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- User Since
- Dec 6 2015, 12:24 AM (480 w, 6 d)
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Nov 22 2018
Okeydokey, tried the map again on the LvD server and I ended up having to restart the machine because it appears to have brought the entire desktop session down with when I killed it from another terminal. I would hazard that this problem ought to be an issue with Java or something else external to SM that SM is simply triggering, since a Java application should not usually be able to screw up the desktop session so completely.
I have seen this happen on the Light vs dark server as well. The freeze/crash goes pretty deep. Although the desktop session SM was running in was not 100% frozen, it kept the pointer. I tried to kill the Java process, which should normally have freed my pointer, but it didn't. So I ended up Raising the Elephant (ctrl + alt + prtscrn and r, e, i, s, u, b) to get things back to normal.
Jul 29 2017
@AndyP - Not surprised by your diagnoses. I will look for that log file.
Jul 28 2017
Sep 24 2016
Mar 6 2016
Might be since it has been several updates since then. Thank you for looking into the problem, but if I just keep elevators within the main bound box it should be fine.
Jan 29 2016
I'm sorry AndyP. I don't think I wrote up the problem very clearly.
Jan 22 2016
Dec 28 2015
Here it is. Logic should be connected to the elevator in this one.....
Dec 19 2015
I have a similar issue and it seems reproducible.
Dec 10 2015
I tried 'sitting' with the 'O' key before entering a core. It seems to work!
Dec 6 2015
Also noted that the favorite place to spawn seems to directly under the core block. So I removed a floor block so that there is a 3 meter clearance under it and now it seems to work fine. I thought it was supposed to favor spawning to the rear of the block....
Okydokey. I tested the behaviour on my machine based on orientation. It does change based on how the ship is lined up with the 'universe'.
quote: "was your ship stationary docked in a fixed orientation while doing this ?" - SmilingDemon