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Starmade | Latest update (0.19361) completely corrupted home sector.
Closed, RejectedPublic


I updated my Ubuntu Linux server from StarMade 0.19318 to 0.19361 yesterday. On update, StarMade.jar in the ./StarMade/ folder was corrupted from the StarMade launcher update, so I had to reinstall the game completely in another directory, find the inode of the original StarMade.jar and delete it, then copy the new StarMade.jar to the current game server directory. The server then started successfully.

However, upon logging in, I spawned in space outside of our homeworld. The homeworld is now a large blue ball of light and an NPC shop with a shopkeeper. All ships, docked objects, and most NPC are gone. The planet is not in the center of the blue ball of light - you can fly completely through it. The planet still appears on the starmap, however, it's a blue ball of light. Another planet in the system also appears on the starmap, but is not there when you fly to it. If I can upload files here after this initial report, I will upload a version 0.19318 world0 map, and the corrupted version 0.19361 world0 map so you can load it under those versions to see what happened. I also tried restoring the world0 from backup, and it still does the same under 0.19361.


Task Type
Testing Results
Affected Gamemode(s)
First occurrence (version)
Video Card Vendor
Username on Registry
Serverconfig (server.cfg)
WORLD = world0 //set world to use (set 'old' for using the old world). if no world exists a new one will be set automatically
PROTECT_STARTING_SECTOR = false //Protects the starting sector
ENABLE_SIMULATION = true //Universe AI simulation
CONCURRENT_SIMULATION = 256 //How many simulation groups may be in the universe simultaniously (performance)
ENEMY_SPAWNING = true //Enables enemy spawing
SECTOR_SIZE = 2000 //Sets the size of sectors in the universe **WARNING** scaling the size of an existing universe down may cause issues
BLUEPRINT_DEFAULT_PRIVATE = true //If true, set blueprints private as default (else they are public)
FLOATING_ITEM_LIFETIME_SECS = 240 //How much seconds items floating in space should be alive
SIMULATION_SPAWN_DELAY = 420 //How much seconds between simulation spawn ticks
SIMULATION_TRADING_FILLS_SHOPS = true //Trading guild will deliver stock to shops
SECTOR_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT = 20 //Time in secs after which sectors go inactive (-1 = off)
SECTOR_INACTIVE_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT = 10 //Time in secs after which inactive sectors are completely removed from memory (-1 = off)
USE_STARMADE_AUTHENTICATION = false //allow authentication
PROTECTED_NAMES_BY_ACCOUNT = 10 //How many player names a player may protect with his account (if exceeded, the player name, that was logged in the longest time ago gets unprotected)
DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_ENEMY_USE = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet
DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_FACTION_BUY = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet
DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_OTHERS_BUY = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet
DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_HOME_BASE_BUY = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet
LOCK_FACTION_SHIPS = true //If true, ships of other factions cant be edited, activated, or entered
DEBUG_FSM_STATE = false //transfer debug FSM state. Turning this on may slow down network
PHYSICS_SHAPE_CASTING_TUNNELING_PREVENTION = false //Makes a convex cast for hight speed object to prevent clipping. High Cost. (Bugged right now, so dont turn it on)
CATALOG_SLOTS_PER_PLAYER = -1 //How many slots per player for saved ships (-1 for unlimited)
UNIVERSE_DAY_IN_MS = 1200000 //how long is a 'day' (stellar system rotation) in milliseconds (-1 to switch off system rotation)
FORCE_DISK_WRITE_COMPLETION = false //forces writing operations of raw data to disk directly after operation. For some OS this prevents raw data corruption
ASTEROIDS_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_PHYSICS = true //enables asteroids to be able to move in space
ENABLE_BREAK_OFF = false //debug (don't activate unless you know what you're doing)
