Some blocks can no longer be placed on an object. For example I can't seem to put a light rod on any ship anymore.(Is this intentional to phase out older blocks?).
It looks like a bug as the server log says:
[2018-07-04 09:13:34] [SERVER] place-after: Player PlS[Jeryia ; id(2)(1)f(0)] doesnt have enough in the slot he wants to build with: (22, 26, 127)[Black Rod Light]o[TOP][active][127Bhp; 5 Fhp][SpriteUp]
Client log shows:
[2018-07-04 09:21:42] [CLIENT] BLOCK style: SPRITE; ORIENTATION: 2; mK
[2018-07-04 09:21:42] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: RIGHT: (5.5, 9.969177, 111.16351); (5, 10, 111)
[2018-07-04 09:21:42] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (22, 26, 127)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][127Bhp; 127 Fhp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, 1); orient 2(TOP) -map-> 2 PHY: {RigBExOrig@65551384([CCS|CLI Ship[Beam Frigate](7)])}
[2018-07-04 09:21:42] [CLIENT][EDIT] adding new element to alF at (22, 26, 127)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][127Bhp; 127 Fhp], type 500
However, I have 1000 in my inventory, got them by using the /give command. It does not appear to be a bug with the give command, as I can give myself 1000 stabilizers and I am able to place those just fine.