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- User Since
- Jul 22 2015, 10:45 PM (502 w, 6 d)
- Availability
- Available
Jul 24 2017
This bug seems to specifically occur if there is a 1 block high space directly above or behind the core, but never seems to occur with 1 block spaces directly in front of or below the core (in my experience) could be that its only occuring if the space is on a negative axis.
Potentially related, recently noticed that the behaviour of AI is affected by the relative locations of the COM and the core with behaviour becomming less reliable the further apart these two are. Could be that with larger mining drones the distance between the COM and core is causing the issue. This also may be worth looking into as its own issue.
Jul 20 2017
Seconded, tried to perform a test (I have an idea as to what the issue might be) but couldn't do so due to drones just refusing to aknowledge any mining order.
Activation no longer appears to interact with rail docker at all.
Bug no longer appears to be present in the latest release, beams are doing propper block damage cross sector in all cases I can think of to test.
Apr 24 2017
Waiting on Author?
Oct 9 2016
I only removed the AI block after finding that deactivate turret was innefective.
Oct 5 2016
Dec 10 2015
I was reffered to this task after mentioning issues with pulses on chat. I can confirm that in the latest build this issue also occurs with damage pulse and warheads which would suggest that the issue is with the explosion system itself rather than something specific to missiles.
Aug 8 2015
Am I supposed to split it up? I didn't because I wasn't sure if it was my job or someone else's.
Jul 29 2015
Jul 24 2015
Jul 23 2015
Jul 22 2015
Seen this before and I can confirm that its not a duplicate of T178, seems to happen on random rotors from time to time, when it does happen on a rotor it tends to recur frequently on that same rotor which suggests that its a property specific to the affected rotor.