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- User Since
- Jul 31 2015, 6:56 PM (501 w, 2 d)
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- Available
Nov 16 2015
I had that a while ago too. I used the explode command for this one. Just to add that it might not be linked to the ship destroying the core having logic controlled systems.
Its much easier to notice when there is a city on the plate though.
Nov 8 2015
I can confirm this is happening on v0.19488.
Oct 26 2015
I can confirm that in v0.19448 you can't turn off the atmosphere shader in the advanced option menu of the connection setup menu.
Sep 26 2015
Sep 15 2015
I can confirm that the "effect:" line is still in the description for the punch-through and pierce effects. And that the effect descriptions under the "effect:" line in those descriptions is missing in 0.19436.
I can confirm that this is happening on 0.19436.
You can't change the name of an asteroid you claimed for your faction using a faction block.
Sep 14 2015
Tested on version 0.19434.
Planets and stations are now unaffected by the ship block/mass limit config.
However, the ship mass limit doesn't seem to work.. The block count limit does work however.
Sep 9 2015
Tested this on 0.19431, and the value does indeed affect planets and stations. Or at least, on planets it does shows up the warning about the block count being too high, but its hard to test if the planet's weapons and tools would be disabled..
Sep 7 2015
Tested again on 0.19431, from a fresh install, and the issue appears to still not be resolved.
Hmm.. That's how I tested it in the first place.
Sep 4 2015
I ran tests on 0.19425 and the Yhole isn't in the creative menu at all.
Even doing a filtered search wouldn't return it.
I'm not sure what you mean. :/
And I'd still need some details on how the rail and the docker are placed, if there is anything around them, etc..
Sep 2 2015
You think its related to an older issue ?
Interesting. I guess I'll try to test using different layouts then.
Aug 31 2015
I did some more testing undocking from a station, with a ship with all the components you mentioned. But I still did not encounter the problem trying to dock and undock several times.
I also tried docking the ship, getting out and back in, then undocking, without the problem showing up.
Aug 30 2015
I couldn't reproduce the bug.
I spawned 2 core, placed a rail docker on one, and a rail on the other. I went through the steps you mentioned and I was still able to roll with Z/X.
I can confirm this is happening in 0.19414
Aug 28 2015
Alright, then, we'll reject the issue for now, and if anything new happens let me know and we'll re-open it.
Aug 15 2015
Aug 14 2015
Thanks ! I just wanted to clear that up.
I've used an admin command. I doubt it will changes anything. But its nice to have some extra details.
(EDIT: I also tested it by destroying the planet with a large canon. I can confirm it doesn't change anything. Both methods results in the planet plates leaving a floating marker after being mined completely. )
What did you use to blow up the planet ? An admin command or a ship/station's weapons ?
Aug 13 2015
After discussing on slack, we found out that the "15th of March" blueprint of the ship still had its weapons linked, and that the missing entries in the hotbar + the turrets floating away had to do with prior updates reseting the hotbar, and how the old deprecated turret system stopped working correctly several updates ago.
Aug 11 2015
Aug 10 2015
I've been trying to reproduce your issue, but I noticed something about the blueprint you linked of the ship.
All the canon computers, missile computers, and the overdrive computers aren't linked to any modules at all:
Alright, so since we're sure this is a one time occurrence linked to the upgrade to v0.19361, I'll set this to rejected, as its not a bug.
Aug 9 2015
I can confirm this happens on v0.19362 (Edit)
Aug 7 2015
After running some tests on my system:
- Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64
- AMD FX-8320 3.5 Ghz 8 cores
- 16 GB DDR3 1600 RAM
- GeForce GTX 560
- Java x64 1.8.0_51
Aug 3 2015
So, I ran some tests on my end. (There aren't any open issues up for grabs right now) I made a brand new world, with a brand new install.