Still crashes on launch, same error as reported earlier, see T2317
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Apr 1 2017
Mar 31 2017
The current bug with the power being placed in rows doesn't change with the camera movement. The state of the blocks that won't allow placement doesn't change until I set a block on the nearest blocks to the ones that won't work.
In short I put down a row of 100+ another 100 blocks.
At about block 170 and above I can't attach anything else to them.
So I connect a block to 169. That triggers the system to look at what else is attached and initialize blocks 170 to 200.
I can now connect to the blocks 170 to 200. I can set it so that I am 1 block away from these blocks when I place them down and it still happens.
The range test is only for the build mode focus, and allowing a defined sphere of influence. Plus limited total amount of those purple boxes.
warp was applied while in physics process, which in turn overwrote the fix
I'll see if I can give a better description. I put down the first row of 100 power blocks and move to extend that row. I put the second set of power blocks down and it places them you can see them. But if you try to connect another block to the end you can't it doesn't give you the build indicator box(yellow). Instead if you go down along the row of blocks flying beside it you will see some place around 70 for example the build block disappears. However. I found if you attach a block to that number 70 it will fix the remaining blocks as well. So what I end up doing is connecting a block on the side of the last one I can and remove it then go to the end and attach the next segment of blocks.
Log of crash.
Mar 30 2017
Yeah nothing more to say,
Link from logic to rail turret axis is not possible, so no logic-undock in that position.
Open for testing.
I doubt 'we' can do much about this, but this is for sure something that may be tweaked at a later time.
Like always compress inside java and write a sparse file compatible format, and use the same way to extract, no external tool requirement to restore a backup can help with this.
Perhaps this is better phrased as "windows backups need sparse file support", as tar/gzip support was added to the linux side a while back.
This is a side effect of the fact that logic always clicks a constant but short time. It does not click and hold like the player does.
Was the extraction process done with windows unzip or linux unzip?
I assume as zip has in general no proper sparse file support its not really something we can fix, except adding a restore backup feature, that can then write sparse files then.
Mar 29 2017
Thank you for the report, but this issue is already tracked under:
T168: transparent blocks touching open doors have invisible faces
Open for testing