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Jul 22 2017, 6:56 PM


#IFDEF force130
#version 130
#version 120
#IFDEF force130
//no extension needed for using version 130
#ELSEIF shader4
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4: enable
attribute ivec4 ivert;
const float tiling = 0.0625;
const float tilingH = 0.03;
const float adi = 0.00485;
varying vec2 mainTexCoords;
varying float layer;
varying float extraAlphaVert;
uniform int animationTime;
uniform vec3 shift;
uniform vec3 normals[7];
uniform vec3 quadPosMark[6];
uniform float lodThreshold;
void main()
vec4 vPos;
#IMPORT data/shader/cube/quads13/cubeEncoding.glsl
float type = typeE;
vec2 texCoords;
layer = layerE;
float mVertNumQuarters = (vertNumCodeE) * 0.25;
float mTex = (extFlag) * 0.25;
type += animatedE * animationTime;
#IFDEF shader4
int typeI = int(type);
float xIndex = typeI & 15;
float yIndex = typeI >> 4; // / 16.0
float xIndex = mod(type, 16.0);
float yIndex = floor(type * 0.0625 ); // / 16.0
#IFDEF shader4
//8,8,8 = 8736
vec3 cubePos = vec3( float((int(vIndex) ) & 31),
float((int(vIndex) >> 5) & 31),
float((int(vIndex) >> 10) & 31));
//8,8,8 = 8736
float z = floor(vIndex / 1024.0);
vIndex -= z * 1024.0;
float y = floor(vIndex * 0.03125); //div by 32
vIndex -= y * 32.0;
float x = vIndex;
vec3 cubePos = vec3(x,y,z);
vec3 vertexPos = cubePos - 16.0;
#IFDEF shader4
vec2 quad = vec2(
float(int(mTex * 2.0) & 1),
float(int(mTex * 4.0) & 1)
//either 0,0; 0,1; 1,1; 1,0
vec2 quad = vec2(
mod(floor(mTex * (2.0)), 2.0),
mod(floor(mTex * (4.0)), 2.0)
//either 0,0; 0,1; 1,1; 1,0
float eleVertEdge = (eleEV*0.25);
#IFDEF shader4
vec3 mm = vec3(float(int(mVertNumQuarters * qpm.x) & 1),
float(int(mVertNumQuarters * qpm.y) & 1),
float(int(mVertNumQuarters * qpm.z) & 1));
vec3 mm = vec3(mod(floor(mVertNumQuarters * qpm.x), 2.0),
mod(floor(mVertNumQuarters * qpm.y), 2.0),
mod(floor(mVertNumQuarters * qpm.z), 2.0));
vec3 mExtra = vec3(
(((qpm.x == 4.0 && xyScaleManip > 0.5) || (qpm.x == 2.0 && xyScaleManip < 0.5)) ? eleVertEdge * (mm.x > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0) : 0.0),
(((qpm.y == 4.0 && xyScaleManip > 0.5) || (qpm.y == 2.0 && xyScaleManip < 0.5)) ? eleVertEdge * (mm.y > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0) : 0.0),
(((qpm.z == 4.0 && xyScaleManip > 0.5) || (qpm.z == 2.0 && xyScaleManip < 0.5)) ? eleVertEdge * (mm.z > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0) : 0.0));
vec3 P = vec3( ((((-0.5) - (abs(normalPos.x) * -0.5))) + mm.x - mExtra.x) ,
((((-0.5) - (abs(normalPos.y) * -0.5))) + mm.y - mExtra.y) ,
((((-0.5) - (abs(normalPos.z) * -0.5))) + mm.z - mExtra.z) );
vertexPos += P + ((normalPos * 0.5) - (eleE * normalPos * 0.25));
vertexPos += ((chunkPos - vec3(128.0)) + shift)*32.0;
vPos = gl_ModelViewMatrix * vec4(vertexPos,1.0);
float adiNorm = adi;// + maxadiplus * min(1.0, (max(0.0, length(vPos) - 60.0)*0.065));
vec2 adip = vec2(
((1.0 -((quad.x)*adiNorm)) + (abs(quad.x - 1.0)*adiNorm)),
((1.0 -((quad.y)*adiNorm)) + (abs(quad.y - 1.0)*adiNorm)));
texCoords = vec2(quad.x *tiling, quad.y *tiling );
vec2 vcord = vec2(texCoords); = vec2( texCoords.x + tiling * xIndex, texCoords.y + tiling * yIndex); += adip;
//handle the special transparent texture (dispaly in build mode)
if(onlyInBuildMode && animatedE < 0.001){
extraAlphaVert = -10.0;
extraAlphaVert = 0.0;
float ts = lodThreshold;
float smoother = ts * 0.125; //one eight of distance is smoothing
if(onlyInBuildMode && animatedE > 0.0 ){
float len = length(;
if(len < ts-smoother){
extraAlphaVert = -10.0;
}else if(len < ts){
float dist = (ts - length(;
extraAlphaVert = -dist/smoother;//-((ts)-length(vPos)) * 0.0625 ;
extraAlphaVert = 0.0;
gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * vPos;

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