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- User Since
- Aug 4 2015, 5:22 PM (500 w, 6 d)
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Jan 7 2017
Just to add.
Dec 13 2016
Sep 16 2016
I tested with a 101 member fleet of which the flagship contained 20 turrets.
Im unable to reproduce this in single player. fleet organisation remained the same and no member was kicked upon restart or simulated crash (shut down of SM). Move orders across sectors and then logging out did not breakup the fleet or add other entities for me.
Sep 13 2016
Sep 12 2016
I have performed some fleet mining tests today,
Apr 29 2016
Popped onto the server and noticed this today after moving a fleet.
Mar 5 2016
To add the home base owner was in game and in the base. The other players fleet appeared on the nav and loaded in before they flew into the station as described.
I should add that the two times I witnessed this the waypoint was 70km and 18 km away.
Jan 17 2016
Jan 14 2016
Big server ship battle, everyone has huge holes in their ships.
Nov 14 2015
I think this relates to performance really. If you build a station that can defend itself then it will require a reasonable number of turrets.
Now if you have say two ships docked each with ten turrets then this just drops the fps to single figures and PINGs the server to where it effects other players.
Nov 9 2015
Will check the logs as the ship turret issue was over a period of hours.
Individual blocks are not missing.
My base turret was missing the barrel entity, the turret base was still there attached to the homebase.
The design of the turret means that the barrel if detached, would still be trapped in the turret base if it was detached by a player by mistake.
I did search the surrounding sectors and could not find it.
All player stations are centred in their sectors including mine using "teleport_selected_to 0 0 0 as we have had issues with sector borders.
Nov 7 2015
Oct 28 2015
Oct 1 2015
After talking with Samuel I was advised to add my task T728 to here.
Just to add, I have logged into the test server (build 0.19439) im stuck on Andy's planets core.
I have cleared the cache, I had to reload the custom textures so I know it cleared but im still on the planets core.
Sep 10 2015
Aug 19 2015
I have tried to recreate this and failed.
I guess until it happens again I'm out of ideas like you.
Aug 17 2015
I have had the same problem, latest Dev version, Single Player around three hours ago.
Aug 11 2015
Yes that blueprint was saved after the chaos had happened.
Its worth pointing out that all the turrets on the ship have the same issue in that their computers are disconnected from the modules as well and so can't fire.
Also the ship under the control of the AI traveling across a sector or two while going crazy.
Aug 10 2015
Hi Psycommando.
Aug 7 2015
Aug 6 2015
One last thing to add ref:T465.
Aug 5 2015
That´s really to good to know.
I will let others know.
Last thing to add.
I restarted the server this morning, wireless blocks were working on the ship but had to be reconnected on the station.
At this point I shall be giving up reporting MP issues as I need the access. I shall forward these points to the main server admin.
Aug 4 2015
I exported the sector but have no idea where it exported to?
To confirm after stopping your MP server and restarting wireless links are not broken?
Our server still has this issue and is running the latest version.
Hi SmilingDemon,