Related, if not the same issue of another task. Merging tasks and info together. The reason why you're not encountering the problem again during that session is because all the blueprint info has been cached and can be re-used, or related to blueprint migration (although not sure about the latter).
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Jun 6 2017
Thanks for the update, closing task then.
Forwarding to developers.
This only happens for docking actions. It's fine if it just moves from one rail to another.
C - V rail detection doesn't work if you dock something to that rail, touching logic however will trigger just fine.
If this still happens for you, can you upload your logstarmade.0.log located in Starmade/logs right after you crash? Drag and drop the file into the phabricator's message box to upload it here.
Nullpointer you're mentioning is reported here T2388
For me it's set to the + numpad key, it's also like that in the code but perhaps your enter is recognized as that too.
Currently, there's a debug setting set to the + numpad key to open your settings menu. You get this result because this method isn't meant to be used at all outside of testing.
It has lost its purpose now so we can safely remove it (which will also fix this issue).
When trying to salvage those ships. Were you unable to harvest the blocks (the ones that got hit, did not disappear) or did you harvest the blocks but just not see them appear in your inventory or the chest that was linked to your salvager?
In case it's the first one, it would be a duplicate of T1143 (npc ships are AI/fleets).
Do you still get this in version 0.199.535? If so, are these logic blocks you can't see still there? As in, can you look at the empty spot and press R to activate them, or C to select them?
Really thought we had that reported somewhere but can't find it, nothing to add.
Will contact the server owner to see if this issue is still there and if so, to get some log files to help us out. Sounds like a corrupt faction.fac file although I don't think that should affect NPC factions, not sure.
See Tester information and Steps to reproduce for more info
A gl exception may make you crash, but it doesn't make sense that it would also delete your playerfile on the server (it's why your faction is gone, and why you spawn at 2 2 2).
If this happens again, can you upload your log files? They're located in Starmade/logs
We need all the logstarmade.x.log files you have, they should range from 0 to 20. Zip them up and drag + drop the file into the comment section of phabricator to upload it here.
StarNet doesn't support sql queries. If it does, it would also need to send the reply back to StarNet instead of showing the default "Admin command execution ended" one.
Factions.fac.corrupt is attached.
Jun 5 2017
In case this is still happening, please provided logs located in your starmade/logs folder. Drag and drop logstarmade.0.log in the comment box of this task to upload it to phabricator.
It leads to situations where the GUI doesn't always update properly, your missile computer may be recharging according to the menu. But if you truly didn't fire the missile, you can just fire again and it will work even if it's supposedly reloading.
Goes for anything you can use on the hotbar.
Merging with another related task, warp gates have the same issue.
Duplicate, merging tasks together.
This task is about the main entity not being affected by push/pull/stop weapons if they're hitting a docked entity instead. The momentum effect doesn't propagate downwards and instead applies on something that is docked, and therefore cannot get pushed/pulled or stopped.
Only happens for Cannon projectiles.
Also to add to this, when I used the "/save BuggedBlackRose" command to create a blueprint, it creates a blueprint that has 0 points in everything, but then has 60,496 points in defense. When clicking the "blocks" button to see what blocks are in the blueprint, it is blank.
Jun 4 2017
Sometimes, when a fleet finishes its mission, not all members cancel out their rotation/speed before it finishes. This results them in a combination of rapidly spinning and drifting.
That issue was first seen in the move orders were not all fleet members braked sufficiently before ending their mission and also in fleet formations where, after getting into position, they constantly kept spinning.
Duplicate, merging with older one.
Weird issue, trading is a movement order combined with a trading action but since the trading action can not be set with the fleet menu yet, nothing happens when it reaches the destination.
Just an annoying GUI issue, although it may result in some fleet commands breaking if they're not properly switched between states.
Just like T1729, this is a missing feature and will have to be added later just like fleet orders staying persistent was added a while ago.
Pretty sure we used to have this reported but can't find it. The ellipsoid generation has a different result for 1/2 of an octant, most likely because no mirroring is used and rounding could give you odd results otherwise.
Jun 3 2017
Jun 2 2017
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] GLFRAME processErrorDialogException()
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] java.lang.NullPointerException
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at obfuscated.aIy.e_(SourceFile:180)
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at obfuscated.Vz.a(SourceFile:304)
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at obfuscated.hA.e(SourceFile:1738)
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at obfuscated.hU.e_(SourceFile:402)
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at obfuscated.hv.e(SourceFile:566)
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at obfuscated.hv.b(SourceFile:742)
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at obfuscated.hv.e_(SourceFile:439)
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at obfuscated.aFN.g(SourceFile:546)
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at obfuscated.aFN.a(SourceFile:687)
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at obfuscated.aFT.b(SourceFile:703)
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at obfuscated.V.e(SourceFile:1110)
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at
[2017-06-02 21:51:30] at
Jun 1 2017
happens almost every time i use missiles on multiplayer servers
May 31 2017
May 30 2017
Some useful additional infos to the problem:
The "miss removes" consumes the amount of undo's.
For the record, this is not fixed. The shipyards at my homebase have been unusable for the past two days because of this. Replacing the shipyard computer and manually re-linking fixes it to a degree but reintroducing old designs breaks the shipyard.
Everytime when it happens, i ask me: did i hit no block or did i hit an other block? - very confusing.
It might be a nice feature to have, to set a max amount for a shop to be pulled.
What you describe is not a bug though, Max Stock only applies for trading, it's why you can only set it in the Set Prices tab. If your shop wasn't added to the network, or you did not have a price set through this method, you would not be able to set a max stock, making it rather useless if this also stopped the shop from pulling more since you would need to be forced to add the shop to a network and set prices for everything to use it.
May 29 2017
I can second that we are getting this problem on the Brierie server too. But we also have a problem with loading entities in shipyards (as detailed in T2408)
May 28 2017
I can say Ive experienced this