Placed factories on a station i was building, than exited the build block and SM immediatly crashed.
- Task Type
- Bug
- Affected Gamemode(s)
- Single and Multi
- Reproducible
- Yes
- Last tested (version)
- 0.201.105
- Category
- Control Block System: Weapons
- First occurrence (version)
- 0.201.084
- OS-Specific
- No
- Hardware-Specific
- No
- Video Card Vendor
- Video Card Model
- GTX 980
Running on thread: main
Adapter: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_2a800e6ebddb7f48\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_2a800e6ebddb7f48\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_2a800e6ebddb7f48\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_2a800e6ebddb7f48\nvldumdx.dll
Driver Version: null
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 397.31
Renderer: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2
GL30: true
Shader4Ext Capability: true
MacOGL4: false
ForceOpenGl30: true
WORLD = PRE weapon update survival //set world to use (set 'old' for using the old world). if no world exists a new one will be set automatically PROTECT_STARTING_SECTOR = false //Protects the starting sector ENABLE_SIMULATION = true //Universe AI simulation CONCURRENT_SIMULATION = 256 //How many simulation groups may be in the universe simultaniously (performance) ENEMY_SPAWNING = true //Enables enemy spawing SECTOR_SIZE = 2000 //Sets the size of sectors in the universe **WARNING** scaling the size of an existing universe down may cause issues BLUEPRINT_DEFAULT_PRIVATE = true //If true, set blueprints private as default (else they are public) FLOATING_ITEM_LIFETIME_SECS = 300 //How much seconds items floating in space should be alive SIMULATION_SPAWN_DELAY = 420 //How much seconds between simulation spawn ticks SIMULATION_TRADING_FILLS_SHOPS = true //Trading guild will deliver stock to shops SECTOR_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT = 20 //Time in secs after which sectors go inactive (-1 = off) SECTOR_INACTIVE_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT = 10 //Time in secs after which inactive sectors are completely removed from memory (-1 = off) USE_STARMADE_AUTHENTICATION = true //allow authentication REQUIRE_STARMADE_AUTHENTICATION = false //require authentication (USE_STARMADE_AUTHENTICATION must be true) PROTECTED_NAMES_BY_ACCOUNT = 10 //How many player names a player may protect with his account (if exceeded, the player name, that was logged in the longest time ago gets unprotected) DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_ENEMY_USE = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_FACTION_BUY = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_OTHERS_BUY = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_HOME_BASE_BUY = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet LOCK_FACTION_SHIPS = true //If true, ships of other factions cant be edited, activated, or entered CATALOG_SLOTS_PER_PLAYER = -1 //How many slots per player for saved ships (-1 for unlimited) UNIVERSE_DAY_IN_MS = 1200000 //how long is a 'day' (stellar system rotation) in milliseconds (-1 to switch off system rotation) ASTEROIDS_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_PHYSICS = true //enables asteroids to be able to move in space ENABLE_BREAK_OFF = false //debug (don't activate unless you know what you're doing) COLLISION_DAMAGE = false //colliding into another object does damage COLLISION_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD = 2.0 //Threshold of Impulse that does damage (the lower, the less force is needed for damage) SKIN_ALLOW_UPLOAD = true //if off, skin uploading to server is deactivated CATALOG_NAME_COLLISION_HANDLING = false //if off, saving with an existing entry is denied, if on the name is automatically changed by adding numbers on the end SECTOR_AUTOSAVE_SEC = 300 //Time interval in secs the server will autosave (-1 for never) PHYSICS_SLOWDOWN_THRESHOLD = 40 //Milliseconds a collision test may take before anti-slowdown mode is activated THRUST_SPEED_LIMIT = 300 //How fast ships, etc. may go in m/s . Too high values may induce physics tunneling effects MAX_CLIENTS = 32 //Max number of clients allowed on this server SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_USE = true //Enable super admin for this server SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD = Bubble__22 //Super admin password for this server SERVER_LISTEN_IP = all //Enter specific ip for the server to listen to. use "all" to listen on every ip SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 65536 //buffer size of incoming and outgoing data per socket PHYSICS_LINEAR_DAMPING = 0.05 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown PHYSICS_ROTATIONAL_DAMPING = 0.05 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_COUNT_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items in a loot stack. