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- Aug 21 2015, 6:02 AM (497 w, 3 d)
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Feb 5 2018
I've been having this issue on our multiplayer server, LvD. When using a power 1.0 ship with several turrets on it, attacking pirate stations and pirate ships, the select-fire mode is shooting at empty space rather than the intended target. The shots are coming out of the turret at 90 degree angles rather than shooting straight. I have 2 stop turrets on the left and right side of my ship. When attempting to hit a target directly in front of me, the stop turrets point straight at the target, then their 90 degree angle shots hit my own ship and stop me from moving! And all damage turrets miss. So I am unable to do any damage to the target in front of me.
This might be related to an issue on of our moderators reported.
Feb 3 2018
And the crash is back. We have had 7 crashes tonight now.
This may have been related to an issue where players in a "build" sector would create a shop and try to sell items to NPC's. These build sectors are about 19 years worth of distance away from the main galaxy. Players in these build sectors have creative mode on. As the trade ships were traveling to the main galaxy, it would crash people's client's when it attempted to draw the trade line across the massive distance.
Jan 5 2018
Jun 26 2017
Jun 5 2017
Also to add to this, when I used the "/save BuggedBlackRose" command to create a blueprint, it creates a blueprint that has 0 points in everything, but then has 60,496 points in defense. When clicking the "blocks" button to see what blocks are in the blueprint, it is blank.
May 22 2017
We've been having problems with fleets refusing to mine on LvD as well. I tested with some 3k miners. The salvage computers had salvage beams and a storage attached. Plenty of power and thrust. When issuing the command, nothing happens.
May 7 2017
The first issue has since been fixed, but the second issue of fleet ships being able to move into and out of noexit/noenter sectors still exists and is a problem. We use these flags for our quests and build accounts (players are locked into a sector with creative mode), so this is a bit of a problem for us as we've been having users using fleets to get out of these sectors.
Apr 25 2017
Just thought I'd update this. Entities are now spawning in when the sector import is completed. I did not check if there are still errors in the logs though.
Apr 20 2017
Apr 19 2017
I decided to also test on our server, since I have full access to the logs and could submit them here. I thought it might also be useful to have a snapshot from whatever the issue may have been on the version we are currently running.
Thread dump when class cast exception occurs (taken with VisualVM):
Application Snapshot:
And furthermore, when docking a ship to the shipyard and manually undocking, also causes a crash to main menu. When rejoining the server, the ship was also gone.
No trace of it.
Also possibly related. If you enter the design ship (not physical), then bring up the DEL menu and click the "Undock all" button, it will crash you. Upon rejoining, all the docked entities on the design are gone. Unloading the design and reloading it works, but the entities are still undocked.
Apr 18 2017
Apr 9 2017
Just a quick update on this. Since custom shops were problematic and we couldn't refill them without also filling them with a bunch of disabled blocks, we now just use stick shops. Though it would be nice to reimplement the custom shops.
@AndyP Oh, this is old. It hasn't happened since then. The "textures not loaded" bug has also since been fixed (Though it still seems to happen sometimes when quick switching between servers, without fully closing the client and re-opening it).
Apr 8 2017
Edit: Since I cannot edit the main thread here any longer, I'm going to track my tests here. If a command results in an error, crash, or other noticeable bug, I'll put it under an "error" section. All of these tests were done spawning in or modifying an entity that had no faction block on it.
Yes, so much yes.
Apr 7 2017
Mar 23 2017
Mar 17 2017
Sorry about the wait. I've been a bit overloaded at home.
Mar 7 2017
Mar 2 2017
Feb 28 2017
Sector export uploaded. I went to the sector to investigate. The ship in question was in the sector, but not at the sector coordinates indicated in the log file.
Still having the issue. This is problematic since the quests on our server require a player to NOT be able to claim the system that their quest instance is created in.
Feb 9 2017
Feb 4 2017
Feb 2 2017
I have this issue too. When we decide to hold off on an update for our server, my steam client forces me to update.. which makes me have to downgrade.. and then when we move forward with the update, I have to then re-update. So, it takes 3 installs.
Jan 15 2017
Jan 2 2017
This would be nice to be able to do. We use custom blocks on our server, and not being able to transfer the recipes upon version update, requiring manual updates to the /data/config/BlockConfig.xml file, is definitely not good.
Dec 28 2016
Nov 9 2016
Oct 21 2016
Oct 20 2016
Oct 19 2016
Oct 18 2016
Sep 28 2016
Sep 24 2016
Sep 14 2016
I'm still having this issue. I destroy my enemies and cannot salvage the corpses of their ships. They deserve to be mined.
Sep 10 2016
Aug 18 2016
Aug 17 2016
Aug 16 2016
Aug 14 2016
Aug 9 2016
Aug 1 2016
We seemed to have a similar bug here on LvD. Here's a brief excerpt of the different errors displaying at this time. There were hundreds of each, but the first bug had repeated for a long time before the [FATAL] errors started.
Jul 31 2016
This does make sense, however if this could be an option in the server.cfg file, that would be ideal. I recommend this because the change would break wrappers and other scripts that utilize the log files. (Including scripts I have created) Though I don't mind updating my scripts, there are people that rely on scripts that they have not created and this would create problems for them.
Confirmed for "no enemies" permission.
Jun 22 2016
Update: I went ahead and deleted line 93 from the ".script" file in the index folder and now the world loads successfully. Though I won't be using this world file for the server, at least now it appears I can run a copy of the server to help people get back some of their ships.
We had a similar situation over at the Light vs Dark server. Very similar log output. It starts with the same "java.lang.Exception: Server Shutdown: false" part, but then errors out down a different path, stating there was an error on line 93 of the script. In the index/.script file, line 93 is as follows: SET TABLE PUBLIC.FLEET_MEMBERS INDEX '1072215 1072167 1072179 1072167 1072179 1072167 1072173 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23'
May 18 2016
I get this issue as well (on multiplayer), where the shipyard gets stuck loading a design. Sometimes restarting the game fixes the issue. Other times it does not, so my shipyard is useless. I have tried removing the shipyard computer, anchor, and shipyard modules to sort of "reset" the system, but it doesn't work. I wish I could say what events lead up to this, but I cannot. I can say though that I don't do a lot of converting blueprints to shipyard designs. It seems completely random to me. Sometimes the shipyard works, sometimes it does not, and it doesn't seem to matter what I was doing with it beforehand. It's very frustrating though, so I just don't use the shipyard at all anymore except to break down ships.
May 13 2016
We had this problem on my server as well, StarSide. They even deleted all the blueprints and the problem is still happening.
May 11 2016
May 9 2016
I have this problem all of the time. It is SO frustrating. I have lost many hours of gameplay fixing problems as a result of it. I have two login names for the server I play on and it has happened to both logins, though it is more common for one of my logins than the other.
Mar 10 2016
Mar 9 2016
I don't know if this is the same issue you are referring to or not, but we have been having a lot of trouble with missiles recently on our server. After a reboot, it seems like missiles will do some damage for a while, and then they stop. This is a server-wide issue. All players on the server can no longer damage anything with missiles.
Feb 4 2016
I'm having the issue where my turrets do 0 damage to pirates on my titan ship. The missiles also do not damage asteroids that are a sector away. On the server I am playing on, sectors are I think 13k large. The pirates I was attempting to hit were between 10 and 26k away. All missile have a range of between about 36 and 46k. There are close to 500 missile computers spread to 8 different turrets. Even when I turn off half of the turrets, 0 damage is done. I just finished this thing in single player and spawned it into the server to find out it isn't working. Quite disappointed.