COLLISION_DAMAGE = false //colliding into another object does damage
COLLISION_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD = 2.0 //Threshold of Impulse that does damage (the lower, the less force is needed for damage)
SKIN_ALLOW_UPLOAD = true //if off, skin uploading to server is deactivated
CATALOG_NAME_COLLISION_HANDLING = false //if off, saving with an existing entry is denied, if on the name is automatically changed by adding numbers on the end
SECTOR_AUTOSAVE_SEC = 300 //Time interval in secs the server will autosave (-1 for never)
PHYSICS_SLOWDOWN_THRESHOLD = 40 //Milliseconds a collision test may take before anti-slowdown mode is activated
THRUST_SPEED_LIMIT = 75 //How fast ships, etc. may go in m/s . Too high values may induce physics tunneling effects
MAX_CLIENTS = 32 //Max number of clients allowed on this server
SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_USE = false //Enable super admin for this server
SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD = mypassword //Super admin password for this server
SERVER_LISTEN_IP = all //Enter specific ip for the server to listen to. use "all" to listen on every ip
SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 65536 //buffer size of incoming and outgoing data per socket
PHYSICS_LINEAR_DAMPING = 0.05 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown
PHYSICS_ROTATIONAL_DAMPING = 0.05 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown
AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_COUNT_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items in a loot stack. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_STACK_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items spawned after AI destruction. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
CHEST_LOOT_COUNT_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items in a loot stack. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
CHEST_LOOT_STACK_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items spawned in chests of generated chests. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
USE_WHITELIST = false //only names/ips from whitelist.txt are allowed
FILTER_CONNECTION_MESSAGES = false //don't display join/disconnect messages
USE_UDP = false //Use 'User Datagram Protocol' (UDP) instead of 'Transmission Control Protocol' (TCP) for connections
AUTO_KICK_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = false //Kick players that spawn modified blueprints
AUTO_BAN_ID_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = false //Ban player by name that spawn modified blueprints
AUTO_BAN_IP_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = false //Ban player by IP that spawn modified blueprints
REMOVE_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINTS = false //Auto-removes a modified blueprint
DEBUG_SEGMENT_WRITING = false //Debugs correctness of writing of segments (costs server performance)
TCP_NODELAY = true //Naggles algorithm (WARNING: only change when you know what you're doing)
PING_FLUSH = false //flushes ping/pong immediately (WARNING: only change when you know what you're doing)
RECIPE_BLOCK_COST = 5000 //How much blocks have to be invested to create a recipe (min 0)
SHOP_SPAWNING_PROBABILITY = 0.1 //(must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no shops spawned in asteroid sectors, 1 is shop spawned in everyone (default: 8% -> 0.08)
RECIPE_REFUND_MULT = 0.5 //how much blocks are refunded from selling a recipe (must be between 0 and 1): 0 no refund, 1 full refund
RECIPE_LEVEL_AMOUNT = 4000 //On how much created blocks will a recipe level up (base value) (min 0)
DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_X = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector X Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_Y = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector Y Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_Z = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector Z Coordinate
MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_TOLERANCE = 0.1 //Tolerance of modified blueprint trigger (default = 10%)
TURNING_DIMENSION_SCALE = 1.1 //Scaling of tuning speed VS ship dimension (default = 1.1)