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_STACK_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items spawned after AI destruction. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none CHEST_LOOT_COUNT_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items in a loot stack. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none CHEST_LOOT_STACK_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items spawned in chests of generated chests. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none USE_WHITELIST = false //only names/ips from whitelist.txt are allowed FILTER_CONNECTION_MESSAGES = false //don't display join/disconnect messages USE_UDP = false //Use 'User Datagram Protocol' (UDP) instead of 'Transmission Control Protocol' (TCP) for connections AUTO_KICK_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = false //Kick players that spawn modified blueprints AUTO_BAN_ID_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = false //Ban player by name that spawn modified blueprints AUTO_BAN_IP_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = false //Ban player by IP that spawn modified blueprints AUTO_BAN_TIME_IN_MINUTES = 60 //Time to ban in minutes (-1 for permanently) REMOVE_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINTS = false //Auto-removes a modified blueprint TCP_NODELAY = true //Naggles algorithm (WARNING: only change when you know what you're doing) PING_FLUSH = false //flushes ping/pong immediately (WARNING: only change when you know what you're doing) SHOP_SPAWNING_PROBABILITY = 0.1 //(must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no shops spawned in asteroid sectors, 1 is shop spawned in everyone (default: 8% -> 0.08) DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_X = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector X Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_Y = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector Y Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_Z = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector Z Coordinate MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_TOLERANCE = 0.1 //Tolerance of modified blueprint trigger (default = 10%) DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_X_1 = 8.0 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Y_1 = -6.5 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Z_1 = 0.0 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_X_2 = 15.0 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Y_2 = -6.5 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Z_2 = 8.0 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_X_3 = 8.0 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Y_3 = -6.5 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Z_3 = 15.0 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_X_4 = 0.0 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Y_4 = -6.5 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate DEFAULT_SPAWN_POINT_Z_4 = 8.0 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate PLAYER_DEATH_CREDIT_PUNISHMENT = 0.1 //players credits lost of total on death (must be between 0 and 1): 1 = lose all, 0 = keep all PLAYER_DEATH_CREDIT_DROP = false //drop credits lost on death into space instead PLAYER_DEATH_BLOCK_PUNISHMENT = false //player will drop all his blocks into space on death PLAYER_DEATH_PUNISHMENT_TIME = 300 //Time interval in seconds after death of a player in which the player is not punished PLAYER_HISTORY_BACKLOG = 30 //How many login history objects (with name, IP, account-name, and time) should be saved by player state PROJECTILES_ADDITIVE_VELOCITY = false //initial projectile speed depend on relative linear velocity of object fired from PROJECTILES_VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 //multiplicator for projectile velocity WEAPON_RANGE_REFERENCE = 2000.0 //Reference distance for weapon ranges. (what blockBehaviorConfig.xml weapon ranges are multiplied with (usually the sector size)). Set to 1 to interpret weapon ranges in the config in meters ALLOW_UPLOAD_FROM_LOCAL_BLUEPRINTS = true //enables clients being able to upload their pre-build-blueprints to the server SHOP_NPC_STARTING_CREDITS = 10000000 //how much credits do shops start with SHOP_NPC_RECHARGE_CREDITS = 100000 //how much credits do shops gain about every 10 min AI_WEAPON_AIMING_ACCURACY = 200 //how accurate the AI aims (the higher the value the more accurate vs distance. 