You should take care of that one quickly (or at least warn community about it) since it could be harmfull for the hardware and it extremely easy to reproduce it inadvertently. It's sufficient to just open a less than a dozen times tutorial's menu for possibly toasting its computer.
When we execute SM the tutorial menu is automatically processed and appeared in task manager as ffmpeg64.exe (I guess one for each video) which eat between 35 000~ 38 800 K memory each.
When we close the tutorial menu it won't close that process, so they are still process in the background. But worst, when we open the menu again, it open again 5 new rows of ffmpeg64.exe which stack with the previous one.
Here screen from my task manager after I opened the tutorial menu 3 times.
Here the memory climb cause by (per stage):
- StarMade dedicated server
- StarMade play screen
- 1st auto-openning of tuto (& close menu)
- 2nd time I open it (then close menu)
- 3rd time (and then close game)
I can't join the sound which made my computer when I attempted 5 times but it was really really nasty and that does not bode well.
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