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May 26 2017

AndyP moved T2408: Shipyard only partially loading entities, then hanging from Backlog to Forwarded Request on the Support board.

This looks more like a bug-report than a support ticket.

May 26 2017, 11:27 AM · CBS: Shipyards, Starmade, Support
Restricted Application added projects to T2408: Shipyard only partially loading entities, then hanging: Issue Navigation, Starmade.
May 26 2017, 11:26 AM · CBS: Shipyards, Starmade, Support
AndyP edited Clientconfig (settings.cfg) on T2408: Shipyard only partially loading entities, then hanging.
May 26 2017, 11:25 AM · CBS: Shipyards, Starmade, Support
AndyP claimed T2408: Shipyard only partially loading entities, then hanging.
May 26 2017, 11:24 AM · CBS: Shipyards, Starmade, Support

May 5 2017

AndyP changed the status of T2385: 'Logic Bomb' detection is triggered by 'light switches' and door/forcefield activation by default from Open to Feedback.

Well, the defaults are:

May 5 2017, 9:22 PM · Logic, Starmade
AndyP edited Serverconfig (server.cfg) on T2385: 'Logic Bomb' detection is triggered by 'light switches' and door/forcefield activation by default.
May 5 2017, 9:20 PM · Logic, Starmade
AndyP claimed T2385: 'Logic Bomb' detection is triggered by 'light switches' and door/forcefield activation by default.
May 5 2017, 9:19 PM · Logic, Starmade
AndyP moved T2132: Select fire missile turrets use center of mass targeting system when firing on entities without SHP from Alpha to Beta on the CBS: Weapons board.
May 5 2017, 1:48 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2132: Select fire missile turrets use center of mass targeting system when firing on entities without SHP from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Weapons board.
May 5 2017, 1:48 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2132: Select fire missile turrets use center of mass targeting system when firing on entities without SHP from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
May 5 2017, 1:48 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP changed the status of T2132: Select fire missile turrets use center of mass targeting system when firing on entities without SHP from Open to In Queue.
May 5 2017, 1:48 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP renamed T2132: Select fire missile turrets use center of mass targeting system when firing on entities without SHP from Select fire missile turrets use the old missile targetting system when firing on planets to Select fire missile turrets use center of mass targeting system when firing on entities without SHP.
May 5 2017, 1:47 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP edited Tester information (Internal use only) on T2132: Select fire missile turrets use center of mass targeting system when firing on entities without SHP.
May 5 2017, 1:45 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP triaged T2132: Select fire missile turrets use center of mass targeting system when firing on entities without SHP as Normal priority.
May 5 2017, 1:41 PM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2124: Advanced Build mouse cursor does not show up when key reassigned to RControl from Unclassed to Issue affecting current release on the Starmade board.
May 5 2017, 12:44 PM · Accessibility, Controls, Starmade
AndyP moved T2124: Advanced Build mouse cursor does not show up when key reassigned to RControl from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the Accessibility board.
May 5 2017, 12:37 PM · Accessibility, Controls, Starmade
AndyP added a project to T2124: Advanced Build mouse cursor does not show up when key reassigned to RControl: Accessibility.
May 5 2017, 12:37 PM · Accessibility, Controls, Starmade
AndyP renamed T2124: Advanced Build mouse cursor does not show up when key reassigned to RControl from Advanced Build mouse cursor does not show up when key reassigned to Advanced Build mouse cursor does not show up when key reassigned to RControl.
May 5 2017, 12:36 PM · Accessibility, Controls, Starmade
AndyP raised the priority of T2202: Alt Gr combinations for characters don't register from Normal to High.

Has negative side effects on Display Module functionality.

May 5 2017, 12:35 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Accessibility, Controls, Starmade
AndyP moved T2124: Advanced Build mouse cursor does not show up when key reassigned to RControl from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the Controls board.
May 5 2017, 12:34 PM · Accessibility, Controls, Starmade
AndyP changed the status of T2124: Advanced Build mouse cursor does not show up when key reassigned to RControl from Open to In Queue.
May 5 2017, 12:33 PM · Accessibility, Controls, Starmade
AndyP claimed T2124: Advanced Build mouse cursor does not show up when key reassigned to RControl.
May 5 2017, 11:49 AM · Accessibility, Controls, Starmade
AndyP changed the status of T2126: StarNet not working from Open to Feedback.

Checked the behaviour and could not see a problem, possibly a slight oversight?

