Combining #2082 and #1833 here:
Typo in the beginning
at the start it talks about a green light ... that is a red one
Issue: When entering the ship for the first time, the tutorial refers to the old HUD's locations on the screen. This needs to be updated.
description incorrect with new GUIShields in amber on the left screen side
Hitpoint system got added - Structure and armor HP bars to the left
Power (blue) and speed (green) on the right side
Issue: The Controller System is introduced by NPC-02 immediately after he explains he is going to show how weapons works. It makes sense to the developer, but to the user, it seems like NPC-02 totally forgot what he was saying. I would try to reword this.
Thats still a bit unclear and a player may get confused.
Issue: After placing 6 cannon modules (he calls them barrels, he should be calling them modules), maybe name them "cannon barrel modules" to make clear Controller -> Module and name of this module is Cannon barrel.
"craft generics" Button - > "Craft generic resources" Button ? or is the Refine Raw Material the target
you have to guess what it expects you to do (placing ores in Refine Raw Material slot )
pressing either button does not continue the tutorial
after placing Basic Factory
" Press the Production button.." - > its the "Change Production" Button
Issue: at one point NPC-02 reference to a gravity module to use in case of a problem. first .. there is no need to the room is small enough to jump anywhere ... and there is no Gravity module around anyway.