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- Aug 23 2015, 3:40 AM (495 w, 3 d)
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Jun 8 2018
Capping at 100% ratio doesnt allow for 100% conversion to a damage type. The numbers for primary, secondary and tertiary damage types (at 100% ratio) will thus be capped at 83%, 67% and 50% respectively.
Mar 19 2018
Actually the problem extends much further than OP realises. If you dock the mothership to a station using a pickup point the drones will attempt to dock in the vicinity of the pickup point on the station instead of the drone bay of the mothership even when the mothership is undocked and in an adjacent sector.
Mar 15 2018
The actual issue is that only activation modules trigger gravity modules.
If you set up a trigger area controller the activation module that you send its output to can trigger a gravity module with no issue.
Mar 3 2018
This one is a bit tricky. Having noticed similar, though not identical, instances of this issue (ship taking damage while shield is up) I have been unable to tie this to any specific reproducible scenario (and why I have been avoiding putting in a report for this until I at least found something I could point at, so far I have nothing except for one thing.... I have ONLY seen this on multiplayer).
At first I thought the issue was piercing effect as a weapon support but that didnt happen. Then I even tried pushing a reactor to well over 100% power usage and shooting that target and couldnt get it to happen. I even put over 100% stabilization on a ship (previously had found it on ships with less than 100%) and found that it did happen but couldnt identify the cause.
Feb 26 2018
Feb 20 2018
[ver 0.200.334] I am unable to reproduce in Singleplayer or Multiplayer. Saving with Save Blueprint and spawning using Admin Load both work fine for me. Even saving to local from multiplayer and uploading the blueprint from local work with no issues.
Feb 19 2018
Shipyards seem to do the following:
I couldn't replicate this in 0.200.334
Feb 13 2018
I've had this happen with turrets docked to entities not controlled by the player. If I'm in the ship the turrets are docked to I don't seem to have the issue.
Multiplayer server
Turret with slave and effect
Turret with multiple weapons computer setups
Turret docked to power V2 station
Jul 25 2017
Jul 1 2017
Apr 20 2017
2 could be a result of the core counting as 2m cube. In your example did you add 19 or 20 blocks to reach dimension of 21?
Mar 24 2017
I thought a fix for this already happened as shown by (current release build 0.199.472)
Mar 21 2017
Just to be clear, the current block count limit does not prevent you from making something larger than specified. It does exactly what it says it does which is disable systems on a ship not conforming to the set limit.
Feb 11 2017
Feb 10 2017
Well I know that it can turn on and off now. (100% since 0.199.349 and probably a few patches before).
Only problem I can reproduce is the immediate lock time for missiles managed by AI (where players would have to wait for the time). AI seems eminently capable of tracking targets with missiles. It is possible that what you observed is due to the target ships being too close and the missile not turning enough to hit them on the first pass.
What blocks were removed since the introduction of templates?
Same with designs in a shipyard.
Also relogging will set mass on nav of docked turrets and ships to 0.1. Unsure if this has any effect on the mass required to be enhanced by rail mass enhancers.
This has been around since probably the change from old rails to new rail system or shortly afterwards.
The bug is to do with slot 1 and ONLY slot 1 on hotbar 1.
The pilot will never see the effect of this only other players.
As far as I can tell it is pot luck wether damage is actually done by any weapons in slot 1 but it will trigger faction auto declare war when I last tested it. Having salvage beams in slot 1 could cause extreme and unintentional fps drops for other players since most players are not aware of the issue, even now.
Feb 9 2017
Not forcing updates for games on Steam is usually done by only having the launcher validated through Steam's update service. This would require all updates to the actual game to be done manually in the Starmade launcher after opening it.
Sep 11 2016
Worked with Tester to find the issue. Somehow a rail speed controller was linked to all the rails on my station for no reason (even though the rail speed controller had a high ratio set on it).
The doors now work as intended.
Originally when I noticed this problem I constructed a test rail door on the same entity (my space station) to see if it was caused by the change regarding collisions. This door did not work. Another player reported that their rail based moving entities (in this case an elevator) were working.
Sep 10 2016
I will be unable to do so because it is my station on MP with everything attached to it. (Everything is ALOT in this case and I'm not feeling good about if the game will crash while doing it)
Aug 30 2016
Another issue I have also noticed that it takes quite some time after exiting to main menu before memory is de-allocated from the StarMade process (if at all). Entering back into a world (the same MP server as I was just on in this case) has the previously "used" memory counted as "used" still and now new memory is being taken up reloading chunks in the world. As a consequence of this I usually have to restart the entire game to free up the memory or risk poor performance (in the form of repeated game freezes) when the StarMade process dumps the older memory when I near my max memory allocation amount.