May 5 2017, 11:40 AM · Starmade
AndyP triaged T2126: StarNet not working as Normal priority.
May 5 2017, 11:38 AM · Starmade
AndyP claimed T2126: StarNet not working.
May 5 2017, 11:38 AM · Starmade
AndyP claimed T2132: Select fire missile turrets use center of mass targeting system when firing on entities without SHP.
May 5 2017, 11:24 AM · Game Development (Beta), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP changed the status of T2157: Game crash at start from Open to Feedback.

Looks like a broken blockconfig.

May 5 2017, 11:24 AM · Customer responded, Starmade, Issue Navigation
AndyP triaged T2157: Game crash at start as Normal priority.
May 5 2017, 11:23 AM · Customer responded, Starmade, Issue Navigation
AndyP claimed T2157: Game crash at start.
May 5 2017, 11:22 AM · Customer responded, Starmade, Issue Navigation
AndyP raised the priority of T149: Changes to faction rank permissions are not always saved from Low to High.

Single player always works for this.

May 5 2017, 11:04 AM · Quality Assurance, Game Development (Beta), Engine (General), Starmade
AndyP edited Clientconfig (settings.cfg) on T149: Changes to faction rank permissions are not always saved.
May 5 2017, 11:02 AM · Quality Assurance, Game Development (Beta), Engine (General), Starmade
AndyP added a comment to T2354: Turret will not attack enemy ships..

That is exactly the problem with it.
Seems to only attack active AIs but also seems to ignore factioned ships without relation.

May 5 2017, 9:00 AM · Game Development (Alpha), AI, Starmade, Support

May 4 2017

AndyP added a comment to T2369: Locked Rails on Ship Blueprint (and original ship).

Location to remove rail to fix movement:

May 4 2017, 10:08 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade

May 3 2017

AndyP moved T2297: Can't slave storage module to rail rotator to pull cargo from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Rails board.
May 3 2017, 10:05 PM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T2323: Rail or display connection not shown or desync after logic swap from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Rails board.
May 3 2017, 10:05 PM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T2354: Turret will not attack enemy ships. from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Rails board.
May 3 2017, 10:04 PM · Game Development (Alpha), AI, Starmade, Support
AndyP edited Steps to reproduce on T2354: Turret will not attack enemy ships..
May 3 2017, 10:04 PM · Game Development (Alpha), AI, Starmade, Support
AndyP changed the status of T2354: Turret will not attack enemy ships. from Open to In Queue.

Tried ingame, totally true and odd behaviour.

May 3 2017, 10:02 PM · Game Development (Alpha), AI, Starmade, Support
Restricted Application added projects to T2354: Turret will not attack enemy ships.: Issue Navigation, Starmade.
May 3 2017, 10:01 PM · Game Development (Alpha), AI, Starmade, Support

May 1 2017

AndyP moved T2375: MAX_CHAIN_DOCK in server.cfg not working from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the Engine (Configuration) board.
May 1 2017, 11:20 AM · Quality Assurance, Engine (Configuration), Starmade
AndyP edited projects for T2375: MAX_CHAIN_DOCK in server.cfg not working, added: Engine (Configuration); removed Engine.
May 1 2017, 11:20 AM · Quality Assurance, Engine (Configuration), Starmade
AndyP edited Steps to reproduce on T2375: MAX_CHAIN_DOCK in server.cfg not working.
May 1 2017, 11:19 AM · Quality Assurance, Engine (Configuration), Starmade
Restricted Application added a project to T2375: MAX_CHAIN_DOCK in server.cfg not working: Engine.
May 1 2017, 11:17 AM · Quality Assurance, Engine (Configuration), Starmade
AndyP added a comment to T834: Turrets. Random parts of turrets are disappearing off players stations and ships.

Fighting was about the issues long directory names can cause, if you go beyond sane limits.
Anyway, if the max chain docking setting does not work it would be a different report to look into.

May 1 2017, 8:56 AM · CBS: Rails, Quality Assurance, Starmade

Apr 30 2017

AndyP added a comment to T834: Turrets. Random parts of turrets are disappearing off players stations and ships.

I assume those entities are in a single long chain, right?

Apr 30 2017, 10:24 PM · CBS: Rails, Quality Assurance, Starmade

Apr 29 2017

AndyP closed T2058: Rail entities "Cut corners" as Closed.

Glad to hear that,
thank you for confirming it has already been fixed.

Apr 29 2017, 10:48 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade

Apr 28 2017

AndyP moved T2113: Displays on Trader Home Base all say "No data" from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the Prefabs board.
Apr 28 2017, 11:36 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Prefabs, Starmade
AndyP changed the status of T2113: Displays on Trader Home Base all say "No data" from Open to In Queue.


