Client logs can be used to find information about ship locations, last time i checked you could also see a big part of chat (pm's/faction) but now with the reworked one I'm not too sure about it.
could extract
[2015-07-06 18:50:11] [CLIENT] received playerstate sector change: 9353((-28, 7, -58)) -> 9458 ((-29, 7, -58))
[2015-07-06 18:50:11] [CLIENT] RECEIVED NEW SECTOR FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Mordicon)(9590)]: 9353 -> 9458
[2015-07-06 18:50:11] [CLIENT] SCHEDULING SECTOR CHANGE FOR PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Mordicon)(9590)] FROM 9353 TO 9458
and id didnt know where he was before that
also things like
[2015-07-06 18:49:09] [CLIENT] Object: PlayerCharacter[(ENTITY_PLAYERCHARACTER_Mordicon)(9590)] Set NT hidden true -> false
get spammed in logs constantly
and faction information otherwise not access able in game afaik is also shown
[2015-07-06 18:46:12] [FACTION] Added to members ELstringer perm(4) of Faction [id=10085, name=TEC Network, description=a faction, size: 1; FP: -6472] on Client(27)
like this
none of these should get logged at the client side i think