One of our admins was testing the new Power Auxiliary blocks and we experienced several crashes. His words:
I set a warhead on some aux power blocks, which killed me and sent me back to my last tagged undeathinotor
after coming back to the area I noticed that the chain reaction had stopped and did not start again on unload
but there was a class cast exception error spamming
when I shot at it with another ship, that's when the EOF and crash 1 occored
when I loggged back In I did a destroy_entity_dock command on the offending object
then got EOFed (and second crash) occored
dammit, I think that whole sector will need to be killed
I tried to delete it again and it crashed
From my perspective:
When the server was crashing, I was handling the server-side problems. When the crashes occurred, the server kept exiting without any error code. I have a script that will auto-restart the server in the event of an error code, using an until loop in linux. It also sends me a message on hangouts. There were no messages. I had to manually restart the server.
Attempting to use /destroy_entity_dock on the entity caused one of these crashes. Attempting to use "/despawn_sector Pugilist all true -11 40 202" also caused the crash. However, after using the /despawn_sector command, after the server was restarted, the entity was gone. The "/destroy_entity_dock" command did not work at all.
I saved all the logs from each crash, if they are needed.
Server info: This server is running on Ubuntu 16 64-bit with 24gb of RAM allocated to the game and a 6-core xeon processor