10 = about 99% accuracy at 10m) BROADCAST_SHIELD_PERCENTAGE = 5 //percent of shields changed for the server to broadcast a shield synch BROADCAST_POWER_PERCENTAGE = 50 //percent of power changed for the server to broadcast a power synch (not that critical) ADMINS_CIRCUMVENT_STRUCTURE_CONTROL = true //admins can enter ships of any faction STAR_DAMAGE = true //suns dealing damage to entities SQL_NIO_FILE_SIZE = 256 //megabyte limit of .data file when to use NIO (faster) (must be power of 2) PLANET_SIZE_MEAN_VALUE = 100.0 //Planet size mean (normal gaussian distribution) (min 50) PLANET_SIZE_DEVIATION_VALUE = 35.0 //Planet size standard deviation. Note: normal gaussian distribution graph scaled horizontally by 1/3 (min 0) ASTEROID_RADIUS_MAX = 64 //Asteroid max radius in blocks (from -x to +x) ASTEROID_RESOURCE_SIZE = 2.5 //Average diameter of resource veins in asteroids ASTEROID_RESOURCE_CHANCE = 0.003 //Chance per block to place a new resource vein (1.0 = 100%) PLAYER_MAX_BUILD_AREA = 100 //max area a player may add/remove in adv. build mode NT_SPAM_PROTECT_TIME_MS = 30000 //period of spam protection ASTEROID_SECTOR_REPLENISH_TIME_SEC = -1 //seconds until a sector that is mined down to 0 asteroids is replenished (-1 = never) NT_SPAM_PROTECT_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 30 //max attempts before refusing connections in spam protect period (default is 1/sec for 30 sec) NT_SPAM_PROTECT_EXCEPTIONS = //ips excepted from spam control (separate multiple with comma) (default is localhost) ANNOUNCE_SERVER_TO_SERVERLIST = true //announces the server to the starmade server list so clients can find it. Hostname must be provided for HOST_NAME_TO_ANNOUNCE_TO_SERVER_LIST! HOST_NAME_TO_ANNOUNCE_TO_SERVER_LIST = //this must be a valid hostname (either ip or host, e.g. SERVER_LIST_NAME = //max length 64 characters SERVER_LIST_DESCRIPTION = Misc Ship Creation //max length 128 characters MISSILE_DEFENSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE = true //can shoot down own or missiles from own faction USE_DYNAMIC_RECIPE_PRICES = true //use recipe based prices (the price is the price of the parts it is made out of in crafting) DYNAMIC_RECIPE_PRICE_MODIFIER = 1.05 //modifier to adjust dynamic price MAKE_HOMBASE_ATTACKABLE_ON_FP_DEFICIT = true //Home bases become attackable if a faction's Faction Points are in the minus and the faction doesn't own any territory PLANET_SPECIAL_REGION_PROBABILITY = 240 //one out of thisValue chance of a special region spawning per planet plate (cities, pyramids, etc) (changing this value migth change some plates, but won't change any plates that are already modified by a player) NT_BLOCK_QUEUE_SIZE = 1024 //How many blocks are sent per update. Huge placements will shot faster, but it will consume more bandwidth and is subject to spamming players CHUNK_REQUEST_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_TOTAL = 10 //Thead pool size for chunk requests (from disk and generated) CHUNK_REQUEST_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_CPU = 2 //Available threads of total for CPU generation. WARNING: too high can cause cpu spikes. About the amount of available cores minus one is best BUY_BLUEPRINTS_WITH_CREDITS = false //buy blueprints directly with credits SHOP_USE_STATIC_SELL_BUY_PRICES = false //shop buy and sell price change depending on stock (shop prices will always stay the same if true) SHOP_SELL_BUY_PRICES_UPPER_LIMIT = 1.2 //maximum of base price a shop will want depending on its stock (e.g. max 120 credits if the normal cost is 100) SHOP_SELL_BUY_PRICES_LOWER_LIMIT = 0.8 //minimum of base price a shop will want depending on its stock (e.g. max 80 credits if the normal cost is 100) MINING_BONUS = 1 //general multiplier on all mining MAX_LOGIC_SIGNAL_QUEUE_PER_OBJECT = 250000 //max logic trace queue allowed MAX_LOGIC_ACTIVATIONS_AT_ONCE_PER_OBJECT_WARN = 10000 //warn about objects that activate more than x blocks at once MAX_LOGIC_ACTIVATIONS_AT_ONCE_PER_OBJECT_STOP = 50000 //stop logic of objects that activate more than x blocks at once. They will enter a logic cooldown of 10 seconds to prevent servers from overloading MAX_COORDINATE_BOOKMARKS = 100 //coordinate bookmarks per player allowed ALLOWED_STATIONS_PER_SECTOR = 10 //How many stations are allowed per sector STATION_CREDIT_COST = 50000 //how much does a station or station blueprint cost SKIN_SERVER_UPLOAD_BLOCK_SIZE = 256 //how fast should