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_X_1 = 0.0 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Y_1 = -6.5 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Z_1 = -8.0 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_X_2 = 7.0 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Y_2 = -6.5 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Z_2 = 0.0 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_X_3 = 0.0 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Y_3 = -6.5 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Z_3 = 7.0 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_X_4 = -8.0 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Y_4 = -6.5 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate
DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Z_4 = 0.0 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate
PLAYER_DEATH_CREDIT_PUNISHMENT = 0.1 //players credits lost of total on death (must be between 0 and 1): 1 = lose all, 0 = keep all
PLAYER_DEATH_CREDIT_DROP = false //drop credits lost on death into space instead
PLAYER_DEATH_BLOCK_PUNISHMENT = false //player will drop all his blocks into space on death
PLAYER_DEATH_PUNISHMENT_TIME = 300 //Time interval in seconds after death of a player in which the player is not punished
PLAYER_DEATH_INVULNERABILITY_TIME = 5 //Time the player is invulnerable after death in sec
PLAYER_HISTORY_BACKLOG = 30 //how many login history objects (with name, IP, account-name, and time) should be saved by player state
PROJECTILES_ADDITIVE_VELOCITY = false //initial projectile speed depend on relative linear velocity of object fired from
PROJECTILES_VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 //multiplicator for projectile velocity
IGNORE_DOCKING_AREA = false //ignores docking area size
ALLOW_UPLOAD_FROM_LOCAL_BLUEPRINTS = true //enables clients being able to upload their pre-build-blueprints to the server
SHOP_NPC_STARTING_CREDITS = 10000000 //how much credits do shops start with
SHOP_NPC_RECHARGE_CREDITS = 100000 //how much credits do shops gain about every 10 min
AI_WEAPON_AIMING_ACCURACY = 10 //how accurate the AI aims (the higher the value the more accurate vs distance. 10 = about 99% accuracy at 10m)
BROADCAST_SHIELD_PERCENTAGE = 5 //percent of shields changed for the server to broadcast a shield synch
BROADCAST_POWER_PERCENTAGE = 50 //percent of power changed for the server to broadcast a power synch (not that critical)
ADMINS_CIRCUMVENT_STRUCTURE_CONTROL = true //admins can enter ships of any faction
STAR_DAMAGE = true //suns dealing damage to entities
SQL_NIO_FILE_SIZE = 256 //megabyte limit of .data file when to use NIO (faster) (must be power of 2)
PLANET_SIZE_MEAN = 175.0 //Planet size mean (normal gaussian distribution) (min 50)
PLANET_SIZE_DEVIATION = 100.0 //Planet size standard deviation. Note: normal gaussian distribution graph scaled horizontally by 1/3 (min 0)
PLAYER_MAX_BUILD_AREA = 10 //max area a player may add/remove in adv. build mode
NT_SPAM_PROTECT_TIME_MS = 30000 //period of spam protection
NT_SPAM_PROTECT_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 30 //max attempts before refusing connections in spam protect period (default is 1/sec for 30 sec)
NT_SPAM_PROTECT_EXCEPTIONS = //ips excepted from spam control (separate multiple with comma) (default is localhost)
NT_SPAM_PROTECT_ACTIVE = true //enables connection spawn protection (flooding servers with login attempts)
USE_PERSONAL_SECTORS = false //will spawn a player in a locked sector sandbox (warning, don't use unless you know what you do)
BATTLE_MODE = false //turn on battlemode (warning, don't use unless you know what you're doing)
BATTLE_MODE_CONFIG = battleSector=0,0,0,Physics.smsec;battleSector=15,15,15,Physics.smsec;countdownRound=300;countdownStart=30;maxMass=-1;maxDim=300;maxMassPerFaction=-1; //General config for battlemode
BATTLE_MODE_FACTIONS = [TeamA, fighters, 500,500,500, 0.5,0.1,0.9];[TeamB, fighters, -500,-500,-500, 0.5,0.9,0.2];[TeamFFA,ffa, 0,0,-500, 0.2,0.9,0.9];[Spectators,spectators, 0,500,0,0.8,0.4,0.8] //Faction config for battlemode
LEADERBOARD_BACKLOG = 24 //time in hours to keep leaderboard backlog (the more time, the more data has to be sent to client)
ANNOUNCE_SERVER_TO_SERVERLIST = false //announces the server to the starmade server list so clients can find it. Hostname must be provided for HOST_NAME_TO_ANNOUNCE_TO_SERVER_LIST!
