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- User Since
- Aug 22 2015, 12:34 AM (496 w, 21 h)
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- Available
May 20 2018
I'm still getting crashes from weapons fire but I'm not sure if it's related. Logs attached.
Apr 30 2018
Still a problem in 201.006
Apr 22 2018
Apr 18 2018
Fucked up the version numbers, oh well.
May 30 2017
For the record, this is not fixed. The shipyards at my homebase have been unusable for the past two days because of this. Replacing the shipyard computer and manually re-linking fixes it to a degree but reintroducing old designs breaks the shipyard.
Sep 10 2016
Sep 6 2016
I think you guys got this one... Been using shipyards for the past two updates with no problems, other than AI turrets not inheriting AI settings.
Aug 19 2016
I wanted to update this with fleet orders not being persistent after a player logs out as well.
Jul 3 2016
Mar 15 2016
I don't have access to that?
Mar 13 2016
Mar 2 2016
HEY THERE! It's been a while but I've managed to determine the cause. Using push defensively on a logic clock on a doced entity will cause the nullpointer
I was able to fix it by overwriting the data in "revertBehaviorconfig.xml" with the corresponding lines in the actual blockbehaviorconfig. Go ahead and close this up.
Yeah, I had replaced my BP folder. Everything else was clean; no config changes, no third party shaders, no textures.
Feb 27 2016
I was in SP, with the name "Comr4deplsunban", had no problems with fleets deleting themselves
Feb 25 2016
Functioning in .19563
as of .19562 Large ships will accelerate normally again, however... there seem to be some issues with formations at this time.
Okay, did some more testing at my end. This only happens when the server shuts down. This can be a problem for SP-players.
Feb 24 2016
Feb 23 2016
Oh fuck me, I didn't see there was already a report for this when I searched "fleet". Go ahead and close it, it's a duplicate.
Feb 12 2016
The setting itself is a little iffy sometimes, but it does eventually work. Go ahead and close it.
Jan 29 2016
Further update: the issue is not the blocks like shops, factories being operational. The issue is that they're allowed to be placed in the first place, whether it be a BP or a shipyard. On a server where restricting shields to stations is part of the custom config, it seriously interferes with that config without some sort of hacky workarounds.
Jan 26 2016
Jan 22 2016
We're trying to restrict shields from ships and make them station only. We've had limited success by changing the ID number of shields to -redacted- and -redacted- respectively but it's definitely a stopgap solution. I'll poke BDLS to poke the configs.
Jan 20 2016
Dec 13 2015
Katarone beat me to it. I confirm his report, it's happening again.
Nov 15 2015
Nov 8 2015
This also affects the "Fire at Selected Target" setting for AI turrets on docked ships. Found this out the hard way when I dunked a faction mate in a core.
Nov 5 2015
Oct 8 2015
Hey there,
Oct 5 2015
Actually we ran into this bug a couple times on SS and Hypercore. We lost a musaka to this bug, the bow section (with the docking block) disappeared and the ship fell off of the dock it was on. We logged back in to find that we were missing a ship, which was later traced to another player's base (without the bow section)
Sep 15 2015
I've noticed this as well on the Hyper-core server and have realized that warping/flying one sector above on the Y axis will locate the pirate fleet. I've tested this multiple times, where I approach the pirate fleet and they are not in motion. I think the issue is that the fleets aren't traveling to their targets.
Sep 9 2015
Aug 27 2015
I... was looking at a different bug, tabbed out, tabbed back to this. I bring dishonor.
Normal priority
I'm having the same issue. I'm having this issue with ships that have been converted from a blueprint to a design.