
Jan 8 2017
Not resolved for everything. The logic blocks seems impacted since the new textures update. The side face are rotated 90°.
Jan 6 2017
I don't know how you planned it but maybe it would be good at the same time to permit to parameter different limitations according the entities: stations and vessels.
This would allow the owners of servers (especially RP) to make different limitations for both types of entities and thus impose a ratio.
Jan 5 2017
A thing that can relief your computer if you play solo mode or your own custom server is to reduce the planet size in the file "server.cfg".
Jan 2 2017
Nice theory, but I hardly doubt it that. First cause I my keyboard have 4-5 years old at max. But mostly like Napther mentionned it the binding seems to follow the "Player Board" button.
Jan 1 2017
This one got resurrected hardly with the new update: v. 0.199.357
Dec 29 2016
Dec 28 2016
Dec 27 2016
SM v0.199.353
Add the Mouse 3 button (wheel button) that ain't recognized neither. A bit annoying since it could be a great alternative to call the wheel menu instead of TAB.
Dec 26 2016
Add that (pretty annoying) one too, concerning the option menu of the lobby.
Dec 25 2016
Maybe T1795: Windowed mode: resolutions and menu issues after resize to merge here also then.
Launcher v2.1.1 installed (build 3256b71)
Button, text & toolbar (at least for the blueprint example, where the main problem were the unability to read what we are writing)
Dec 24 2016
I also use thruster blocks as decoration block, mainly in order to do some eyes or tentacles to my alien ships ; and I hope I could still use them in their "passive" state like that.
Sep 8 2016
I'll try to test that further this week-end and I'll keep you tune.
Sep 4 2016
Sep 3 2016
Aug 9 2016
It's happen also with different entities weapon systems too.
Aug 7 2016
Aug 3 2016
typo in log.txt
Jul 30 2016
Oops my bad. You're right, I put the faction module but didn't faction signed the entity. So it was neutral entity.
Now when it's factionned properly there no more problems of interference in "false" ; logic cannon & missile can be settle closely and shooting without interferes each other.
Jul 29 2016
Oups sorry, you'd right. It must happened when I took a setting.cfg from previous version as back-up.
Jul 28 2016
@lancake Ok, so should I open a new one ? Because it's may not the same cause but it's the same result. SHP ==> power & trust outage ==> uncontrolable spin.
I request a re-open
It happened again. So I have more details this time.
Jul 27 2016
During an another drones test it happened again.
Jul 23 2016
I never got an internet interruption during update with the new launcher. Might worth the try to see how react the launcher/files.
Jul 19 2016
Have to confirm this but it's either missile-pulse or missile-beam but not heat-seeker (it would be slower then).
But we can also see they shoot their pulse damage too and that is impossible without define a target as hostile.
I didn't shot personally. It was simulated fight between several pirate drones versus trade guild drones.
The only thing I can assume is :
- it wasn't station for sure but ship or remain of docked unit
- I have saw that only once in my other test serv (so it already happened in a version pre-0.197.36 too)
Jul 18 2016
Found back also the previous task where it was reported : T1539: Block lighting normalization issues
Jul 17 2016
It's happen to me with 100% chance each time I use the starter.exe (old launcher) for launch "dedicated server" and then open another starter.exe for launching the game. While in game all my settings and keyboard shortcut are reset. So it's both settings.cfg and keyboard.cfg which are impacted. I'll bring the log next time I'll launch my private MP.
Jul 8 2016
Fungal Growth should be named "Fungal Growths" since there are several shrooms.
Power supply details menu :
Jul 4 2016
Ok thanks for the tip, didn't it was possible.
Jul 2 2016
v 0.198.223#20160627_191803
Jun 29 2016
Jun 23 2016
v0.198.222 confirm fix aswell
Jun 22 2016
Sorry got some problems with my computers wasn't able to answer earlier.
Jun 16 2016
Last tested version: 0.198.158. Still happen.
Jun 14 2016
To make it right I downloaded a new starter.exe from there (Windows's one, launcher version 16).
Fresh new install last version to C:\Starmade Test (version = 0.198.149)
Start starter.exe ==> Dedicated Server
Start starter.exe ==> Launch Game
Play Online (enter localhost:4242 + username)
Start ingame and play few seconds only.
Then close game and close server.
Jun 13 2016
Jun 12 2016
@lancake Why close this one ? I think @SmilingDemon's advocated solution would be a good improvement, since that bug was already reported by 3 differents people at least.
This 2 logs in the description of T1542 were the 2 only one of the whole game session (
, )Unfortunately I didn't kept the serverlogs (but I can 99.99% assume they were normal since I checked them and didn't saw any usefull infos inside, just launch and close server process description); nor the threaddumps cause they look each time the same (don't know really what it describe, can't assume anything about that 2 ones cause I don't understand a shit from them :P ).
Jun 10 2016
I found that really strange in log.txt.0
Jun 8 2016
v 0.198.147
Jun 7 2016
T1134 - Ghosts blocks preventing me from deleting a ship and distorts its parameters and characteristics
Hey, about the 3rd mistery method, it should be hide somewhere there :
I have noticed that too on the transparent block. In fact these faces don't reflect any light sources (including sun's light) that why they appear dark.
Jun 4 2016
Jun 2 2016
Ok but in this case why the generic [power] and [shield] instead of [Power] and [Shield] ?
Ok totally misunderstood the thing, Starmade's one: all restored.