HOST_NAME_TO_ANNOUNCE_TO_SERVER_LIST =  //this must be a valid hostname (either ip or host, e.g.
SERVER_LIST_NAME = NoName //max length 64 characters
SERVER_LIST_DESCRIPTION = NoDescription //max length 128 characters
MISSILE_DEFENSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE = true //can shoot down own or missiles from own faction
USE_DYNAMIC_RECIPE_PRICES = true //use recipe based prices (the price is the price of the parts it is made out of in crafting)
MAKE_HOMBASE_ATTACKABLE_ON_FP_DEFICIT = true //Home bases become attackable if a faction's Faction Points are in the minus and the faction doesn't own any territory
PLANET_SPECIAL_REGION_PROPABILITY = 240 //one out of thisValue chance of a special region spawning per planet plate (cities, pyramids, etc) (changing this value migth change some plates, but won't change any plates that are already modified by a player)
NT_BLOCKUPDATE_QUEUE_SIZE = 127 //how many blocks are sent per update. Huge placements will shot faster, but it will consume more bandwidth and is subject to spamming players
CHUNK_REQUEST_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_TOTAL = 25 //Thead pool size for chunk requests (from disk and generated)
CHUNK_REQUEST_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_CPU = 3 //Available threads of total for CPU generation. WARNING: too high can cause cpu spikes. About the amount of available cores minus one is best 
BUY_BLUEPRINTS_WITH_CREDITS = false //buy blueprints directly with credits
SHOP_USE_STATIC_SELL_BUY_PRICES = false //shop buy and sell price change depending on stock (shop prices will always stay the same if true)
SHOP_SELL_BUY_PRICES_UPPER_LIMIT = 1.2 //maximum of base price a shop will want depending on its stock (e.g. max 120 credits if the normal cost is 100)
SHOP_SELL_BUY_PRICES_LOWER_LIMIT = 0.8 //minimum of base price a shop will want depending on its stock (e.g. max 80 credits if the normal cost is 100)
MINING_BONUS = 1 //general multiplier on all mining
MAX_COORDINATE_BOOKMARKS = 20 //coordinate bookmarks per player allowed
ALLOWED_STATIONS_PER_SECTOR = 1 //how many stations are allowed per sector
STATION_CREDIT_COST = 1000000 //how much does a station or station blueprint cost
SKIN_SERVER_UPLOAD_BLOCK_SIZE = 256 //how fast should skins be transferred from server to clients (too high might cause lag) [default 256 ~ 16kb/s]
ALLOW_OLD_DOCKING_BEAM = false //enables old docking beam
WEIGHTED_CENTER_OF_MASS = true //if on, the center of mass for each structured will be calculated based on block mass. On 'false', the center of mass is always the core position
SECURE_UPLINK_ENABLED = false //dedicated servers can be registered on the StarMade registry
SECURE_UPLINK_TOKEN =  //uplink token, provided when registering a dedicated server
USE_STRUCTURE_HP = true //ships and other structures use the hitpoint system. if off, a ship will overheat when the core gets taken out (old)
SHOP_REBOOT_COST_PER_SECOND = 100.0 //Cost to reboot a ship at a shop (per second it would take to reboot in space)
SHOP_ARMOR_REPAIR_COST_PER_HITPOINT = 1.0 //Cost to repair a ship's armor at a shop
MAX_SIMULTANIOUS_EXPLOSIONS = 10 //the more the faster explosions at the same time are executed (costs in total about 20MB RAM each and of course CPU because it's all threaded) (10 is default for a medium powered singleplayer)
OVERRIDE_INVALID_BLUEPRINT_TYPE = true //If a loaded blueprint is invalid, it's type will be overridden
FACTION_FOUNDER_KICKABLE_AFTER_DAYS_INACTIVITY = 30 //Days of inactivity after which a founder may kick another founder
DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_CONSUMPTION = false //server will send notifications on power consumed (not counting power given from supply) on server (costs performance, so only use for debugging)
DEBUG_BEAM_TICKS_DONE = false //server will send notifications on ticks done on server (costs performance, so only use for debugging)
DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_PER_TICK = false //server will send notifications on beam power per tick on server (costs performance, so only use for debugging)
DEBUG_MISSILE_POWER_CONSUMPTION = false //server will send notifications on missiles on server (costs performance, so only use for debugging)
Clientconfig (settings.cfg)
<replace this line with the file content>
Java Version (64bit)

