User Details
- User Since
- Jun 2 2015, 9:00 PM (512 w, 6 d)
- Availability
- Available
Feb 24 2017
Sep 21 2016
Sep 19 2016
I do not see why not
Sep 18 2016
Sep 17 2016
Sep 13 2016
Isn't there a hardcoded limit of 1 station per sector, or is that just a default config limit?
If hardcoded, it is also possible have any created station not appear where the user was pointing, but in the exact center of the sector instead. That way we won't even need an indicator for the center.
There should also be a way to indicate the center of the current sector.
Sep 9 2016
Sep 4 2016
Aug 30 2016
Aug 26 2016
Considering the vote is:
yes: 1 no: 1 skip: 3
I suggest a meeting to reach a consensus.
I personally have spacedust disabled as it annoys me, but for those that enjoy it I can see the use of this.
Aug 25 2016
Unable to process, missing description and link. :P
I can't see any reason against implementing this eventually. Although it should not be a priority at the moment.
Aug 20 2016
Aug 7 2016
Aug 4 2016
Jul 31 2016
Instead of just using the default price ±x%, how about[with that setting enabled] buy and sell prices are not set individually, and instead the user sets 1 price per item, with the buy price being set price +x% and the sell price being set price -x%
Right now when you refine 1 ore you get multiple back meaning that you created mass from nowhere.
To correct a potential misunderstanding, right now the sum of the mass of the items created by refining an ore/shard exceeds the mass of the raw ore/shard. This is what should be fixed, not the number of items produced.
Jul 30 2016
Jul 28 2016
Jul 26 2016
Why not allow it on both ships and stations, while only the latter will have reach beyond its own sector.
As for countermeasures, just use normal thrusters.
Jul 25 2016
it should definetly be a nav filter option at the very least
Jul 22 2016
Jul 19 2016
Jul 18 2016
I can neither come to a definitive yes or a definitive no, so I'll skip.
Jul 16 2016
I am unable to decide with this one, yes it can be useful, but I am not sure if using a separate raildocker is the best solution.
Jul 15 2016
Jul 14 2016
Jul 12 2016
Jul 5 2016
So wedges, etc. would handle like slabs do now?
I like it, unless someone can provide a good reason against having it that way, apart from the workload on the devs.
Considering the stats of any selected ship show up in the top left corner, and that any ship in the nav menu can be selected, there is no difference, so I have no reason to say no to that part. Once that changes, the bars in the nav menu should also change their behaviour accordingly.
Jul 2 2016
Jul 1 2016
If a player has multiple blueprints in their inventory, which one is shown? Or are all shown in a sort of tree like structure?
Jun 26 2016
Jun 25 2016
Jun 24 2016
Feb 20 2016
As the description and steps to reproduce state.
Feb 19 2016
Jan 23 2016
-QA Testing-
Cannot reproduce anymore on both 32bit and 64bit, closing.
-QA Testing-
Still fixed, as far as I can tell.
Jan 21 2016
-QA Testing-
Fix confirmed for all OS
-QA Testing-
Fixed on linux, and windows.
Jan 20 2016
-QA Testing-
Not fixed, at least on ubuntu linux 14.04 32bit. Tester information field updated with new log. Does occur on 64bit ubuntu linux 12.04 too, unless the environment path is manually set to the launcher's install folder beforehand. Thus assuming the cause to be a path resolving issue.
Jan 19 2016
-QA Testing-
Still occurring on ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04, other linux versions are likely also affected.
Jan 18 2016
-QA Testing-
Test concluded like the previous test, fixed.
-QA Testing-
Test concludes just like the previous one, fixed.
-QA Testing-
Fix confirmed.
Jan 17 2016
-QA Testing-
Fix confirmed.
-QA testing-
Fixed, with no reason to believe in the existence of not yet tested edge-cases.
I cannot reproduce this anymore, even with what I think are the old bad files.
Cannot reproduce anymore on 64bit. 32bit could not be tested due to lack of a build.
Testing 32bit once a build is available.
Jan 13 2016
It is only a concern if these settings do not work due to a bug, or if they can be bypassed by an exploit.
Jan 11 2016