If you're using a fullscreen resolution and you alt tab during the loading screen (main menu -> in-game), you'll crash eventually.
It doesn't crash immediately, just stay alt tabbed from the beginning and you'll crash.
Can take up to 30 seconds till you crash so just wait it out.
[2016-05-20 17:44:48] [CLIENT] successfully rejoined all; opening chat: false [2016-05-20 17:44:48] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-05-20 17:44:48] at obfuscated.mT.a(SourceFile:606) [2016-05-20 17:44:48] at obfuscated.Zl.a(SourceFile:91) [2016-05-20 17:44:48] at org.schema.game.common.data.player.PlayerState.updateLocal(SourceFile:1240) [2016-05-20 17:44:48] at obfuscated.C.a(SourceFile:3113) [2016-05-20 17:44:48] at obfuscated.C.update(SourceFile:1288) [2016-05-20 17:44:48] at obfuscated.atR.a(SourceFile:675) [2016-05-20 17:44:48] at obfuscated.atW.b(SourceFile:603) [2016-05-20 17:44:48] at obfuscated.O.e(SourceFile:767) [2016-05-20 17:44:48] at org.schema.game.common.Starter.startMainMenu(SourceFile:1219) [2016-05-20 17:44:48] at org.schema.game.common.Starter.main(SourceFile:1022)