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Dec 13 2017
Dec 13 2017
lancake changed the status of T2760: Scanner shows SCNID instead of actual message from In Queue to Resolved.
Restricted Application added a project to T2760: Scanner shows SCNID instead of actual message: CBS: Functional.
lancake changed the status of T2739: Structural Integrity 2x2 "spaghetti" gets stronger the longer it is from In Queue to Resolved.
Dec 12 2017
Dec 12 2017
lancake edited Tester information (Internal use only) on T2739: Structural Integrity 2x2 "spaghetti" gets stronger the longer it is.
lancake renamed T2739: Structural Integrity 2x2 "spaghetti" gets stronger the longer it is from Structrual Integrity exploit: 2x2 "spaghetti" gets stronger the longer it is. to Structural Integrity 2x2 "spaghetti" gets stronger the longer it is.
lancake raised the priority of T2747: Long Range Scanners chamber nonfunctional from Normal to Pre-Release Quality Assurance.
lancake raised the priority of T2748: Cargo Scanner and Ore Scanner chambers nonfunctional (no effect assigned) from Normal to Pre-Release Quality Assurance.
lancake raised the priority of T2746: Warpgate Free Target nonfunctional from Normal to Pre-Release Quality Assurance.
lancake added a parent task for T2746: Warpgate Free Target nonfunctional: T2745: Master task power 2.0 pre-release.
lancake added a parent task for T2747: Long Range Scanners chamber nonfunctional: T2745: Master task power 2.0 pre-release.
Dec 11 2017
Dec 11 2017
AndyP changed the status of T2748: Cargo Scanner and Ore Scanner chambers nonfunctional (no effect assigned) from Open to In Queue.
Dec 9 2017
Dec 9 2017
schema changed the status of T2731: old power ships do not function anymore from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.217 to 0.200.232 on T2727: Stealth Drive does not (always) appear in weapons menu.
-QA Testing-
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.224 to 0.200.232 on T2731: old power ships do not function anymore.
lancake changed the status of T2731: old power ships do not function anymore from Resolved to In Queue.
-QA Testing-
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.151 to 0.200.233 on T2623: Conduit sanity check not working properly.
-QA Testing-
-QA Testing-
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.213 to 0.200.232 on T2714: Thrust blast high strength values do not change speed.
-QA Testing-
schema changed the status of T2714: Thrust blast high strength values do not change speed from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
schema changed the status of T2716: toggle charge issues from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.213 to 0.200.228 on T2713: reverting thrust blast chamber causes nullpointer.
-QA Testing-
lancake changed First occurrence (version) from 0.200.213 to 0.200.228 on T2714: Thrust blast high strength values do not change speed.
lancake changed the status of T2714: Thrust blast high strength values do not change speed from Resolved to In Queue.
-QA Testing-
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.199 to 0.200.228 on T2710: multi charge does not display current count.
-QA Testing-
-QA Testing-
Dec 8 2017
Dec 8 2017
lancake added a parent task for T2710: multi charge does not display current count: T2720: Master task power 2.0.
lancake added a parent task for T2713: reverting thrust blast chamber causes nullpointer: T2720: Master task power 2.0.
lancake added a parent task for T2714: Thrust blast high strength values do not change speed: T2720: Master task power 2.0.
lancake added a parent task for T2623: Conduit sanity check not working properly: T2720: Master task power 2.0.
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.223 to 0.200.228 on T2733: exactly 100% Reactor chamber usage can register as over capacity.
-QA Testing-
lancake changed the status of T2726: lvl 0 reactors have no minimum chamber size from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.217 to 0.200.228 on T2726: lvl 0 reactors have no minimum chamber size.
lancake changed the status of T2726: lvl 0 reactors have no minimum chamber size from Resolved to In Queue.
-QA Testing-
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.215 to 0.200.228 on T2723: module charge does not update after editing chambers/reactor.
-QA Testing-
Dec 7 2017
Dec 7 2017
schema changed the status of T2731: old power ships do not function anymore from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
power bar was under the shield bar. if there are any more adjustments to be made look for <PowerBar> in the HudConfig.xml
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.219 to 0.200.224 on T2731: old power ships do not function anymore.
lancake changed the status of T2731: old power ships do not function anymore from Resolved to In Queue.
-QA Testing-
schema changed the status of T2733: exactly 100% Reactor chamber usage can register as over capacity from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Restricted Application added a project to T2733: exactly 100% Reactor chamber usage can register as over capacity: CBS: Functional.
Dec 6 2017
Dec 6 2017
schema changed the status of T2726: lvl 0 reactors have no minimum chamber size from In Queue to Resolved.
schema changed the status of T2731: old power ships do not function anymore from In Queue to Resolved.
schema changed the status of T2727: Stealth Drive does not (always) appear in weapons menu from In Queue to Resolved.
Dec 5 2017
Dec 5 2017
Restricted Application added a project to T2727: Stealth Drive does not (always) appear in weapons menu: CBS: Functional.
Restricted Application added a project to T2726: lvl 0 reactors have no minimum chamber size: CBS: Functional.
schema changed the status of T2723: module charge does not update after editing chambers/reactor from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
lancake changed the status of T2723: module charge does not update after editing chambers/reactor from Open to In Queue.
schema changed the status of T2716: toggle charge issues from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Dec 4 2017
Dec 4 2017
Dec 3 2017
Dec 3 2017
schema changed the status of T2714: Thrust blast high strength values do not change speed from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
schema changed the status of T2713: reverting thrust blast chamber causes nullpointer from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Dec 2 2017
Dec 2 2017
Restricted Application added a project to T2714: Thrust blast high strength values do not change speed: CBS: Functional.
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.199 to 0.200.213 on T2698: Thrust blast does not work.
-QA Testing-
Restricted Application added a project to T2713: reverting thrust blast chamber causes nullpointer: CBS: Functional.
schema changed the status of T2698: Thrust blast does not work from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
-QA Testing-
schema changed the status of T2698: Thrust blast does not work from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
schema changed the status of T2710: multi charge does not display current count from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Dec 1 2017
Dec 1 2017
lancake renamed T2698: Thrust blast does not work from Thrust blast 1 DEV build to Thrust blast does not work.
Restricted Application added a project to T2710: multi charge does not display current count: CBS: Functional.
Nov 3 2017
Nov 3 2017
schema changed the status of T2623: Conduit sanity check not working properly from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Nov 2 2017
Nov 2 2017
lancake renamed T2623: Conduit sanity check not working properly from [Dev Build] 0.200.121 - Mixing Second Tier Chambers on one tree and First Tier Chambers on another tree does not end well. to Conduit sanity check not working properly.
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.200.134 to 0.200.149 on T2644: Power 2.0: Factories not supplied properly from reactors, stil drawing from fixed power pool of old system.
lancake moved T2651: Auto charge toggle systems always use full consumption from Backlog / Unclassed to Confirmed fix on the Quality Assurance board.
Nov 1 2017
Nov 1 2017
AndyP closed T2621: Cargo linking - shipyards, factories (all non-storage things) do not properly register updates to their linked cargo spaces as Closed.
-Fix confirmed-
lancake changed First occurrence (version) from v0.200.11 to 0.200.11 on T2626: Core Beam doesn't work.
-QA Testing-
schema changed the status of T2621: Cargo linking - shipyards, factories (all non-storage things) do not properly register updates to their linked cargo spaces from In Queue to Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
schema added a comment to T2621: Cargo linking - shipyards, factories (all non-storage things) do not properly register updates to their linked cargo spaces.
Debug: new admin command /set_infinite_inventory_volume player true/false