the grey hull in the background is also a part of the entity from where you are using the build mode from ?
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Oct 19 2017
Oct 18 2017
Oct 17 2017
The reactor power also consumes power now.
The chamber also is bugged like the error above- stabilizers wrong value
Advanced Build mode shows 50e/s consumption on new ships. (Also does not show the base generation of 1e/s)
more problems
more problems
My apologies, I just accidentally confirmed independently the error does in fact exist.
Went on, found a shop, docked as I always do before logging out... there may now be a cluster of sectors that are inaccessible.
The file is not created or updated, regardless of single player or multiplayer.
Oct 16 2017
i quit the ser and relog-in, c+v again
i try to fix the problem by c+v, but the cargo missing by pressing "v"...
Before the server fatal error(i disconnected from the game), i make sure the cargo are in NORMAL state.
Another Bugged one
After server fatal error, i have found a BUGGED cargo
@Valck can you confirm my observation about the file creation in singleplayer but not in multiplayer ?
more error
More test:
The above test, the HP from the Stabilizers is gone. BUT
let me keep doing my experiment~
Qx:something with the reactor setup made it think the reactor was at 0hp and destroyed it.
Can you reply in T2624: Game crashed and station removed with possible details you know about the state before you left last time? AndyP10:09 PM
The relationship between Hitpoint and Power
windowPositionAndSizeConfig.tag does not generate for me when it is deleted, nor does it update with current window positions.
Oct 15 2017
After 1hr, I login the game again and keep building the production part.
This is indeed a problem and will need a better way to handle such startup failures.
Thank you for the report.
Open for testing
They are indeed not as responsive as the ones on the faction block.
You can not easily see what state is active and what state is inactive.
Sorry, the message of Mon, Oct 16, 5:57 AM should be in T2630 Dev .122 - wrong value of stabilization.
After the experiment above Power in T2624: Game crashed and station removed...
Although I have collected all generators, they are still in "4 groups" in report(see below).
BUT, if it counts as groups(let us assume in group here), it should be 5 group as there is a BIG one next the production part.
Sorry, i think the message since "Mon, Oct 16, 4:41 AM" should be moved to T2633 Dev .122 - wrong value of power consumption
So, let me do an experiment~
ok...more questions: adding more generators, comparing the yellow circle and blue circle , it seems no change in "Recharge". BUT, see the green circle, the machine has been charged power.
Is this a NEW power requirement/setting for the production? Otherwise, no energy for the production if there is no conduit connected.
Another report when a player log-in.
I catch the overheat debug report screen finally...such reports have been reported many times, it seems happen when players log-in.