Account with special symbols bug.
Chronology of the cycle:
The client with the nickname ʇɥƃıuʞ sruɐl ɹɐℲ comes under two nicknames.
The client have dynamic IP.
Despite server.cfg = PROTECTED_NAMES_BY_ACCOUNT = 1
in the protected.txt appear two entries:
littleglow; ʇɥƃıuʞ sruɐl ɹɐℲ; 1462447093849
farlandsknight; ʇɥƃıuʞ sruɐl ɹɐℲ; 1462613740662
Before server is rebooted - the client can move freely between them.
After reboot the server - "Server Reject: this login name is protected on this server." both.
Re-uplink not solve.
I Do:
/ Player_unprotect LittleGlow
/ Player_unprotect FarLandsKnight
- After server reboot situation repeats.
Perhaps the special characters not correctly read from protected.txt when the server start?