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- User Since
- May 10 2015, 3:19 PM (512 w, 4 d)
- Availability
- Available
Dec 1 2018
Sep 25 2018
Aug 9 2018
Duplicate task, rechecked and beams also go through the planet core and apply no damage. Merging tasks together.
Fixed in a hotfix.
Can't reproduce, removing the rail docker and/or the rail turret axis does not influence the entities for me. As expected, their rail functionality is still OK, and all entities were solid + did not disappear.
Are you able to reproduce this consistently, or was it a one time occurrence only? It's also possible it was fixed since that version, or that this is an old but rare issue that is now easier to notice.
2 issues intertwined
Remotely firing newly loaded turrets does not fire them, they still track your mouse cursor though.
As soon as the turrets received a target to shoot at, with either 'selected target' or 'any' with pirates nearby, then you can fire the turrets remotely as well.
However, the projectiles will not go to your mouse cursor, but instead to the last position of the target it was set to before you took control with the rail turret axis.
Good find. Disabling the advanced energy beam shader option gives you the simple version, but this one also is off in scale and position is off.
Seems to be by a factor of 2.
Aug 7 2018
Jul 11 2018
Wrong status
Jul 10 2018
This may prevent the crash from happening, so only do this after you uploaded that log file since we need that to provide a real fix.
Can you upload your logstarmade.0.log file? It's located in your StarMade/logs folder. Drag and drop the file into phabricator's text box to upload it here.
Jul 8 2018
Should be fixed now, merging tasks.
Caused by the calculation prematurely stopping.
-QA Testing-
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-QA Testing-
Jul 7 2018
I've encountered reverted chunks in some of the blueprints I did, that seemed to have fixed itself after using Clear client cache in the main menu - tools.
It's still an issue but I can reproduce it somewhat which is good.
Perhaps at the start it was mainly cannons and beams going through the shield due to the bug of T2849. That still appears to be working fine, but the remaining hull damage I saw happen was caused by missiles fired from a different sector than the shield group/entity was in.
You had a few more HUD context options enabled than I did. But it's fixed either way as Schema went through them all to check for any possible mistakes (and fixed some that may have caused it).
Your settings are fine though, didn't see anything odd in it besides the extra HUD Contexts you had enabled.
Ah, I just changed the category and lowered the priority, you did fine. UI Bugs belong here as well, this one should be fixed in the latest dev build, 0.201.105 or above.
Scratch that, I can reproduce now ^^
I should have tried your settings.cfg sooner, but using yours seems to cause it indeed.
Thanks for sharing that world but it seems the files are incomplete. It only contains the npcFactions, where as your world should also contain a DATA and index folder.
Jul 6 2018
Could you upload the blueprint of the ship you used? I can't reproduce it with my own ships, visited a random pirate station and fought a few NPC ships as well.
Maybe I got lucky or it's something specific to the ship.
Jul 5 2018
Those issues should be fixed, shield should report its percentage more accurate now and any shield bypass should also not happen anymore.
Could you give it another check? It seems to work fine for my setup where I could reproduce it before.
Alright, I'm assuming you accidentally rotated it with that debug command. That or the issue got fixed along the way, thanks for checking it again!
Unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce the issue following those steps to the letter.
Anything you did after the "Create a station" step that you forgot to mention? Even trivial stuff like connecting a factory to something could be a cause.
Rod lights use normal block lights as source block. Using the give command allows you to get those blocks straight up but they're not meant to be used like that anymore.
Jul 4 2018
Fixed by now, it's meant to do this but the power consumption was incorrect.
Should not happen anymore.
Fixed by now.
Fixed by now.
All of those issues were fixed now.