skins be transferred from server to clients (too high might cause lag) [default 256 ~ 16kb/s] WEIGHTED_CENTER_OF_MASS = true //if on, the center of mass for each structured will be calculated based on block mass. On 'false', the center of mass is always the core position SECURE_UPLINK_ENABLED = false //dedicated servers can be registered on the StarMade registry SECURE_UPLINK_TOKEN = //uplink token, provided when registering a dedicated server USE_STRUCTURE_HP = true //ships and other structures use the hitpoint system. if off, a ship will overheat when the core gets taken out (old) SHOP_REBOOT_COST_PER_SECOND = 100.0 //Cost to reboot a ship at a shop (per second it would take to reboot in space) SHOP_ARMOR_REPAIR_COST_PER_HITPOINT = 1.0 //Cost to repair a ship's armor at a shop MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_EXPLOSIONS = 20 //the more the faster explosions at the same time are executed (costs in total about 20MB RAM each and of course CPU because it's all threaded) (10 is default for a medium powered singleplayer) REMOVE_ENTITIES_WITH_INCONSISTENT_BLOCKS = false //This will remove ships that have blocks that are normally disallowed (e.g. space station blocks on ships) OVERRIDE_INVALID_BLUEPRINT_TYPE = true //If a loaded blueprint is invalid, it's type will be overridden FACTION_FOUNDER_KICKABLE_AFTER_DAYS_INACTIVITY = 30 //Days of inactivity after which a founder may kick another founder BLUEPRINT_SPAWNABLE_SHIPS = true //enables or disables blueprint spawning from item BLUEPRINT_SPAWNABLE_STATIONS = true //enables or disables blueprint spawning from item USE_OLD_GENERATED_PIRATE_STATIONS = false //enables spawning of old style pirate stations CARGO_BLEED_AT_OVER_CAPACITY = true //cargo is ejected every minute if storage is at over capacity ALLOW_PERSONAL_INVENTORY_OVER_CAPACITY = false //Personal Inventory can go over capacity ONLY_ALLOW_FACTION_SHIPS_ADDED_TO_FLEET = false //only allows faction ships to be added to fleet MAX_CHAIN_DOCKING = 25 //maximal deepness of docking chains (may cause glitches depending on OS (path and filename length) at high numbers) SHOP_RAILS_ON_ADV = true //Advanced shops will have 4 rails dockers that can be used like a neutral homebase (anything docked is safe) SHOP_RAILS_ON_NORMAL = false //Normal shops will have 4 rails dockers that can be used like a neutral homebase (anything docked is safe) ALLOW_FLEET_FORMATION = true //Allows fleet formation BACKUP_WORLD_ON_MIGRATION = true //Back up world when migrating to a new file format BACKUP_BLUEPRINTS_ON_MIGRATION = true //Back up blueprints when migrating to a new file format SECTORS_TO_EXPLORE_FOR_SYS = 15 //How many sectors of a system have to be explored NPC_FACTION_SPAWN_LIMIT = -1 //Maximum npc factions per galaxy (-1 for unlimited (will still be around 2-10)) NPC_DEBUG_MODE = false //Sends complete NPC faction package to clients (very bandwith intensive) FLEET_OUT_OF_SECTOR_MOVEMENT = 6000 //How long for an unloaded fleet to cross a sector in ms NPC_LOADED_SHIP_MAX_SPEED_MULT = 0.7 //How fast NPC fleet ships are compared to their max speed when loaded USE_FOW = true //Use 'fog of war'. Turning this off will make everything visible to everyone ALLOW_PASTE_AABB_OVERLAPPING = true //Allow Paste bounding box overlapping DEBUG_FSM_STATE = false //DEBUG_FSM_STATE PHYSICS_SHAPE_CASTING_TUNNELING_PREVENTION = false //PHYSICS_SHAPE_CASTING_TUNNELING_PREVENTION FORCE_DISK_WRITE_COMPLETION = false //FORCE_DISK_WRITE_COMPLETION DEBUG_SEGMENT_WRITING = false //DEBUG_SEGMENT_WRITING TURNING_DIMENSION_SCALE = 1.1 //TURNING_DIMENSION_SCALE RECIPE_BLOCK_COST = 5000 //RECIPE_BLOCK_COST RECIPE_REFUND_MULT = 0.5 //RECIPE_REFUND_MULT RECIPE_LEVEL_AMOUNT = 4000 //RECIPE_LEVEL_AMOUNT IGNORE_DOCKING_AREA = false //IGNORE_DOCKING_AREA ALLOW_OLD_DOCKING_BEAM = false //ALLOW_OLD_DOCKING_BEAM NT_SPAM_PROTECT_ACTIVE = true //NT_SPAM_PROTECT_ACTIVE USE_PERSONAL_SECTORS = false //USE_PERSONAL_SECTORS BATTLE_MODE = false //BATTLE_MODE BATTLE_MODE_CONFIG = battleSector=0,0,0,Physics.smsec;battleSector=15,15,15,Physics.smsec;countdownRound=300;countdownStart=30;maxMass=-1;maxDim=300;maxMassPerFaction=-1; //BATTLE_MODE_CONFIG BATTLE_MODE_FACTIONS = [TeamA, fighters, 500,500,500, 0.5,0.1,0.9];[TeamB, fighters, -500,-500,-500, 0.5,0.9,0.2];[TeamFFA,ffa, 0,0,-500, 0.2,0.9,0.9];[Spectators,spectators, 0,500,0,0.8,0.4,0.8] //BATTLE_MODE_FACTIONS LEADERBOARD_BACKLOG = 24 //LEADERBOARD_BACKLOG DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_CONSUMPTION = false //DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_CONSUMPTION DEBUG_BEAM_TICKS_DONE = false //DEBUG_BEAM_TICKS_DONE DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_PER_TICK = false //DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_PER_TICK DEBUG_MISSILE_POWER_CONSUMPTION = false //DEBUG_MISSILE_POWER_CONSUMPTION NPC_LOG_MODE = 0 //NPC_LOG_MODE NPC_DEBUG_SHOP_OWNERS = //NPC_DEBUG_SHOP_OWNERS SQL_PERMISSION = //SQL_PERMISSION DEBUG_EMPTY_CHUNK_WRITES = false //DEBUG_EMPTY_CHUNK_WRITES ALLOWED_UNPACKED_FILE_UPLOAD_IN_MB = 1024 //ALLOWED_UNPACKED_FILE_UPLOAD_IN_MB RESTRICT_BUILDING_SIZE = 2.0 //RESTRICT_BUILDING_SIZE DISPLAY_GROUPING_DEBUG_INFORMATION = false //DISPLAY_GROUPING_DEBUG_INFORMATION MANAGER_CALC_CANCEL_ON = true //MANAGER_CALC_CANCEL_ON ALLOW_OLD_POWER_SYSTEM = true //ALLOW_OLD_POWER_SYSTEM JUMP_DRIVE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = true //JUMP_DRIVE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT SHORT_RANGE_SCAN_DRIVE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = true //SHORT_RANGE_SCAN_DRIVE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT SPAWN_PROTECTION = 10 //SPAWN_PROTECTION AI_ENGAGEMENT_RANGE_OF_MIN_WEAPON_RANGE = 0.75 //AI_ENGAGEMENT_RANGE_OF_MIN_WEAPON_RANGE
C_USE_NEW_PLAYER_MODEL_ = true CONTROL_HELP = false //Display help for controls G_ICON_CONTEXT_FILTER = ALL //Keyboard HUD Icons C_MOUSE_BUTTON_SWITCH = false //Switch build/remove mouse buttons G_RESOLUTION = 1920 x 1080 //Resolution G_FULLSCREEN = true //Fullscreen G_WINDOWED_BORDERLESS = false //Borderless windowed mode G_TEXTURE_PACK = Default //Texture Pack G_TEXTURE_PACK_RESOLUTION = 256 //Texture Quality (Resolution) G_VSYNCH = false //Vert-Synch G_MULTI_SAMPLE_TARGET = 1 //Antialiasing (Samples) G_MULTI_SAMPLE = 8 G_GAMMA = 1.4 //Gamma (Needs Frambuffer) G_FOV = 85.0 //Field of View G_MAX_SEGMENTSDRAWN = 200000 //Amount of Chunks possibly drawn (view distance) G_NORMAL_MAPPING = true //Enable Normal mapping G_SHADOWS = true G_SHADOW_QUALITY = ULTRA G_SHADOWS_TARGET = true //Enable Shadows G_SHADOW_QUALITY_TARGET = BEST //Set Shadow Quality G_PROD_BG = true //Procedural Background (fbo req) G_PROD_BG_QUALITY = 4096 //Procedural BG quality G_DRAW_SURROUNDING_GALAXIES_IN_MAP = false //Draw other galaxies in map (slow) HIT_INDICATION_NUMBERS_LIFETIME = 0.7 //Time, hit numbers remain (sec) PLAYER_SKIN_CREATE = //Create Player Skin PLAYER_SKIN = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\CUSTOM SKINS\The Jedi Collection\The Jedi Collection\Dave - Jedi Robes\Jedi Tunic - Robes.smskin //Path to player skin. Remove to Use default D_LIFETIME_NORM = 10 //Lifetime (secs) of debris (0 to turn off) S_SOUND_SYS_ENABLED = true //The sound system (restart required) S_SOUND_ENABLED = true //Sound S_SOUND_VOLUME_GLOBAL = 5 //Sound Volume USE_OPEN_AL_SOUND = true //OpenAL (Off fixes stutter, but silent videos. restart needed. working on fix) N_TRANSMIT_RAW_DEBUG_POSITIONS = false C_SELECTED_JOYSTICK = 0 ICON_BAKERY_BLOCKSTYLE_ROTATE_DEG = -90.0 MOUSE_WHEEL_SENSIBILITY = 7.0E-4 BUILD_MODE_SHIFT_SPEED = 25.0 ORBITAL_CAM_SPEED = 0.5 G_DAMAGE_DISPLAY = 3000 //Damage display distance G_STAR_COUNT = 65536 //Star Count G_VBO_BULKMODE_SIZE = 4 G_DRAW_FOG = false G_DRAW_BEAMS = true //Draw beams G_DRAW_EXHAUST_PLUMES = true //Draw thruster plumes D_INFO_CONTROLMANAGER = false D_INFO_SHADER_ERRORS = false T_ENABLE_TEXTURE_BAKER = false D_INFO_DRAW_TIMES = false D_INFO_DRAW_SPACE_PARTICLE = false G_SPACE_PARTICLE = true //Draw space dust particles G_DRAW_MOUSE_COLLISION = false G_ATMOSPHERE_SHADER = normal F_FRAME_BUFFER = true //Use Framebuffer G_SHADOW_NEAR_DIST = 1.0 G_SHADOW_FAR_DIST = 75.0 G_SHADOW_DEPTH_RANGE_NEAR = 0.0 G_SHADOW_DEPTH_RANGE_FAR = 1.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_FAR_0 = 0.325 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_NEAR_1 = 0.325 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_FAR_1 = 0.325 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_NEAR_2 = 0.325 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MULT = 1.005 G_SHADOW_CROP_MATRIX_MAX = -1000.0 G_SHADOW_CROP_MATRIX_MIN = 1000.0 G_SHADOW_EXTRA_BACKUP = 20.0 G_SHADOW_NEAR_CLIP = 0.05 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_0 = 0.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_1 = 10.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_2 = 10.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_MAT_RADIUS_ADD_3 = 3.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_0 = 0.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_1 = 100.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_2 = 50.