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Starmade | Trigger (Area) not detecting docked entity on Rail
Confirmed task for development, NormalPublic


The trigger area does not detect ships on rails.


Task Type
Testing Results
Affected Gamemode(s)
Single and Multi
Last tested (version)
Logic Gates
Video Card Vendor
Steps to reproduce

Set up a trigger area with its area above a rail.
Dock a ship on this rail, inside the detection area.

There is no signal from the activator block while there is when an undocked ship flies through the area.

Tester information (Internal use only)

Docked core (or blocks on that core) passing through a trigger area are not causing an activation.

not docked Core ( or any blocks thereof) passing through a trigger area are activating it.

player piloting the core or not has no impact on this.

Serverconfig (server.cfg)
<replace this line with the file content>
Clientconfig (settings.cfg)
<replace this line with the file content>

Event Timeline

rhbvkleef created this task.Aug 4 2016, 6:58 PM
SmilingDemon shifted this object from the S1 Public space to the S3 Starmade space.Aug 4 2016, 8:27 PM
SmilingDemon changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".
SmilingDemon changed the edit policy from "Task Author" to "Starmade (Project)".
SmilingDemon changed Category from Control Block System: Rails/Docking to Logic Gates.
SmilingDemon moved this task from New / Unconfirmed to Open / Validated on the Issue Navigation board.
SmilingDemon triaged this task as Normal priority.
SmilingDemon renamed this task from Area detection not detecting dockend entity to Trigger (Area) not detecting docked entity on Rail.Aug 4 2016, 8:30 PM


in case you wanted to detect the core without a player controlling it, the area trigger is not designed to do that.

however ... indeed if in a docked entities core containing a player passes through am area trigger that one isnt being detected
(even though i have no idea what good that would be for)

is that how you wanted to use that ?

I want to detect parts of the docked ship from the station to identify which ship is going over the belt and then route it to its destination using that information. (e.g. park ships in the ship parking and park cargo pods in the cargo area)

Since there are blocks passing through the detection area, I feel it definitely -should- trigger.

OK ..will put it in queue with my test observations ... still have no clear idea what the intended way how trigger areas should work was .. but i guess
Schema will know ;)

SmilingDemon edited Tester information (Internal use only). (Show Details)
SmilingDemon changed Last tested (version) from 0.119.132 to 0.119.132a.
SmilingDemon changed the task status from Open to In Queue (Game).
Restricted Application edited projects, added Game Development; removed Issue Navigation. · View Herald TranscriptAug 7 2016, 12:20 PM


AndyP changed the task status from In Queue (Game) to In Queue.Mar 10 2017, 5:16 PM
Restricted Application added a project: Logic. · View Herald TranscriptMar 10 2017, 5:16 PM