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- User Since
- Jun 21 2015, 6:33 PM (506 w, 6 d)
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- Available
Sep 28 2015
Sep 10 2015
No, they are there when I relog. You can literally go up to them and see them.
Sep 8 2015
Happened to me again just now.
Wait no, these shops actually are real. They are rendering in the sectors next to me. And they are on the navigation menu too.
Well, I did some more mining and now not only is that previously-disappeared shop back on the map, but a new one has been generated as well.
Okay this is wierd. One of the shops that got duplicated disappeared when i checked the map again after doing some more mining.
Strange. I was mining some more and suddenly one of the shops that got duplicated disappeared from the galactic map when I toggled orbital sectors on and off in the galaxy map.
This is still happening for me on the latest update.
Sep 6 2015
This is what it looks like with lighten mode on in buildmode at the same time. Its so ridiculously bright its hard to make out blocks.
This bug happened again for me today while in build mode on a planet. No shadows whatsoever were enabled.
Sep 4 2015
Yea I was about to say. This report covers several things that arent mentioned in the other tasks. Namely, the black build mode orientation arrow and the near-invisible faction systems/orbital sectors on the galactic map.
What the hell! This isn't a duplicate!
I play entirely without shadows. This bug still occurs for me from time to time.
Sep 2 2015
Andy, the problem is that you can't change the key used for the netgraph. It's not a given option. That's definitely a bug.
Aug 31 2015
Aug 25 2015
The dark highlighted sectors/systems thing is even worse than I thought. This is what Shattered Skies's galaxy map looks like for me now. Every claimed system is a dark shade of black and its nearly impossible to tell where anyone is. Navigationally, it makes me blind. I can't plot a course anywhere within reason because I can't tell what's what. I can barely even play the game anymore because such vital features are broken.
This has happened to me countless times with my own turrets. Can confirm.
Aug 23 2015
e4278, I have seen that bug before myself when playing on SS several months back.
Aug 21 2015
Huh? I removed you as a subscriber? How did that happen?
Yeah, just checked. I have anti-aliasing off.
I don't think so, no.
Aug 20 2015
Aug 15 2015
Aug 13 2015
I supose this would be a request to change the config then, because as we've talked about in the thread on SMD, missiles are currently nerfed really bad.
Aug 12 2015
could this task be set to not be visible by the public please. i just remembered that the ship blueprint i provided is meant to be for my own factions personal use and i dont want others being able to get ahold of it.
Aug 11 2015
Are you guys aware that this bug was not fixed for missiles?
Aug 10 2015
second set of logs added to description
OK, so I just did some more testing of this bug and it happened to me again. I got kicked out of my ship when I fired the lockon missiles while flying, with my targeting reticle focused on another object. My ship disappeared the instant I fired, and the game crashed a few seconds later.
never mind, i relogged to the game and found out my ship was just fine. something weird just happened and my ship disappeared and i became an astronaut and the game crashed, but now that ive restarted the game my ship is back again.
Aug 4 2015
This bug appears to be fixed now for some combinations like multigroups of beam-beam, but combos like missile-beam with multiple groups still consume extreme amounts of power and thus cannot be used properly.
Jul 12 2015
Jun 21 2015
This is still happening to me too, just want to also confirm this.