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_MAT_FAR_ADDED_3 = 150.0 G_SHADOW_SPLIT_ORTHO_NEAR_ADDED = -100.0 G_SHADOW_ULTRA_FAR_BOUNDS_ADDED_0 = -0.013 G_SHADOW_ULTRA_FAR_BOUNDS_ADDED_1 = -0.002 G_SHADOW_ULTRA_FAR_BOUNDS_ADDED_2 = -0.002 G_SHADOW_OTHER_QUALITY_FAR_BOUND_ADDED_0 = -0.023 G_SHADOW_OTHER_QUALITY_FAR_BOUND_ADDED_1 = -0.002 G_SHADOW_OTHER_QUALITY_FAR_BOUND_ADDED_2 = -0.0 G_SHADOW_FOV_ADDED_RAD = 0.2 G_SHADOW_DISPLAY_SHADOW_MAP = false G_DRAW_SHIELDS = true //Shield Effect G_DRAW_WATER = true G_DRAW_BACKGROUND = true //Background Image G_WATER_USE_MIPMAPS = false E_NAVIGATION_FILTER = 621 G_DRAW_ENTITIES = true G_FRUSTUM_CULLING = true G_DRAW_EFFECTS = true G_SHADER_RELOAD = false G_FRAMERATE_FIXED = 120 //Limit Framerate (30, 60, 120, 240, or -1 for unlimited) GRAPHICS_PRESET = GRAPHICS_CUSTOM //Graphics Mode G_SHADERS_ACTIVE = true G_DEBUG_DRAW_GRID = false G_DEBUG_DRAW_LINES = true T_TERRAIN_DRAW = true T_TERRAIN_WIREFRAME_DRAW = false G_CULLING_ACTIVE = true G_TEXTURE_ARRAYS = false G_AUTO_NORMALIZATION = true G_DRAW_BY_SIDES = true G_WIREFRAMED = false G_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_BLOCKS = false G_TEXTURE_ARRAY_COMPRESSION = true G_TEXTURE_ARRAY_MIPMAP = true G_TEXTURE_MIPMAP = true G_SHADOWS_VSM = false S_PAUSED = false S_SETTINGS_SHOW = false MINIMAP_MODE = LARGE //Radar (minimap) size SECTOR_INDICATION_MODE = INDICATION_ONLY //Indicators for other sectors S_KEY_ALLOW_DUPLICATES = true //Allow key assign duplicates GIF_WIDTH = 640 GIF_HEIGHT = 640 GIF_FPS = 15 GIF_GUI = false GIF_QUALITY = 3 G_DEBRIS_THRESHOLD_SLOW_MS = 2 S_INITIAL_SETTING = Single Player S_GAME_MODE = Sandbox G_BONE_ANIMATION = true P_NT_DEBUG_ACTIVE = false P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_ACTIVE_OCCLUSION = false P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = false P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_MODE = 0 G_DEBUG_LINE_DRAWING_ACTIVATED = false G_WINDOW_START_POSITION = center G_DRAW_GUI_ACTIVE = true G_DRAW_NO_OVERLAYS = false G_PARTICLE_SORTING = true P_PHYSICS_ACTIVATED = true G_SMOKE_QUALITY = false G_DRAW_STARS = false //Draw additional stars G_DRAW_PASTE_PREVIEW = true //Draw preview for paste G_USE_SPRITE_VBO = true TUTORIAL_NEW = false //Tutorial enabled G_AUTOSELECT_CONTROLLERS = true //AutoSelect Controllers S_INFO_DRAW = FPS_AND_PING //Tech Info G_VBO_FLAG = STATIC N_LAG_COMPENSATION = true N_IGNORE_SAVED_UPLINK_CREDENTIALS_IN_SINGLEPLAYER = true N_SERVERTIME_UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 10000 M_TEXTURE_PACK_CONFIG_TOOL = ./data/textures/block/Default/64/ G_MIPMAP_LEVEL_MAX = 3 M_MOUSE_SENSITIVITY = 1.7 //Mouse Sensitivity G_HIT_INDICATION_SIZE = 1.5 //Size of hit indications F_BLOOM = true //Bloom Effect F_BLOOM_INTENSITY = 0.4 //Bloom Intensity S_MOUSE_LOCK = true G_DRAW_ADV_BUILDMODE_BLOCK_PREVIEW = true G_SHOW_PURE_NUMBERS_FOR_SHIELD_AND_POWER = false S_FLIP_HOTBAR_MOUSEWHEEL = false //Use keybind to scroll through other hotbars S_INVERT_MOUSEWHEEL_HOTBAR = false //Invert mouse wheel for hotbars S_ZOOM_MOUSEWHEEL = SLOTS //Primary mouse wheel function S_MOUSE_SHIP_INVERT = false //Invert MoUse-Y (Ship) S_MOUSE_ALL_INVERT = false //Invert MoUse-Y (All) S_USE_REGION_SIGNATURE_TEST = false G_PREVIEW_TO_BUILD_BLOCK = false //Preview Block to build S_EXIT_ON_ESC = false G_USE_HIGH_QUALITY_BACKGROUND = false G_DRAW_POPUPS = true G_USE_VBO_MAP = true G_DRAW_JUMP_OVERLAY = true G_MAG_FILTER_LINEAR_BLOCKS = false //Use linear mag filter on Blocks (restart required) BLOCK_TEXTURE_ANISOTROPY = false //Anisotropic block textures (restart required) G_MAG_FILTER_LINEAR_GUI = false //Use linear mag filter on GUI (restart required) G_MAX_BEAMS = 8192 //Max Beams Drawn (restart required) SEGMENT_REQUEST_BATCH = 64 //Size of Chunk request-queue CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE = 65536 ICON_BAKERY_SINGLE_RESOLUTION = 150 LIGHT_RAY_COUNT = 128 //Block light quality (impacts chunk refresh time, but not fps) ICON_BAKERY_SINGLE_ICONS = false G_MUST_CONFIRM_DETACHEMENT_AT_SPEED = 0.0 //Popup Detach Warning (% server speed, -1 off) G_USE_SHADER4 = true O_OCULUS_RENDERING = false G_USE_VERTEX_LIGHTING_ONLY = false //Simple Lighting Quality (faster) CLIENT_TRAFFIC_CLASS = true G_DRAW_SELECTED_BLOCK_WOBBLE = true G_DRAW_SELECTED_BLOCK_WOBBLE_ALWAYS = false //Draw box around connected blocks G_USE_TWO_COMPONENT_SHADER = false A_FORCE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = -1 MIN_FFA = 2 B_UNDO_REDO_MAX = 33 G_DRAW_ANY_CONNECTIONS = true //Draw connections between logic blocks G_DRAW_ALL_CONNECTIONS = false //Draw all