Normally I'm able to run starmade with approximately 20-40FPS in most situations.
If I Spawn any previously made entities in, or build a new entity with practically sized reactors, my FPS takes a hit because of the new Stabilizer path feature. The bigger the reactor gets, the worse the problem is, up to the point where my FPS gets brought down to 1.
Removing any entities with regularly sized reactors will fix this right up, but it's kinda hard to build a working ship without a reactor to power it.
I think this is some kind of a bug, since I took a look at the log files and found this:
"[2017-12-20 01:46:11] Exception!!! Overflow in AABB, object removed from simulation PCGhostObjExt([StabilizerPath: Ship[Reactor Trial](6); StabilizerUnit1588954716[(15, 17, -36)/(18, 20, -30)](54; 54)])@367004147; (NaN, NaN, NaN); (NaN, NaN, NaN)"