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- User Since
- Feb 2 2016, 1:11 AM (474 w, 6 d)
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Aug 31 2017
Jul 19 2017
Feb 2 2017
I mentioned this bug in the latest starmade update thread and schema hotfixed it. Long range beams are working good now.
Jan 28 2017
In the newest version (v0.199.432)... it now destroys zero blocks when shooting a beam/beam weapon across a sector border. Shooting a target inside the same sector is more impressive though.
Jan 18 2017
Dec 13 2016
Dec 3 2016
I was surprised that you couldn't recreate this, so I did some further testing.
Dec 2 2016
Dec 1 2016
Sep 10 2016
Feel free to close/delete this ticket. I didn't realize, at first, that auxiliary reactors were meant to be permanently left turned on. That surprised me.
Sep 9 2016
I can't make sense of the math.
Correction... I did some more testing. It is doing an initial dump of a lot of power, follow by a lesser recharge when the auxiliary tank empties, but the empty auxiliary tank recharge rate feels like the recharge rate of that listed for the "on" stat.
Jul 30 2016
Jul 19 2016
Woah, I updated and opened my starmade this morning and everything was dark, like the lighting engine was turned off. So I set "CUBE_LIGHT_NORMALIZER_NEW_M = true" and everything is back to normal. But I know that I launched starmade multiple times last night with that set to false and it wasn't dark. What does that setting do?
(my internet is finally back up, and I can post this)
Jul 16 2016
Jul 14 2016
I feel like if you use the shipyard modules in a downward facing "C" shape, then you're fine. And that would be the most common shipyard shape, but stray from the path just a little and you're blocks might not align. The alignment I mentioned earlier could be used in a side "C" shaped shipyard, where it opens to the side. I wonder if they've always been like this?... I guess I usually make traditional shipyards.
Jun 19 2016
May 23 2016
I would also like to note that some of the values that it's defaulting to are not what I remember the defaults being. It's defaulting the sector size to 1000. I thought the default was supposed to be 2000, but I'm not positive. That may affect people's single player worlds.
May 22 2016
May 13 2016
I probably didn't have a faction module on the ship I was picking up, during my earlier listed steps. Since, it was just a quickly built test ship. Apparently that makes a difference.
May 11 2016
May 5 2016
Apr 27 2016
Apr 25 2016
Those are some really short pickup rail lines in your gif... I would try making them longer.
Apr 17 2016
Apr 15 2016
WOW... after getting the ship stuck to me... if I travel back a sector it disappears. And if I travel forward a sector it reappears. Very Strange.
I've never had this problem before, but I decided to try recreating it for the fun of it. I usually never move my ships when something is docking to me. But I was able to recreate it first try by crossing a sector border while manually picking up a ship. Here are my exact steps.
Apr 12 2016
I just checked them... I have 9 transporter computers and each one of them is connected to 9 modules. I also checked the block counts in my blueprint, and all transporter computers are accounted for.
Apr 10 2016
I save my mothership blueprint at the end of every building session as a different blueprint name (ship01, ship02, ship03).
It just happened to me again. I exited my ship core after doing some building and noticed that 8 of my 9 transporter names on my mothership build in progress were blank. I tried retracing all the different things I've done in the past 2 days, but I'm still unable to figure out the steps to recreate the bug.
Apr 9 2016
I tried some stuff out In today's official patch (v0.197.36). The move command still doesn't use any kind of braking when reaching it's destination. But if you interrupt the move order with an idle command, it stops very suddenly, too suddenly.
Since today's official patch (v0.197.36) came out, I'm no longer seeing any problems with persistent move orders.
Apr 6 2016
I just noticed ticket T1316. That sounds similar to this.
Apr 1 2016
This bug could have occurred after some attempts were made to fix T1180. Because I remember the defend sector command moved ships correctly before the current patch (v0.19624). But in v0.19624 I was surprised when they didn't move.
Mar 29 2016
The Sentry command is working great now.
Mar 28 2016
I think it might also be doing the same thing on the attack sector fleet command.
Wow, you're right, this does seem be working.
This issue was fixed for me in the last patch release.
Mar 27 2016
I had this happen to me once. It was on my huge long-term ship building project, which I haven't finished yet. I went into my single player world to do some building on my ship, and noticed that all the transporter names had disappeared. It has 9 transporter rooms in it, and a rail elevator. I re-entered all the transporter names and it hasn't happened again since that one time.
Mar 26 2016
Mar 14 2016
If your drones are docking backwards, then putting the rail docker on the very back end of the drone, with nothing sticking out past it, might help. That way the rail docker gets in range of the docking point before the drones collision box does.
Mar 12 2016
I was able to successfully create an animated gif of the problem. You can see in the gif that they are performing collision avoidance with the pickup rail, before getting close enough to dock.
Mar 11 2016
Mar 10 2016
Mar 8 2016
I was trying out the move fleet command while I was aligned to, and inside my ship. I was about to create a bug report, but then I found this ticket.
Mar 6 2016
It's also worth noting, that when you're using the defend sector command, if your fleet ships have short range weapons that are less than the 2km sector size... I think it's possible to have enemies in your defended sector being ignored by your fleet.
One time I was testing the fleet sentry command... my fleet ship didn't respond until it got the beam computer shot off. Which switched the ship from a short range weapon (Beam/Cannon) to a longer range weapon (Cannon). It then began fighting back, but none of the other fleet members helped.
If an enemy is within weapons range, it works fine.
Mar 3 2016
Feb 28 2016
I don't usually post here. but I'll post my experiences in case it helps. I saw this bug when working on my large EVE Oracle Shell. About 450m tall empty shell. If I wanted to try to recreate this bug, the easiest way I've found is to set you brush size to something large like 50x50x50, and use the replace block tool over a large area. I would estimate it to happen within 5 to 8 clicks... maybe. When it happens, only one single block out of the whole area will explode instead of replacing it with the new block.