If both the master and its support/effect computer get removed in the same action, the support/effect computer will have a ghost link as the ship core wants to relink to the support/effect computer as that lost its master.
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Dec 12 2017
Dec 12 2017
AndyP changed Category from issuecategory:content to issuecategory:igui on T2755: empty labels when "German" language choosen.
Ithirahad changed Affected Gamemode(s) from issuegamemode:none to issuegamemode:spmp on T2759: Warp Interdiction not functional.
Restricted Application added a project to T2759: Warp Interdiction not functional: Issue Navigation.
schema changed the status of T2751: Reactor Booster 2 upgrade missing info on UI, a subtask of T2745: Master task power 2.0 pre-release, from In Queue to Resolved.
schema changed the status of T2751: Reactor Booster 2 upgrade missing info on UI from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
lancake added a subtask for T2720: Master task power 2.0: T2694: Core ghost connections to non-existent computers.
lancake added a parent task for T2694: Core ghost connections to non-existent computers: T2720: Master task power 2.0.
lancake raised the priority of T2694: Core ghost connections to non-existent computers from Normal to Pre-Release Quality Assurance.
lancake changed the status of T2694: Core ghost connections to non-existent computers from Open to In Queue.
lancake changed the status of T2749: Jump Interdiction not usable on stations due to chamber tree config from In Queue to Resolved.
lancake changed the status of T2749: Jump Interdiction not usable on stations due to chamber tree config, a subtask of T2745: Master task power 2.0 pre-release, from In Queue to Resolved.
lancake edited Tester information (Internal use only) on T2739: Structural Integrity 2x2 "spaghetti" gets stronger the longer it is.
lancake renamed T2739: Structural Integrity 2x2 "spaghetti" gets stronger the longer it is from Structrual Integrity exploit: 2x2 "spaghetti" gets stronger the longer it is. to Structural Integrity 2x2 "spaghetti" gets stronger the longer it is.
lancake raised the priority of T2747: Long Range Scanners chamber nonfunctional from Normal to Pre-Release Quality Assurance.
lancake raised the priority of T2748: Cargo Scanner and Ore Scanner chambers nonfunctional (no effect assigned) from Normal to Pre-Release Quality Assurance.
lancake raised the priority of T2746: Warpgate Free Target nonfunctional from Normal to Pre-Release Quality Assurance.
lancake changed the status of T2739: Structural Integrity 2x2 "spaghetti" gets stronger the longer it is from Open to In Queue.
Main issue is that touching 3 and 4 have no negative influence on integrity. Needs config adjustments and possibly an increase in starting value too.
lancake added a subtask for T2745: Master task power 2.0 pre-release: T2746: Warpgate Free Target nonfunctional.
lancake added a parent task for T2746: Warpgate Free Target nonfunctional: T2745: Master task power 2.0 pre-release.
lancake added a parent task for T2747: Long Range Scanners chamber nonfunctional: T2745: Master task power 2.0 pre-release.
lancake added a subtask for T2745: Master task power 2.0 pre-release: T2747: Long Range Scanners chamber nonfunctional.
lancake added a parent task for T2751: Reactor Booster 2 upgrade missing info on UI: T2745: Master task power 2.0 pre-release.
HKMSC renamed T2755: empty labels when "German" language choosen from empty labels when not "English" language choosen to empty labels when "German" language choosen.
Dec 11 2017
Dec 11 2017
AndyP changed the status of T2751: Reactor Booster 2 upgrade missing info on UI from Open to In Queue.
AndyP moved T2751: Reactor Booster 2 upgrade missing info on UI from New / Unconfirmed to Confirmed on the Issue Navigation board.
Restricted Application added a project to T2751: Reactor Booster 2 upgrade missing info on UI: Starmade.
AndyP moved T2747: Long Range Scanners chamber nonfunctional from New / Unconfirmed to Confirmed on the Issue Navigation board.
AndyP changed the status of T2748: Cargo Scanner and Ore Scanner chambers nonfunctional (no effect assigned) from Open to In Queue.
AndyP moved T2748: Cargo Scanner and Ore Scanner chambers nonfunctional (no effect assigned) from New / Unconfirmed to Confirmed on the Issue Navigation board.
AndyP edited Clientconfig (settings.cfg) on T2748: Cargo Scanner and Ore Scanner chambers nonfunctional (no effect assigned).
AndyP moved T2746: Warpgate Free Target nonfunctional from New / Unconfirmed to Confirmed on the Issue Navigation board.
AndyP changed the status of T2749: Jump Interdiction not usable on stations due to chamber tree config from Open to In Queue.
AndyP moved T2749: Jump Interdiction not usable on stations due to chamber tree config from New / Unconfirmed to Confirmed on the Issue Navigation board.