java version "1.7.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)

Event Timeline

major_payne updated the task description. (Show Details)Aug 6 2015, 5:33 PM
major_payne changed Category from none/unspecified to Engine.
major_payne changed Affected Gamemode(s) from none/unspecified to Serverside.
major_payne set First occurrence (version) to 0.19361.
major_payne changed Reproducible from uncertain to Yes.
major_payne set Last tested (version) to 0.19361.
major_payne edited Serverconfig (server.cfg). (Show Details)
major_payne edited Clientconfig (settings.cfg). (Show Details)
major_payne edited Java Version (64bit). (Show Details)
major_payne set Username on Registry to major_payne.
major_payne added a subscriber: major_payne.
major_payne created this task.
Restricted Application added a project: Issue Navigation. · View Herald TranscriptAug 6 2015, 5:33 PM
major_payne added a comment.EditedAug 6 2015, 5:36 PM

This is the version 0.19318 map that I have confirmed works from backup on Linux or Windows when using version 0.19318 of StarMade. I will post the version 0.19361 shortly, along with screenshots of the corrupted sector.

Here is the version 0.19361 map that shows the corruption in sector 8, 8, 5. The green planet Terra is now a large ball of light with a shop. The blue planet on the sector map was an ice world - it no longer exists when you fly to it.

To simulate this corruption, I loaded 0.19318 on a windows system, then tested the backup file above (as I did with Linux) by playing in Single Player mode. Then I updated to 0.19361 and the sector is corrupted.

Any ideas?

AndyP changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".
AndyP changed the edit policy from "Task Author" to "Starmade (Project)".
AndyP set Task Type to Bug.
AndyP removed Last tested (version).
AndyP set OS-Specific to No.
AndyP set Hardware-Specific to No.
AndyP set Video Card Vendor to uncertain.
AndyP claimed this task.
AndyP added a subscriber: AndyP.Aug 7 2015, 10:16 AM
AndyP removed AndyP as the assignee of this task.



  • affected sector: 8, 8, 5


  • load new world, and get screenshots/errormessages on load.
  • try converting supplied world to new version

After running some tests on my system:

  • Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64
  • AMD FX-8320 3.5 Ghz 8 cores
  • 16 GB DDR3 1600 RAM
  • GeForce GTX 560
  • Java x64 1.8.0_51

I couldn't reproduce the issue. The corrupted world attached to the ticket loads just fine, and everything that was in the attached
v0.19318 world backup was there, apparently intact.

I'd need to have some more information:

  • Did you have a long, or infinite "Waiting to spawn" screen after upgrading your world ?
  • That windows computer you've used to test on, is it the same machine you're using usually to connect to your server ? Can you load any other world on it without issues ?
  • Have you tried reloading the game ? Some people have reported that restarting the game after the update seemed to have broken their world actually fixed their problems.
  • Can you try loading your 0.19318 backup in the 0.19361 version of the game without upgrading it, on your windows machine ? (Install 0.19361, start the launcher, press start game, then while at the launch option menu, just delete the default "world0" folder, and put your 0.19318 backup in place, then launch the game. ) (I don't recommend running the world without upgrade, but knowing if anything disappear while doing that might help pinpoint where things might have gone wrong.)
  • Is there any other details you could give on your setup? Did your windows machine have any file system corruption as well ? Or did you see any error messages ?

Here are the steps I took to test this, so maybe you can tell me if I did something wrong:

Short version:

  • I tried the 0.19318 backup that was attached, got no issues.
  • Updated to 0.19361, got no issues besides a long "Waiting to spawn" screen.
  • Tried to load the 0.19318 world into 0.19361 bypassing upgrading the world. Everything was still there.
  • Tried to load the attached corrupt 0.19361 world, got absolutely no issues. Everything that was in the 0.19318 backup was still there, planets and all.

Long version:

Test #1:

  • Made a clean v0.19318 install.
  • Loaded the world in version 0.19318 first to check if everything normal.
  • Went to sector 8,8,5.


  • Starting sector has no star for some reasons.. (EDIT: Had to do with the galaxy map's current alpha issues. Nevermind that.)
  • There is definitely some existing construction around Terra. Mainly structures extending from the ground to space.
  • I only saw a single turret, and a milenium falcon space ship. No npcs besides the shopkeeper.
  • Warped to nearest shop and closed the game.


  • This confirmed that the world loads fine in 0.19318.

Test #2:

  • Updated install to 0.19361. (I clicked on create backup of database only, as this is probably what anyone would do..)
  • Loaded the world in version 0.19361 and check for error message, or the mentioned corruption.
  • Went to sector 8,8,5


  • Got a very long "Waiting to spawn" screen (chunks around spawn are being loaded (1))
  • Pressed F11, looked around a bit, then F11 again and spawned near the advanced shop, resulting in a ghost player entity floating nearby. My inventory was saved however.
  • Strangely enough, the surrounding sector indicator that usually display adjacent sectors around you, were all 22+ km away, apparently in sector 8,8,5..
  • They went back to normal after moving to another sector.
  • Everything was still there. I could not see any of the mentioned artifacts. All the planets mentioned were still there as well after moving in closer to take a look at both.
  • Stopped the game while near planet terra in sector 8,8,5.