Hopefully you can get something useful from my description.
Aug 24 2016
Aug 13 2016
With Windows 8.1 and the new AMD Radeon graphics drivers (Crimson) on my laptop which also has an integrated Intel HD family card the game gives me an exception relating to OpenGL when framebuffer is enabled. I had to remove all my AMD drivers and reinstall the last release of CCC to get it working again. Note that after 5-10 minutes in game without framebuffer enabled my draw-time for frames shoots up to 500ms.
May 30 2016
I actually C-aligned (as astronaut) and spawned in a station via blueprint that was at least 45 degrees off horizontal once. This only happened once though and I was never able to reproduce it. All subsequent station spawns while C-aligned were aligned perfectly.
The results when firing at different block types differ wildly. When hull/armour/power capacity blocks are hit almost no performance impact can be seen on SP or MP (Craftau server has much better hardware than my machine) while hitting power reactor (and to a lesser extent shield capacity) blocks causes the performance issue on SP or MP.
May 23 2016
Losing mass through moving cargo away from a ship is also a way to produce this.
The only instance of invisible beams that I have been able to find is firing beams into a planet's atmosphere. The beams are visible on the outside of the atmosphere but when they are incident upon the outer edge they become invisible after that point. This was found using salvage beams and the beams still work in doing what they are supposed to.
Firing salvage beams inside a planet's atmosphere draws the entire beam.
May 22 2016
Procedure was to (right click) shoot target B with shooter A in the lower rear where the target's power reactors are. This results in low performance.
Repeating the procedure shooting the upper rear of the target (where shields etc are) the drop in performance is barely noticeable.
May 7 2016
This happens to me. I use the beta launcher. When I attempt to use the old launcher I get the error "multiple points" and it fails to work
Apr 29 2016
GIF showing the bug. Note that the inventory to the left is a storage from my station and is set as personal inventory, to the right is a storage on my ship docked to said station. Though this bug is reproducible if both inventories left and right are the same (storage) and are storage on a single entity.
Apr 28 2016
Apr 15 2016
Also an issue with the faction block texture in Pixel 64 (seems to be offset into some of the other textures)
Apr 13 2016
Yes, but the shipyard design was created directly from a blueprint bought through the catalog
Apr 12 2016
Works fine for me when creating a shipyard design from a blueprint with thrust changed on it and using the shipyard to build it. The only way I can think of for that to occur is for the state to be saved along with the blueprint in the first place.
Apr 11 2016
The specific case that I had was:
Apr 9 2016
Apr 8 2016
Apr 7 2016
The case that I mentioned had not managed to get to a stage where any other errors mentioned here could apply. In other cases I have seen the hanging at 80-90% but the design loads fully in the shipyard even when that happens in the computer for me.
Apr 6 2016
Managed to do this in Singleplayer when the server is under some load and I spam the UNDO button
Nope, bloom is disabled.
Apr 5 2016
Happened to me. In my case:
I have seen something similar happen under the following conditions
- You have a symmetry plane projected in build mode that is visible from the angle at which you are viewing the ship when you open the galaxy map - will show the symmetry plane(s) in the galaxy map
- You can see the ghost image of a block that build mode gives you and you then open the galaxy map - show the ghost block in the galaxy map
Line 11171 by my count
Apr 4 2016
Oct 27 2015
Is there some problem with having a textbox that is validated against system max RAM? I often set my RAM to values such as 5800MB, a value that is unlikely to be on the proposed slider.
Oct 13 2015
FYI reinstalled JDK 7 and JRE 7 confirming 64-bit on both.
Result: Issue still occurs
Sep 26 2015
Given that having JDK 8 and JRE 8 caused this RAM overuse issue, and given that I require the use of both JDK and JRE on my system I see no alternative to using JDK8 and JRE7. Also note that when I installed JDK8 (after a fresh Windows installation) I was not prompted to install any JRE and had to go find and get the JRE (apparently there was only JRE7 available at that time).
Sep 20 2015
Happened to me just now actually. Logged off last night from the server and logged back on to find my ship in the same place but undocked. AFAIK no server restart was carried out during this period and my ship/sector would probably have not been loaded again at all until this morning when I logged on the server.