connections (not only logic) N_ARTIFICIAL_DELAY = 0 SEGMENT_PIECE_QUEUE_SINGLEPLAYER = 32767 G_MAX_MISSILE_TRAILS = 2048 //Max Missile Trails (restart required) G_USE_OCCLUSION_CULLING = false C_AUTOASSIGN_WEAPON_SLOTS = false //Autoassign weapons on fire if bar empty G_DRAW_NT_STATS_OVERLAY = false //Draw network statistics in HUD CLIENT_CUSTOM_TEXTURE_PATH = ./customBlockTextures SECRET = none LIMIT_FPS_UNFOCUS = true GUI_USE_DISPLAY_LISTS = false USE_GL_MULTI_DRAWARRAYS = true //MultiDraw Optimization (turn off on chunk Draw problems) USE_GL_MULTI_DRAWARRAYS_INITIAL_SET = true CHAT_CLOSE_ON_ENTER = true //Close chat on enter A_FORCE_LOCAL_SAVE_ENABLED_IN_SINGLE_PLAYER = false G_SHIP_INFO_ZOOM = 0 G_SINGLEPLAYER_CREATIVE_MODE = false //G_SINGLEPLAYER_CREATIVE_MODE G_DRAW_LAG_OBJECTS_IN_HUD = false //Draw lag statistics in HUD G_SHOW_SYMMETRY_PLANES = true //Show symmetry planes LANGUAGE_PACK = english LANGUAGE_PACK_ASSIGNED = true DELETE_SEVER_DATABASE_ON_STARTUP = false G_BASIC_SELECTION_BOX = false //Draw basic selection boxes OFFLINE_PLAYER_NAME = Brushes ONLINE_PLAYER_NAME = Brushes SERVERLIST_COMPATIBLE = true SERVERLIST_RESPONSIVE = true SERVERLIST_FAVORITES = true SERVERLIST_CUSTOMS = false CUBE_LIGHT_NORMALIZER_NEW_M = true SERVERLIST_LAST_SERVER_USED = LAST_GAME = SP;PRE weapon update survival;4242;Brushes PLAY_INTRO = false //Play Intro SUBTITLES = false //Subtitles TUTORIAL_BUTTON_BLINKING = false TUTORIAL_PLAY_INTRO = false TUTORIAL_WATCHED = fundamentals; SHOW_32BIT_WARNING = true USE_INTEGER_VERTICES = true LOD_DISTANCE_IN_THRESHOLD = 100.0 //Non Block Render Distance (LoD) AUTOSET_RESOLUTION = false FIRST_START = false USE_TGA_NORMAL_MAPS = true PLUME_BLOOM = true BLUEPRINT_STRUCTURE_BUILD_OPTIONS = false BLOCK_STYLE_PRESET = 70001, false, 53; 140002, false, 103; 90003, false, 69; 170004, false, 126; 150000, false, 108; 60000, false, 45; 130000, false, 94; 140004, false, 105; 110002, false, 82; 30004, false, 28; 50003, false, 41; 90002, false, 68; 60005, false, 50; 80001, false, 60; 50000, false, 38; 100, false, 7; 150006, false, 114; 190004, false, 140; 50001, false, 39; 30003, false, 27; 190005, false, 141; 50004, false, 42; 180004, false, 133; 100000, false, 73; 90000, false, 66; 70004, false, 56; 120003, false, 90; 40003, false, 34; 190006, false, 142; 180000, false, 129; 70002, false, 54; 100001, false, 74; 80005, false, 64; 190003, false, 139; 160004, false, 119; 300, false, 9; 120002, false, 89; 30001, false, 25; 5, true, 5; 100006, false, 79; 60006, false, 51; 10003, false, 13; 30000, false, 24; 10000, false, 10; 110003, false, 83; 150005, false, 113; 170002, false, 124; 1, true, 1; 160002, false, 117; 110005, false, 85; 140001, false, 102; 50005, false, 43; 70006, false, 58; 130002, false, 96; 70003, false, 55; 20001, false, 18; 10006, true, 16; 40006, false, 37; 180002, false, 131; 90001, false, 67; 30002, false, 26; 120005, false, 92; 60002, false, 47; 60004, false, 49; 130004, false, 98; 130003, false, 97; 30005, false, 29; 110001, false, 81; 80004, false, 63; 130005, false, 99; 180001, false, 130; 20002, false, 19; 120001, false, 88; 100004, false, 77; 90004, false, 70; 4, true, 4; 170006, false, 128; 140000, false, 101; 150004, false, 112; 140006, false, 107; 100005, false, 78; 20006, true, 23; 40000, false, 31; 130001, false, 95; 20004, false, 21; 70000, false, 52; 130006, false, 100; 50002, false, 40; 160003, false, 118; 160000, false, 115; 60001, false, 46; 80000, false, 59; 40002, false, 33; 50006, false, 44; 170005, false, 127; 110000, false, 80; 100003, false, 76; 70005, false, 57; 180005, false, 134; 140005, false, 106; 80006, false, 65; 140003, false, 104; 20005, false, 22; 170003, false, 125; 90006, false, 72; 20000, false, 17; 190000, false, 136; 20003, false, 20; 180006, false, 135; 190001, false, 137; 40001, false, 32; 60003, false, 48; 160005, false, 120; 170001, false, 123; 160001, false, 116; 150001, false, 109; 120004, false, 91; 40004, false, 35; 80002, false, 61; 190002, false, 138; 120006, false, 93; 110004, false, 84; 170000, false, 122; 10001, false, 11; 10002, false, 12; 80003, false, 62; 180003, false, 132; 200, false, 8; 150003, false, 111; 120000, false, 87; 30006, false, 30; 3, false, 3; 10005, false, 15; 100002, false, 75; 160006, false, 121; 150002, false, 110; 90005, false, 71; 10004, false, 14; 6, true, 6; 2, true, 2; 110006, false, 86; 40005, false, 36; 0, true, 0 DEBUG_SHIP_CAM_ON_RCONTROL = false G_ELEMENT_COLLECTION_INT_ATT = true CONTEXT_HELP_PLACE_MODULE_WITHOUT_COMPUTER_WARNING = false CONTEXT_HELP_PLACE_CHAMBER_WITHOUT_CONDUIT_WARNING = false