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Apr 28 2017
Apr 27 2017
In T2140#99133, @John wrote:The bug is still here , we have arround 100 displays fill with text and when we add a new display with some text our fps drop to 8
The bug is still here , we have arround 100 displays fill with text and when we add a new display with some text our fps drop to 8
Tonight, Apr 26, checked some new displays I copy/pasted last night. They were displaying properly when I left, they now show (no data). This seems to be related to the 118 bug somehow as only copy/pasted displays are affected.
Apr 26 2017
To fix it properly, it will need a full rendering queue, to draw everything from "far away to close to the player" in exactly that order.
The engine relies on OpenGL to sort and organise the rendering order,
but it turns out that its not perfect without giving it an exact list for the rendering order.
So once we are feature complete, and know everything we want to render, we can rewrite that part on our own, and help OpenGL doing its job rendering the object we sent to it properly. =)
There's a lot more to this bug then "transparent blocks touching open doors have invisible faces" and it extends throughout the game to all sorts of symptoms of just some weird rendering order or some such.
still happens,
using amd r9 280x
We released a few improvements on them again,
may you examine the behaviour again?
Open for testing.
^ ship I used in testing
Did this happen again afterwards?
It could be some server-side rollback, and not really shipyard related.
Open for testing
Open for testing.