  • I'd assume it might have been the chunk loading queue getting severely overloaded, or maybe deadlocked ?
  • That extremely long wait screen may have something to do with all this ? If someone else, or the user could confirm this happening, we might have something.

Test #3:

  • Re-launched the game, and checked if there are any more issues.


  • Got a chunk load wait screen, but it lasted a second or two only.
  • Everything loaded fine.


  • Still works after restarting the game.
  • The long "Waiting to spawn" screen might have been a one time only issue.

Test #4:

  • Made a clean v0.19361 install.
  • Just straight away loaded the attached 0.19318 map into 0.19361, no updating or anything.
  • Went to sector 8,8,5.


  • Everything loaded perfectly.
  • Not wait screen on spawn.


  • Might be worth trying this out on the user's computer/server to see if the issue happens only during conversion, or when the game updates.

Test #5:

  • Made a clean v0.19361 install.
  • Loaded the corrupted 0.19361 world the user attached to the ticket.
  • Went to sector 8,8,5.


  • Spawned just fine, no waiting.
  • Warped 2 sectors away from Terra, then made the rest of the trip in a core. (Just mentioning, but I doubt admin warping this far from the planet could have changed anything)
  • Terra + the space structure around it, and the ship and the lone turret were all in place.
  • Same with ice planet.


  • No corruption found. Possibly that the issue the user encountered is due to a client side, or server side external issue ?

Seems to be related to cache getting corrupted. Myself and others inside GenXnova have had this problem where the sector is empty and not getting loaded at all. Tab+F6 does not fix this.

Clear your cache and then try loading it :)


Did anything of the test by @psycommando happen to you?


I did @psycommando Test #4 - fresh install. However, I'm not familiar with how to load a map without causing an update/conversion...
This is the process I followed:

  • Fresh 0.19361 install
  • unzipped backup file and copied server-database folder into new StarMade directory
  • chmod to ug+x and vi to change min and max memory to 1024 (min) to 8192 (max).
  • Started server at ssh console on linux server, and waiting for all messages to clear until server was giving standard autosave messages.
  • Connected with client and this is what I see:

Green planet (Terra) is a big blue ball of light with a shop:

Current location on starmap (8,8,5):

Location of blue planet and setting as waypoint:

No blue planet:

  • Exited game client
  • Logged back in, and everything appears to load correctly. Exited.
  • Logged back in.
  • Spawn screen shows the big blue ball and shop but as soon as I click to spawn, everything begins to load correctly. Exited.

So not sure why on the first load sector is not loaded correctly, but then after unloading/reloading sector, it appears fine.

this is associated with the new feature to spawn at the gravity or alignent position.

this should only happen once after the update to 19361.
after that you will see the spawn sector on login and be transported to where ever you should be on spawning afterwards.

that is not a bug and nothing gots corrupted so far.
please try if you can play normally from the second login onwards

@SmilingDemon - I've logged in several times after the second login, and it appears everything continues to work as normal. It looks like this happens to each player the first time they connect. The second and subsequent logins are normal.

Alright, so since we're sure this is a one time occurrence linked to the upgrade to v0.19361, I'll set this to rejected, as its not a bug.

psycommando closed this task as Rejected.Aug 10 2015, 6:50 PM
Restricted Application removed a project: Issue Navigation. · View Herald TranscriptAug 10 2015, 6:50 PM
Restricted Application removed a subscriber: AndyP. · View Herald Transcript
AndyP shifted this object from the S1 Public space to the S3 Starmade space.
AndyP changed the edit policy from "Starmade (Project)" to "All Users".
AndyP removed psycommando as the assignee of this task.Aug 22 2015, 10:07 AM
Restricted Application added a project: Engine. · View Herald TranscriptMar 10 2017, 6:29 PM