User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Jul 27 2015, 4:54 PM (502 w, 14 h)
- Availability
- Available
Mar 27 2016
Mar 27 2016
Inspired2150 set Task Type to issuetype:bug on T1284: Ships in a Fleet target the same block when mining.
Mar 14 2016
Mar 14 2016
Inspired2150 added a comment to T1238: carrier recall drones unable to redock properly and get stuck in a loop caused by non physical rails
This is true even when the pickup block is much more accessible. Ships are unable to dock no matter the size/position of rail unless they get lucky and dock thanks to the inertia.
Inspired2150 added a comment to T1239: Fleet mining doesn't move on to other asteroids.
Giving new orders to mine doesn't work.
Removing ship and adding it back to the fleet, then ordering it to mine does not work.
Making a new ship, adding it to a fleet and giving it order to mine does not work.
Restarting the server and repeating all of the above does not work.
Mar 6 2016
Mar 6 2016
Inspired2150 added a comment to T1209: Fleet AI will override players.
This is true for the current live version, however it is also useful as an autopilot feature to travel between waypoints :)
Jul 29 2015
Jul 29 2015
Inspired2150 updated the task description for T446: Server Crash When Placing Blocks on Asteroids.
Inspired2150 changed the visibility for T446: Server Crash When Placing Blocks on Asteroids.
Inspired2150 updated the task description for T446: Server Crash When Placing Blocks on Asteroids.
Jul 28 2015
Jul 28 2015
Inspired2150 added a comment to T443: Turrets Aiming at Marker of Entity When Asteroid is Targeted (and other issues) .
State of things in v0.19349:
Inspired2150 renamed T443: Turrets Aiming at Marker of Entity When Asteroid is Targeted (and other issues) from Turrets Aiming at Marker of Entity When Asteroid is Targeted to Turrets Aiming at Marker of Entity When Asteroid is Targeted (and other issues) .