I used filter...
... and when I want split it, it's write the amount in the search bar instead of the Split Inventory Slot Menu ; even if the 1 is enlighted by default. The player as to click on that bar again to be able to write the amount.
If you use the split menu after searching for an item, the *search for name* filter will still have focus. If you type something in the split menu, it will do the same for the search filter.
All menus with search bars have this problem
While left clicking anywhere removes its focus, it doesn't work for right clicking.
Solution: right clicking anywhere, disables the focus on the search bar. (Left click already does that)
<replace this line with the file content>
<replace this line with the file content>
If you use the split menu after searching for an item, the *search for name* filter will still have focus. If you type something in the split menu, it will do the same for the search filter.
Solution: right clicking in anywhere, disables the focus on the search bar. (Left click already does that)
I would rather said "Solution : When a filling number menu open, let him take priority on everything else"
Because players are lazy, they'll be quite irratated while have their hands on the keyboards for filter menu, to be force to hand away to their mouse just to unfocus menu when they'll have to choose a number and have their hands over keyboard again. It's quite nonsense from ergonomics point of view.
The split menu should react like the display module since the text is highlighted, that means typing text will filling the right menu (= the highlighted text from menu in the foreground).
That's what I suggested. Currently both the search bar and the number menu takes focus. The solution would only make the number menu take focus.
I probably misread/misunderstood you since your explanation is a bit confusing.