Starting the game in windowed mode with a window size equal to the screen size will result in one of two possible outcomes:
The canvas is higher than the window, rendering the upper part of the HUD is outside of the window.
The crosshair won't converge to the targeting circle's center, but to a point below it.
Steps to reproduce
Create a fresh profile
Open the game's settings window
If you have a 1920x1080 display, select 1920x1080. Other values analogously
Further notes
The game won't choose the requested size of e.g. 1920x1080, but the one that will actually fit on the screen (which I consider to be a good thing). It therefore stands to reason that e.g. the crosshair's position is calculated using the requested, but the actual window size.
additional Taskbar problem
If the Window gamemode gets choosen with a not hidden Taskbar the Screencontent gets pushed up under the window top bar. the game isnt taking that into account.