It seems that missiles have a larger check radius than their damage radius. If something is 200m away from a homebase, you can shoot it with the smallest radius and not get that error message. Fire something with a 40 radius at it and it will trigger the message/warning that you you can't damage a homebase. The station itself doesn't get physically hit though.
This can have some nasty consequences for auto war declaration.
just to make sure
1- the message box still appears for whom ever shoot the missile
2- the faction affected doesnt get a news post about that
3- yellow box shows the outline of this base dimensions
4- red box is a target entity placed within those dimensions
5- the two holes in it are from missile hits that did drop the warning for the firing ship. there is plenty of space to the station structure itself
6- the firing ship is outside the boxed dimension of the station
- we think the warning (and any effect of that) should only drop when the missile effect would have dealed damage to the station