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- User Since
- Aug 1 2015, 9:42 PM (500 w, 1 d)
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Dec 31 2015
Oct 30 2015
This isn't just the shipyards on v0.19456 it happens with everything.
This may or may not be fixed. I tried to make it run out of power while building and it would completely build the ship, but then when I was deconstructing the ship and I would remove all the power it would stop completely and not remove all the blocks. So, I cannot tell if this is completely fixed.
This happens both on the faction you are in and any other faction.
I got the logs of this crash:
Oct 28 2015
Un-claiming it so that anyone can change it.
@lancake can you please attach the race gate template?
Oct 26 2015
Oct 17 2015
Sep 22 2015
This is a feature that does not happen or does not exist(?)
Sep 13 2015
@AndyP can you upload your station so that I can recreate it with the same way it was built?
- Confirmed -
Finally I confirmed this task. I didn't even have to run the file again it just errored with the same error that the author got.
Sep 6 2015
Well there is nothing wrong with it other than none of the armour values can have decimal places.
So, what was saying there was a duplicate of?
I will try that.
Sep 5 2015
Can you describe your steps to produce this? I cannot seem to reproduce it as I know how to import them...
Confirmed even with a smaller ship.
This seems to happen with as the title says and also as Zachey said. But I cannot seem to find any other way this happens. Possibly a rendering bug.
Sep 4 2015
I tried to recreate this bug and I was not successful. I shot at only one plate of a r211 and a r350 planet and none of the plates were physically smaller but were visually smaller because they were farther away from each other and all of them were one sector out so they would be smaller. Each block of the planet matched the size of each block on the ship you posted so no resize of the planet.
Hey, @Napther was the blocks when you went up to the planet parts smaller than the blocks of your ship or what?
Sep 1 2015
Confirmed. Also there is no option to import the recipes when importing the block config where you choose the fields to import in the block editor.
Aug 30 2015
Aug 28 2015
Can you give me more detailed information as into what is happening when this error occurs.
I can confirm this.
Aug 27 2015
Already fixed not able to reproduce anymore, and as Lancake has said "but it's possible CPU usage has been decreased for build/ship mode related features due to physic optimizations."
Aug 25 2015
Aug 22 2015
I was able to reproduce this multiple times on all occurrences it was because I loaded the planet after it was unloaded (i.e. Joining and going to the sector). So this would have to be because of the universe generation when joining.
Confirmed It is because of a false positive...
Aug 21 2015
Aug 20 2015
Was intended.
Aug 19 2015
I can confirm this, it seems to be as Andy said, no wrapping and the window doesn't respect the minimum size for the window.
Aug 18 2015
Edit: It has been tested successfully for cannons too so all weapons should be changed too, so that if they may do this also then it would be fixed already.
I can confirm this but only with damage beam weapons. I have tested all four and damage beam seems to do this. I was having lag and it did work as expected:
I will do some testing...
Aug 13 2015
I have had some luck in this issue so I will do some more tests with different settings...
I am taking my self off for now since I have not been able to reproduce.
Aug 11 2015
Confirmed I did missiles first on a pirate station and nothing came, then did cannons and reinforcements came!
Aug 10 2015
I am still waiting on the blueprint for their ship no response yet... I will wait some more. But I have not been successful on reproducing this. So maybe as I am trying to test; blueprint, world files, or StarMade libraries?
Aug 8 2015
After some testing I cannot seem to reproduce this...
EDIT: I messaged them on StarMade Dock so that I can get a log from Raiben too
I will do more tests with this...
Aug 7 2015
I have a question for David... What kind of missiles were you using?
It seems to be only showing up in the lighter colors and not any of the darker ones, unless you look very closely.
I will do some tests
Aug 6 2015
I don't have this problem when playing full screen on Windows 10 but I do have an older Video Card than this one so that may make a difference.
Aug 5 2015
Yes it does I tested it again when on and off again also.
Aug 4 2015
Yes I do have "preview block to build on" on...
It was in the planet...
Never mind I did it some how after my whole GPU crashed
And this is on Windows 10 and Java 8 and AMD Radeon HD 7800. Also latest stable build!Could this be the cause for the cpu usage because it spams this message in the logs 30 times per second is the highest I have found...
I can reproduce on Windows 10 with AMD Radeon HD 7800 and Java 8
Aug 3 2015
Umm seems to be after you join and ends when you leave but not in the launcher.
No I cannot get this to work either...+
It seems to be any time..
It sounds a lot like a static or fuzzy noise to me...
I have found this bug on not only the docked ships but all ships.
Aug 2 2015
I have done some more tests and yes I can confirm this happens still on AMD cards so it's not the graphic cards
I will test it minimizing since I have windows 10
EDIT: Nevermind it does and I have AMD
I forgot to run it in full screen I had noticed it was in maximized and for some reason sometimes that cuts off the header of the window on my display (not StarMade related