Side effect of fixing:
As other bug is "private" I'll keep this here for reference.
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Mar 11 2017
Mar 11 2017
AndyP moved T944: Touch docking does not allow for dockers in flat surfaces from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Rails board.
Restricted Application removed a project from T169: Turning speed on rails when manually controlling an entity docked: Game Development.
AndyP moved T174: Turrets Hitting Mothership show dmg marker from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Rails board.
AndyP renamed T174: Turrets Hitting Mothership show dmg marker from Turrets Hitting Mothership (New Docking System)
to Turrets Hitting Mothership show dmg marker.
AndyP moved T708: Specific rail construction produces errors from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Rails board.
Restricted Application removed a project from T979: logic signal rotates rail docker and pickup point: Game Development.
AndyP closed T1310: Disabled pickup areas still show their marker and have no separate texture as Closed.
-QA Testing-
AndyP closed T1310: Disabled pickup areas still show their marker and have no separate texture, a subtask of T1735: pickup point hud icon off when inactive, as Closed.
AndyP updated the task description for T1310: Disabled pickup areas still show their marker and have no separate texture.
AndyP edited Steps to reproduce on T1310: Disabled pickup areas still show their marker and have no separate texture.
AndyP moved T2215: Rail speed controller linked to non rail block from Unclassed to Archived on the Starmade board.
Fix Confirmed on supplied blueprint for report.
AndyP moved T1422: NaN illegal comparison with shootout rail from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Rails board.
AndyP shifted T1422: NaN illegal comparison with shootout rail from the Restricted Space space to the S3 Starmade space.
AndyP moved T1818: Launch shootout rail NaN from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Rails board.
AndyP moved T1896: rail turret axis doesn't give off signal on undocking from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Rails board.
AndyP renamed T1897: broken logic behaviour of rails and dockers when getting destroyed from inconsistent logic behaviour of rails and dockers when getting destroyed to broken logic behaviour of rails and dockers when getting destroyed.
AndyP moved T1897: broken logic behaviour of rails and dockers when getting destroyed from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Rails board.
AndyP moved T2101: Rail detection with rotators and set rotation broken from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Rails board.
AndyP moved T2264: Multiple players controlling different turret parts disjoint the entities from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Rails board.
AndyP edited projects for T1991: Storage over capacity drops too many items / drops items when exactly full, added: Game Development (Alpha); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T318: support tool beams and pickup points visible visible while cloaked, added: Game Development (Alpha); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T40: Massive performance drop when medium-large objects enter trigger areas, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T190: Defensive Push and Pull effect unaffected by changes to DefensiveBasePowerConsumption
, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T217: Cannot enter several types of computers
, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T582: Power supply beams cause massive framerate drops if they are docked to a ship, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T790: transporter works on a shipyard design, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T959: Storage cannot be connected to a Rail Turret Axis., added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T1012: Empty Cargo Modules appear not empty, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T1044: marker linking doesn't work for unsaved entities, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T1395: Salvage cannons salvage from random beams., added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T1583: Push/Pull defensive effects are useless if they would cause the ship to go faster than its max speed, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T1784: pull amount doesn't work if it is less than amount available , added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T1905: Power auxiliary can disappear from hotbar, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T2265: Replace helper not re-applying connections, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP moved T40: Massive performance drop when medium-large objects enter trigger areas from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T217: Cannot enter several types of computers
from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T292: using shield supply changes status to under fire from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T400: Warpgate faction permission issue from Alpha to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T318: support tool beams and pickup points visible visible while cloaked from Beta to Alpha on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T318: support tool beams and pickup points visible visible while cloaked from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T355: ship and armor HP is capped from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T400: Warpgate faction permission issue from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T582: Power supply beams cause massive framerate drops if they are docked to a ship from Alpha to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T582: Power supply beams cause massive framerate drops if they are docked to a ship from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T790: transporter works on a shipyard design from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T836: Jump Inhibitors on station turn off when sector is unloaded from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T912: Cargo visual representation is incorrect from Backlog / Unclassed to Will not be fixed on the CBS: Functional board.
Restricted Application removed a project from T912: Cargo visual representation is incorrect: CBS: Functional.
Restricted Application added a project to T912: Cargo visual representation is incorrect: CBS: Functional.
Restricted Application removed a project from T912: Cargo visual representation is incorrect: CBS: Functional.
AndyP moved T926: Cargo mass does not update correctly after over capacity bleeding from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T959: Storage cannot be connected to a Rail Turret Axis. from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T1012: Empty Cargo Modules appear not empty from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T1044: marker linking doesn't work for unsaved entities from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T1395: Salvage cannons salvage from random beams. from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T1784: pull amount doesn't work if it is less than amount available from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T1905: Power auxiliary can disappear from hotbar from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T1991: Storage over capacity drops too many items / drops items when exactly full from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the CBS: Functional board.
AndyP moved T2265: Replace helper not re-applying connections from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the CBS: Functional board.
Restricted Application added a project to T1758: Lower the mass of refined materials: Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T248: Scanner antenna blocks aren't rotateable, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T591: BlockConfigImport.xml not import recipes., added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T1383: Setting InShop to false also removes item from creative inventory, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T1679: Girder and shipyard block rotations, added: Game Development (Beta); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T589: BlockConfigImport creates a duplicate blocks after restarted., added: Game Development (Alpha); removed Game Development.
AndyP edited projects for T1758: Lower the mass of refined materials, added: Game Development (Alpha); removed Game Development.
AndyP moved T589: BlockConfigImport creates a duplicate blocks after restarted. from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the Blockconfig board.
AndyP moved T591: BlockConfigImport.xml not import recipes. from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the Blockconfig board.
AndyP moved T248: Scanner antenna blocks aren't rotateable from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the Blockconfig board.
Restricted Application edited projects for T836: Jump Inhibitors on station turn off when sector is unloaded, added: CBS: Functional; removed Blockconfig.
AndyP moved T1383: Setting InShop to false also removes item from creative inventory from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the Blockconfig board.
AndyP moved T1679: Girder and shipyard block rotations from Backlog / Unclassed to Beta on the Blockconfig board.
AndyP moved T1758: Lower the mass of refined materials from Backlog / Unclassed to Alpha on the Blockconfig board.
Docking by beam works again for ships.
Stations still refuse to dock.
I have tested this bug out and found where the issue lies:
If you have a drone docked to a mother ship on a rail, then change out the rail it is docked on for a shoot-out rail the invalid position error occurs.
A workaround for this is to only swap out the direction of the rail your ship is docked to and have it lead to a shoot-out rail.
I was able to re-produce this bug with the supplied blue-print and the workaround consistently solves the issue.
Restricted Application edited projects for T2191: docking ports rotated on latest dev builds, added: CBS: Rails; removed Engine.
Restricted Application edited projects for T2191: docking ports rotated on latest dev builds, added: Engine; removed Blockconfig.
Restricted Application removed a project from T2238: Unable to find new grate and pipe modules in shops, creative inventory, etc: Blockconfig.