Sep 18 2015
Sorry, forgot to mention my OS is latest build of Windows 8.1 64bit
jdk 1.8.0_40, but jre7 I also installed (64bit on both) as jre8 uses substantially more RAM while running Starmade (like over 3 times as much) apparently
Sep 17 2015
I think AndyP is saying that the screenshot is transparent background and not white (if white was mentioned before at all).
Sep 15 2015
AFAIK tradestations have never called in response fleets (nor had a message pop up indicating that they should, I had assumed this was intended along with the tradestations being invulnerable)
As for weapons that don't trigger the fleets on pirate stations I have tested:
-Beam: does not spawn
-Cannon: does not spawn
-Missile: does not spawn
Yes to both full screen and windowed to both in galaxy map and in normal space issues.
Sep 13 2015
For reference: Screenshot of a pitch-black background sector with F5
and printscreen to compare
Settings as posted above, not an anti-aliasing issue as this has occured previously when aa is off.
Sep 12 2015
Request that someone else who has this problem also test taking a screenshot in a sector that has a pitch-black background (procedural background should be ON for this) and posting the results here. If the background in the screenshot is also white/transparent perhaps the issue would then be related to the pitch-black background?
Sep 10 2015
Again after removing settings.cfg
Sep 8 2015
Screenshot I just took using F5
My video card is AMD Radeon R7 M260 and I have AA set to 2x.
My question is if players with different card manufacturers have this issue then how can it be due to the actual gpu itself?
Sep 6 2015
On the ship: Rail docker block is placed such that the face that will be mated with its counterpart while docked is on the front of the ship. The block is rotated such that the arrows on that face of the block are pointing "up". Only blocks around this are the black standard armour that it is placed on, although there us a camera within 10 blocks.
Sep 3 2015
I've had no major problems with power supply beams used in this manner and the ship I had it on was on a much larger scale. Just don't try and delete all the docks at the same time.
Just realised that my test earlier is invalid, as I had rotated the rail docker previously to another orientation.
The correct orientation is (one that it occurred on): docking face forwards in the Z axis, arrows pointing up along the Y axis. The dock is the same (of course opposite Z dir.
Sep 1 2015
Works fine astro to ship, ship to ship is buggy, not tried station to station or astro to station
The 'tab' part of that key combination has no effect, pressing Y is intended to reboot stations and repair the armour at the same time.
Just tested both rail basic and turret axis with the ship in question and the station in question. I was not able to reproduce this issue in the 5 minutes I spent. Although the fact that it happened over two versions and two different ships on the same station is interesting.
Aug 31 2015
It is possible that the amount of missiles you are firing is indeed causing some not to render visually. Indeed the same thing happens to me on SP except in that case since you are it in terms of being the server the extra missiles don't seem to actually apply damage/exist. You can of course change the amount of missiles that are rendered in the graphics settings.
Scrolling on blueprints UI element (for example) while galactic map is open zooms on the galactic map.
- Press P
- Press U
- Scroll with mousewheel
- Be sad :(
Docking ship to a station, undocking into an area that is within the station's bounding box.
Aug 30 2015
Aug 29 2015
Possibly related:
Some players reporting that upon entering a specific sector their ship is given an 8000 day reboot timer (I think that's the number?). Unsure if issue can be fixed on server restart. Issue affects multiple ships. Doubtful there is way to reproduce on your end but I though I would give you all the information I can.
Aug 27 2015
I didn't thoroughly test that part, just left it as is when I saw it happen. All I know is that before it left SP it was set to turret and missile and that is not how it arrived when I blueprinted it in.
I have retested
Steps to reproduce
-Set end of chain as follows "Turret, Missile, ON"
-Set middle of chain to "Ship, Missile, ON"
-Watch as the middle chain shoots pirate ships that don't even have missiles
Aug 26 2015
The issue is not that either of the turrets fail to shoot at missiles, but that the middle of the chain acts like it is using the "All" setting for targets. This results in the end of the chain firing at missiles, and the middle of the chain firing at ships FIRST in a combat situation.
Aug 25 2015
A problem which may be related occurs for me (and other players using significantly different hardware). Taking a screenshot near the edge of some systems (where the background appears pitch black) results in transparent backgrounds for those screenshots.
Graphics log file
Client Settings config
Aug 23 2015
The final test was with missiles, all previous tests were conducted using cannons and beams.
Setup I am using in case you are not sure what I mean.