When I've been getting run-time exceptions, I am unable to use the "Report Bug or Crash" system to send in my logs. When I press the button, nothing happens. The button seems to work and depresses, but then no logs or reporting sending is intiated. It just stays at 0% in the progress bar and I can continue to type or change the report however I'd like as though the button was never pressed.
Here is a screen shot of the window, with the report ready to send, with me trying to press the button repeatedly but to no avail (Note that the email has been changed to obscure it): http://prnt.sc/d5aeyh
And here is the bug that caused the crash in the first place. This is where I pressed the "send crash report" button to initiate the "Report Bug or Crash" screen: http://prnt.sc/d5ab51
Note: This does not seem to be related to a similar bug report, which was closed previously, entitled, '"report bug or crash" system does not work'. That bug report is about the logs being only halfway completed. This bug is that it is not doing anything at all.