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- User Since
- Feb 26 2016, 3:49 AM (471 w, 4 d)
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Dec 5 2016
Yep Created a new world to test on, I'll test it again if needed to see if I can cause it this patch but all the worlds I had on the dev build with this bug are from the last patch and the 0.199.303 patch.
hmm not sure what's going on now but it might have something to do with the NPC Factions and when they go to war. Something is going on that makes things kill over whenever there's a war going on but that might not be the only thing but it's a starting point at least.
Zipped up the most recent affected world, needless to say this bug is a world killer, totally locks you out of the world in question. Also if you've tried to get into an affected world in a session it prevents you from getting into others until you restart or repair install depending on the situation.
Managed to trigger said crash but still not sure of the cause. Really stumped as to the log file it could have ended up in though since I'm not sure what broke.
Dec 4 2016
Nov 28 2016
Bug still exists as for current patch, also something rather strange in addition to it I'll report in another topic.
Nov 26 2016
It's more than just a not saving the blocks, when I went to save a station to blueprint it gave me a null pointer error, took the shipyard block away and it allowed me to save it.
I've been noticing that the NPC Stations don't have shop blocks and in some cases won't trade with anyone, also the ones that do trade seem to ignore the player.
Noticing this as well, I've shot the enemies a large number of times and they immediately turn back to neutral.
Aug 31 2016
If I remember right this has everything to do with the config setting that causes inventory holding blocks to bleed cargo if over capacity. Since the old Trade Station shops for the Trading Guild don't have cargo space they'll bleed their items. This is more of an issue of those old things needing to be replaced or updated than it is a bug.
Aug 2 2016
Yep bug still happens in v0.199.131a
Jul 30 2016
Yes Intel only graphics as far as I know.
Jul 29 2016
Jul 12 2016
Well just found out something interesting about the Current and Trade Permissions bug end of this.
Mar 18 2016
hmm maybe use the outermost output groups as a sort of bounds check and use the center of the group(s) as the aiming point? :) Than have it go into focus firing when unfocused can't hit. Just an idea.
Mar 13 2016
Also noticed something a while ago, mining ships are mining backwards. O_o Will have to mess with this a tad more but the ships I was using weren't mining facing the right way.