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- User Since
- Jul 23 2015, 7:59 AM (500 w, 2 d)
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- Available
Aug 10 2015
Apologies if I'm missing something obvious, but I am seeing those rings in the screenshots both you and I posted for v19361?
Aug 9 2015
Just ran through the following today: Confirming that the rendering of the starmap changed in v19361.
Aug 7 2015
Oh, I just have orbital sectors turned on.
Aug 6 2015
I'm running Open GL 4.4, and I get a semi-transparent square... I can still see through it, but there are various oddities with it now:
Respectfully, I think you may be underestimating the impact of logging on Java's performance. This is particularly relevant if you are generating log messages during every single frame, especially considering memory-buffered loggers are somewhat rare and so you are more than likely writing that message to disk on every single frame...
Aug 5 2015
Could the very act of writing to the log file be the cause of the slow-down? I mean if the draw thread is creating new string objects and outputting them to an output buffer on every single frame, then yeah... That could cause an impact depending on implementation.
Jul 28 2015
Could you guys who are not seeing the CPU increase please also confirm that WORLD_DRAW/RENDERLOOP etc are not changing when you enter advanced build mode?
Jul 26 2015
Oh wow.... This would explain why when pirates attack my planet, they seem to rapidly teleport from one side of it to the other while they attack me... They must be crossing sector boundaries...
Jul 25 2015
Could you please post some information about your system so we can compare?
Jul 23 2015
Ok, for the sake of comparison:
Just tested this now on v19320, can confirm that holding CTRL has an impact on my machine:
Please add rail blocks with docked entities to this list.