Apr 28 2017, 11:36 PM · Game Development (Alpha), Prefabs, Starmade
AndyP moved T1961: nullpointerException crash when selecting thruster radial menu from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:40 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T1024: Damage Beam applies damage inconsistently to armored blocks from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:40 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2032: Add backup compression from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:40 AM · Feature, Starmade
AndyP moved T2035: /users/ routes are incorrect from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:40 AM · Starmade
AndyP moved T2093: No pickup text when picking up credits from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:40 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T2105: Faction window "tab" area font is too large from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:40 AM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T2106: NPC Faction Descriptions contain typos from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:40 AM · Typos, Starmade
AndyP moved T2125: Sensor does not compare right values for thrust from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:39 AM · Logic, Starmade
AndyP moved T2128: Armor HP Bonus deals bonus Structure HP Damage. from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:39 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2154: NPC's (Outcasts) lose control of a system all players are kicked from the server from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:39 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T2163: Bricked button/activation module after logic activity with rails from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:39 AM · Logic, Starmade
AndyP moved T2180: Galaxy map stops reading scroll wheel inputs from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:39 AM · Galaxy Map, Starmade
AndyP moved T2185: Selecting meta item in hotbar causes ArrayIndexOutOfBounds from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:39 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T2197: Shootout Rails and Pick up points/Rails not rendering in preview mode from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:39 AM · Textures, Starmade
AndyP moved T2198: There is no way to change the block shapes now from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:38 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T2199: Template paste crash from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:38 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T2200: Ships Don't Load in After Loading in from Blueprint from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:38 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T2204: Duplicate keystrokes in input fields from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:38 AM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T2206: Asteroid name "Nocx, Macet" generates Nocx and Hattel from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:38 AM · Universe, Starmade
AndyP moved T2234: Placing previous selected blocks than the one showing on the hotbar from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:38 AM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T2247: Missiles target the position their target has been from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:38 AM · Game Development (Alpha), CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2250: Cannons deal damage too deep or too shallow from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:38 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T2251: Cannon with explosive effect doesn't deal penetration damage from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:38 AM · Starmade
AndyP moved T68: texture faces need to be flipped or rotated from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:37 AM · Textures, Starmade
AndyP moved T63: Rail speed controllers can't shift-V logic from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:37 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T101: Missing safety locks/fuses from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:37 AM · Typos, Starmade
AndyP moved T138: Astronaut flying/walking movement speed can be increased by holding down multiple movement buttons at the same time from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:37 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T115: starfield visible in thruster plumes from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:37 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T201: Beacon flare has a jagged edge. from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:37 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T207: context menu doesn't disappear when using keys to close menu from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:36 AM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T235: overridden blueprints show credit price instead of mass and mass wrong from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:36 AM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T239: Overheating timer is wrong from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:36 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T262: Bloomed coloured suns look really weird from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:36 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T9: Entity with docked entities isn't being hit reliably by missiles from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:36 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T346: offensive explosive effect on cannons and beams stops gaining after 10% from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:36 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T471: Hub-Issue: Pirate spawning / response fleets from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:36 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T550: beam weapon not causing warhead to explode from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:36 AM · CBS: Weapons, Starmade
AndyP moved T586: Unable to enter ship again after trying to dock to a rotator from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:36 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T866: Module or button description do not show up for action bar 2-10 in ship mode. from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:36 AM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T843: Deleting turret causes crash. Upon reload, ship is missing allot of docked entities. from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:35 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T849: Ships cost credits to repair, even if SHOP_ARMOR_REPAIR_COST_PER_HITPOINT = 0.0 from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:35 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T77: escape key does not close options menu from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:35 AM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T905: shield power consumption display values incorrect from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:35 AM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T954: Templates rotation (and mirror cubes) does not appear to include docking or rails from Issue affecting current dev-build to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:35 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T954: Templates rotation (and mirror cubes) does not appear to include docking or rails from Issue affecting current release to Issue affecting current dev-build on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:35 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T551: Turrets are not saved and linked correctly in shipyards from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:35 AM · CBS: Shipyards, Starmade
AndyP moved T1310: Disabled pickup areas still show their marker and have no separate texture from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:35 AM · CBS: Rails, Starmade
AndyP moved T1367: Deadlock in server from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:35 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T1435: Failed login to server causes error to spawn behind game window from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:35 AM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
AndyP moved T1567: Crash on startup - /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:34 AM · Engine, Starmade
AndyP moved T1706: Banned player is told to "Contact Schine for further assistance" from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:34 AM · Typos, Starmade
AndyP moved T1394: Missile-Lock animation played after no longer selecting Lock on Missile from Issue affecting current release to Archived on the Starmade board.
Apr 28 2017, 8:34 AM · GUI/HUD, Starmade