CONTEXT_HELP_PLACE_CONDIUT_WITHOUT_CHAMBER_OR_MAIN_WARNING = false CONTEXT_HELP_PLACE_REACTOR_WITH_LOW_STABILIZATION = false CONTEXT_HELP_STABILIZER_EFFICIENCY_PLACE = false CONTEXT_HELP_PLACED_NEW_REACTOR_ON_OLD_SHIP = true CONTEXT_HELP_PLACED_OLD_POWER_ON_NEW_SHIP = true CREATE_MANAGER_MESHES = true //Outline Effects STRUCTURE_STATS_MINIMIZED = false SECONDARY_MOUSE_CLICK_MINE_TIMER = 1.0 //Arm mines with sec. fire button in secs TRACK_VRAM = true DRAW_TOOL_TIPS = true ADVANCED_BUILD_MODE_STICKY_DELAY = 230 PERMA_OUTLINE = true //Always show outline for targeted entities USE_ADV_ENERGY_BEAM_SHADER = true //Use advanced energy beam shader USE_POLY_SCALING_ENERGY_STREAM = true //Use energystream with more polygons on bigger sizes SHOW_MODULE_HELP_ON_CURSOR = 3 //Seconds to show context help for modules on cursor
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- T2945: game crashes on exit of Builder block
Event Timeline
Ok then, was wrong but unfortunately those logs have a too vague stacktrace to determine exactly where it happens.
It seems to be caused by something going null in your HUD Context, although not sure which part.
Can you reproduce this issue? I tried a station with factories and stuff similar to it but had no success.
I was able to reproduce this crash! Here is my exact sequence of events:
- Create new survival world (no creative stuff here) in PRE v0.201.088
- Purchase 1ea of all factories (micro assembler all the way to advanced factory)
- Purchase undeathinator, build block and faction block
- Create a new faction and turn on 'hostile action = war' or such
- Create a small core/pwr/eng ship
- Charge your jump drive and notice that RMB still does nothing ;P
- Fly to random sector away from factions but fair distance away (mine was 185km) I also traveled at 450 m/s as i dont trust 900 m/s to not crash after a long distance
- Once in sector, wait for map to catch up to your current position if it isnt already
- Admin /give_credits *name* 1000000
- Exit your ship
- Create a station
- Put a build block onto it
- Enter build block and place all your factories down in a straight line extending out one of the build block axis
- Remove original station armor block
- Place faction block, undeathinator and one power on the remaining build block axis so as to form a "t" shape
- Exit build block
Unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce the issue following those steps to the letter.
Anything you did after the "Create a station" step that you forgot to mention? Even trivial stuff like connecting a factory to something could be a cause.
And if you can reproduce again, please upload new logs as there might be new clues in there as well.
Hi Schema!!!!
Just tested again in v0.201.100 and it failed right away, same as usual for me. xD Is there anything i can do to help troubleshoot this? I'm able to reproduce this crash every time, following the above steps. I thought it had to be done on a new world and/or first spawn of station but now i've got one that causes crash every time you try to exit build block it seems.... Here's the world files, just spawn in (creative or naw) enter build block and immediatly exit build block should crash.
Thanks for sharing that world but it seems the files are incomplete. It only contains the npcFactions, where as your world should also contain a DATA and index folder.
But yes, if you could make an entity (which apparently is just a build block here) in that world to reproduce it by just entering/exiting that would be perfect.
Your world may have been incomplete because you crashed, make sure to leave your world first if you've constructed something that should crash you. That way it saves first.
Scratch that, I can reproduce now ^^
I should have tried your settings.cfg sooner, but using yours seems to cause it indeed.
I could reproduce it in 0.201.100, but then I tried it again in 0.201.105 and it did not happen again. Seems the fixes out of the blue on it did work then.
Can you confirm that it is not happening anymore for you in 0.201.105 or higher? (You may need to switch to the dev build branch if it isn't on a prebuild yet)
It works for me as well in .105!!! :D
Funny how it just works in Dev build, lol. Is there something off with my settings.cfg to cause this in .100??
You had a few more HUD context options enabled than I did. But it's fixed either way as Schema went through them all to check for any possible mistakes (and fixed some that may have caused it).
Your settings are fine though, didn't see anything odd in it besides the extra HUD Contexts you had enabled.