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Nightwakler_007 (Douglas Moyes)


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  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Aug 23 2015, 7:07 PM (498 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 18 2020

Nightwakler_007 added a comment to T3223: Linux launcher needs unsupported "" in Ubutnu 18+.

End users resolve this by installing libgconf-2-4, but only experienced Linux users would know they need to do this. If you are using gconfig to store configuration information, you can just use a static file or directory "$HOME/.starmade" to store configuration info. This is the more traditional way of storing application specific configuration data on Unix systems, and works just as well on Mac OS X (it would also be a great place to store game session independent blueprints).

Nov 18 2020, 11:21 PM · Starmade, Issue Navigation
Nightwakler_007 created T3224: StarMade-Starter.jar terminates with "Exiting because updater starting game".
Nov 18 2020, 9:18 AM · Starmade
Nightwakler_007 created T3223: Linux launcher needs unsupported "" in Ubutnu 18+.
Nov 18 2020, 9:08 AM · Starmade, Issue Navigation

Apr 5 2018

Nightwakler_007 created T2934: Power supply beam (handheld) does not work any more - Unable to power systems on planets and asteroids without reactors.
Apr 5 2018, 5:08 AM · Engine, Game Development, Starmade

Mar 29 2018

Nightwakler_007 created T2928: Shipyards :Create design from Catalog doesn't work. Also puts GUI in unstable state.
Mar 29 2018, 2:08 AM · CBS: Shipyards, Starmade

Oct 18 2017

Nightwakler_007 set Username on Registry to Nightwalker_007 on T2644: Power 2.0: Factories not supplied properly from reactors, stil drawing from fixed power pool of old system.
Oct 18 2017, 12:55 AM · CBS: Functional, Starmade

Oct 17 2017

Nightwakler_007 created T2644: Power 2.0: Factories not supplied properly from reactors, stil drawing from fixed power pool of old system.
Oct 17 2017, 2:59 PM · CBS: Functional, Starmade

Oct 15 2017

Nightwakler_007 created T2637: Can't place stabilizers when not in build mode -- this is an issue for new bases (0.200.122).
Oct 15 2017, 8:11 PM · Engine, Starmade
Nightwakler_007 created T2636: Focus-fire salvage beams don't always follow mouse (dev 200.122).
Oct 15 2017, 7:29 PM · GUI/HUD, Starmade
Nightwakler_007 created T2632: Need better error messages during world creation (.200.122).
Oct 15 2017, 11:22 AM · Starmade

Jan 28 2016

Nightwakler_007 added a comment to T538: Graphics issues with Starmade for latest nVidia drivers on GeForce GTX 960m.

I'm still seeing this. The effect seems to be linked to when the blocks fade in and out to bright white when entering build mode. It doesn't appear that the blocks are allowed to fade completely back to normal before the blocks are lightened again. Lets just remove this flash completely and see what happens. I doubt anyone would notice this flash effect disappearing anyway as it's so brief.

Jan 28 2016, 8:03 PM · Engine, Starmade

Sep 2 2015

Nightwakler_007 added a comment to T538: Graphics issues with Starmade for latest nVidia drivers on GeForce GTX 960m.

Reading over the commends on here, it looks like it would be useful for me to point out that my CPU doesn't have an on-chip GPU--just 8 processing cores of AMDx64 goodness. so there's only one video card my OS has to contend with, there's no switching.

Sep 2 2015, 5:40 PM · Engine, Starmade
Nightwakler_007 added a comment to T538: Graphics issues with Starmade for latest nVidia drivers on GeForce GTX 960m.

After disabling shadows I haven't seen the issue come back. Interesting thing though: after exiting the client and re-connecting last night, I still had the same haze as shown in the second picture. I suspect something is being set in the video card which is not being cleared out later.

Sep 2 2015, 4:49 PM · Engine, Starmade
Nightwakler_007 added a comment to T600: Flashlight Lighting Bug.

I did some more testing.. This first image was taken soon after logging into my local server.

Sep 2 2015, 2:34 AM · Engine, Starmade
Nightwakler_007 added a comment to T600: Flashlight Lighting Bug.

Yeah I've noticed this too on Linux with my nVidia 960 GT. It seems like everything now has a white haze in astronaut mode. Areas that should be totally black have generalized illumination. When the flashlight is activated, this haze disappears.

Sep 2 2015, 2:15 AM · Engine, Starmade
Nightwakler_007 added a comment to T510: undocking ship from shipyard will usually redock it immediately.

I've seen this happen to. The other problem encountered when undocking a ship is that it can be impossible to activate the core. Instead of activating the core, the anchor is selected (which does nothing, of course). If the anchor block activation area was made smaller than all other blocks, then this would resolve the issue. Or, better still, make the anchor block an inactive/invisible entity unless in flight or build mode.

Sep 2 2015, 1:47 AM · CBS: Shipyards, Starmade
Nightwakler_007 added a comment to T558: Ships docked to planet have astronaut alignment filliped 90 degees.

Looks like this only happens on this ice world where gravity is a little wonky. Randomly when walking on the planet I'll be outside of the effect of gravity and be able to fly around until I cross over to the next plate.

Sep 2 2015, 1:42 AM · Engine, Starmade

Aug 23 2015

Nightwakler_007 created T558: Ships docked to planet have astronaut alignment filliped 90 degees.
Aug 23 2015, 7:21 PM · Engine, Starmade