Can you provide a sample blueprint for a station with this effect?
We would like to test and examine it for errors and possible problems.
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Jul 29 2017
Can you upload the logstarmade.0.log from the server-side from a broken startup?
There should be some error, that locks parts of the server.
Do the turrets or other docks that do not switch have permission modules beside the rails, rail docker or rail turret axis?
The does exempt them from any faction change propagation, to prevent takeover of docked neutral ships.
Jul 28 2017
happened again, game started crashing after update. Logged back in later and faction/credits/saved nav points are gone. I can fix faction, faction points, credits but nav points are toast.
Jul 27 2017
FYI my workaround which seesm to work almost everytime is clear cache when leaving game clear cahe on entering game get into small ship fly approx 24kms away wait a few mins approx 2 to 3 then fly back while highlighting my home base with my ships docked. It seems that my main weapons and turrets are now all linked and not showing 0 same as my jump drives. The only problem then is my small ship that i flew away in I have to manually re-link weapons and Jump drives or fly away in another small ship to get all the ships and stataion re-linked. Dont seem to experience the same problem with my warp gates but havent tested them since the update.
Duplicate, merging tasks.
Issue has been resolved in pre-build.
Should have been on resolved since first pre-build.
The SHP effect goes down the chain and it shouldn't. Most likely related with the momentum effect changes.
Already fixed in latest pre-build.
Jul 25 2017
I consider this more a bug report than a support ticket, will convert it and send it in the regular bug-workflow.
Jul 24 2017
This bug seems to specifically occur if there is a 1 block high space directly above or behind the core, but never seems to occur with 1 block spaces directly in front of or below the core (in my experience) could be that its only occuring if the space is on a negative axis.
Potentially related, recently noticed that the behaviour of AI is affected by the relative locations of the COM and the core with behaviour becomming less reliable the further apart these two are. Could be that with larger mining drones the distance between the COM and core is causing the issue. This also may be worth looking into as its own issue.
Dont know if this is relevant this morning I flew from my home base in my small ship to a sector that the Nav didint pick up the base then flew back and everything was linked before this my main weapons on my large ship had become unlinked
I would like to increase the detail of the connection problem.
Jul 23 2017
I have rebuilt all turrets in Shipyard and 5 of my ships but the problem returned I can logon and my main weapons are OK but the turret weapons are all un-linked. Log out clear cache and everything is reversed main weapons unlinked including Jump drives turrets OK log out clear cache multiple times and no change. A new issue occured that i now get bleed from the hot bar which I have never had before.
Jul 22 2017
Good find! Nothing to add.
Apparently something is going wrong with the outline shader.
A possible fix for any mac user is to replace the shadowcube.vsh file in your ./StarMade/data/shader/cube/quads13 folder with this one{F21188}
Duplicate, merging tasks.
We've been looking into that for several days now and have fixed it in our latest dev build, currently doing something extra testing to make sure nothing else is broken.
Yeah, with non cubic blocks it seems there are a few difference between the red box and which edge you're pointed at. It doesn't look like it's anything new though as I've seen it before countless times before.
-validated- & -confirmed-
Iancake, Herald is referring to the intel graphics glitch which is incompatible with frame-buffer. To fix the annoying blue shade turn framebuffer off off.
To be fair, I recently figured out that something about my computer's hardware is causing the JVM to freak out, giving me SigSegV's, memory leaks, and possibly other memory errors. So that's most of my problem. Just thought I would let you guys know that a good portion of my problems with your game are not your fault. (Modded Minecraft encounters the same memory problems. ?)