Restricted Application added a project to T2749: Jump Interdiction not usable on stations due to chamber tree config: Starmade.
Valiant70 added a comment to T2739: Structural Integrity 2x2 "spaghetti" gets stronger the longer it is.
Still an issue in 200.252
Ithirahad renamed T2750: Armor HP Absorption 2 and Armor HP Efficiency 2 chamber upgrades nonfunctional (no effect assigned) from Armor HP Absorption 2 and Armor HP Efficiency 2 chambers nonfunctional (no effect assigned) to Armor HP Absorption 2 and Armor HP Efficiency 2 chamber upgrades nonfunctional (no effect assigned).
Restricted Application added a project to T2753: Structural Integrity system does not apply to stabilizers.: Issue Navigation.
Restricted Application added a project to T2752: Weapon activation does not deactivate cloak : Issue Navigation.
Restricted Application added a project to T2751: Reactor Booster 2 upgrade missing info on UI: Issue Navigation.
Ithirahad updated the task description for T2750: Armor HP Absorption 2 and Armor HP Efficiency 2 chamber upgrades nonfunctional (no effect assigned).
Restricted Application added a project to T2750: Armor HP Absorption 2 and Armor HP Efficiency 2 chamber upgrades nonfunctional (no effect assigned): Issue Navigation.
Restricted Application added a project to T2749: Jump Interdiction not usable on stations due to chamber tree config: Issue Navigation.
Restricted Application removed a project from T2728: Chambers Overcapacity At 100% RC Instead of >100% RC: Issue Navigation.
lancake raised the priority of T2728: Chambers Overcapacity At 100% RC Instead of >100% RC from Normal to Pre-Release Quality Assurance.
Oh, looks like this issue was already reported before I made my own one, apologies.
Restricted Application added a project to T2743: Repulsor block won't rotate fully: Issue Navigation.
Restricted Application added a project to T2742: Repulsor block has no build mode hotbar icon: Issue Navigation.
SgtFlexxx renamed T2740: (Pre-release)Shipyards can't load designs from BP's or Catalog from Shipyards can't load designs from BP's or Catalog to (Pre-release)Shipyards can't load designs from BP's or Catalog.
Restricted Application added a project to T2740: (Pre-release)Shipyards can't load designs from BP's or Catalog: Issue Navigation.
Dec 10 2017
Dec 10 2017
Ithirahad added a comment to T2655: [PRE] Weapon firing cones do not apply to player-fired weapons in free-camera mode..
Still exists as of 0.200.251. (Why can't I update Last Tested?)
schema changed the status of Unknown Object (Maniphest Task), a subtask of T2720: Master task power 2.0, from In Queue to Resolved.
schema changed the status of T2717: Hotbar modules don't update after switching reactors from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
schema changed the status of T2717: Hotbar modules don't update after switching reactors, a subtask of T2720: Master task power 2.0, from In Queue to Resolved.
schema changed the status of T2724: New/edited weapons start out with full charge from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
schema changed the status of T2724: New/edited weapons start out with full charge, a subtask of T2720: Master task power 2.0, from In Queue to Resolved.
schema changed the status of T2725: weapons and modules do not discharge when there's not enough power for resting charge, a subtask of T2720: Master task power 2.0, from In Queue to Resolved.
schema changed the status of T2725: weapons and modules do not discharge when there's not enough power for resting charge from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Dec 9 2017
Dec 9 2017
schema changed the status of T2731: old power ships do not function anymore, a subtask of T2720: Master task power 2.0, from In Queue to Resolved.
schema changed the status of T2731: old power ships do not function anymore from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.224 to 0.200.233 on T2724: New/edited weapons start out with full charge.
lancake changed the status of T2724: New/edited weapons start out with full charge, a subtask of T2720: Master task power 2.0, from Resolved to In Queue.
lancake changed the status of T2724: New/edited weapons start out with full charge from Resolved to In Queue.
-QA Testing-
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.215 to 0.200.233 on T2725: weapons and modules do not discharge when there's not enough power for resting charge.
lancake changed the status of T2725: weapons and modules do not discharge when there's not enough power for resting charge, a subtask of T2720: Master task power 2.0, from Resolved to In Queue.
lancake changed the status of T2725: weapons and modules do not discharge when there's not enough power for resting charge from Resolved to In Queue.
-QA Testing-
lancake changed the status of Unknown Object (Maniphest Task), a subtask of T2720: Master task power 2.0, from Resolved to In Queue.
lancake changed the status of T2717: Hotbar modules don't update after switching reactors from Resolved to In Queue.
That sounds like a good middle ground solution, putting it back in queue then.
lancake changed the status of T2717: Hotbar modules don't update after switching reactors, a subtask of T2720: Master task power 2.0, from Resolved to In Queue.
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.225 to 0.200.232 on T2734: GUI font too big in some places.