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Starmade | blocks getting removed immediately after placement
Open, NormalPublic


MP, build, creative

After had remove 10 beacon light blocks (they all were on the thruster blocks), I attempt to re-place one only on its same place, but I couldn't. Instead I got that strange chain reaction :

  1. place beacon block
  2. render it for a split second
  3. immediatly get removed without any input from me

Didn't tried with other blocks I just reboot the game and it seemed solve the bug.


That remind me a bit T1039 (and really scarcely T758)


Task Type
Testing Results
Affected Gamemode(s)
Last tested (version)
First occurrence (version)
Video Card Vendor
Serverconfig (server.cfg)
<replace this line with the file content>
Clientconfig (settings.cfg)
<replace this line with the file content>

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a project: Issue Navigation. · View Herald TranscriptJun 7 2016, 12:32 PM
lancake added a subscriber: lancake.Jun 9 2016, 1:23 PM
lancake claimed this task.


Seems very similar to T1039, might even be the same.
your logs have a catched exception though, that may have caused this kind of behavior but not sure. I'll forward it and see if there's anything concrete about it.

Otherwise, it's probably looking for a needle in a haystack since I can't reproduce.

lancake shifted this object from the S1 Public space to the S3 Starmade space.Jun 9 2016, 1:24 PM
lancake changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".
lancake changed the edit policy from "Task Author" to "Starmade (Project)".
lancake changed Last tested (version) from 0.198.146 to 0.198.147.
lancake moved this task from New / Unconfirmed to Open / Validated on the Issue Navigation board.
lancake renamed this task from strange automatic place-render-remove bloc chain action to blocks getting removed immediately after placement.
lancake triaged this task as Normal priority.
Croquelune added a comment.EditedJun 10 2016, 12:07 PM

I found that really strange in log.txt.0

[2016-06-06 20:05:04] [SERVER] Exception catched 
[2016-06-06 20:05:04] [SEND][SERVERMESSAGE] [SERVERMSG (type 3): [373, NullPointerException]] to RegisteredClient: Croquelune (1) connected: true
[2016-06-06 20:05:11] [SERVER] place-before: Player PlS[Croquelune ; id(2)(1)f(10001)] doesnt have enough in the slot he wants to build with: (8, 8, 3)[Beacon]o[FRONT][active][10hp][BLOCK]; slot 0; overall 0

Weird alert since I was on creative so it's suppose to got enough blocks, beacon block was on the selected hotbar box.

And in log.txt.0.1 bug start around there :

[2016-06-06 20:04:56] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 3/5
[2016-06-06 20:04:58] DRAWING TIME OF 4910 elements: 51(50.90788); unifroms: 0.0; pointer 0.0; upChk 0.0; frust 0.0; update 0.0; draw: 0.0; totD: 0.0
[2016-06-06 20:04:59] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1
[2016-06-06 20:05:02] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 2/3
[2016-06-06 20:05:04] SWITCHING SLOTS: 3, 82
[2016-06-06 20:05:04] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [373, NullPointerException]; type: Integer
[2016-06-06 20:05:04] [CLIENT] Server message: Error occured on Server!
Please send in server error report.
[2016-06-06 20:05:04] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Error occured on Server!
Please send in server error report.
NullPointerException]; type: String
[2016-06-06 20:05:04] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: [SERVER]: Error occured on Server!
Please send in server error report.
[2016-06-06 20:05:05] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 2/3
[2016-06-06 20:05:05] [CLIENT][BLOCKORIENTATION] STYLE CHANGED: LOADING :: Purple Light : :: Rammet Charged Circuit Wedge
[2016-06-06 20:05:05] [CLIENT][BLOCKORIENTATION] BLOCK ORIENTATION FOR Rammet Charged Circuit: FRONT
[2016-06-06 20:05:05] [CLIENT][BLOCKORIENTATION] STYLE CHANGED: LOADING :: Rammet Charged Circuit : :: Beacon Rod
[2016-06-06 20:05:05] DRAWING DEBUG: 10000503; ; 0; 1; 503; 
[2016-06-06 20:05:08] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BACK(1): (0.019714355, 0.63082886, -5.5000305); (0, 1, -5)
[2016-06-06 20:05:08] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (8, 9, 3)[Purple Rod Light]o[BACK][active][5hp][SpriteBack]; orientation: 1; BACK
[2016-06-06 20:05:11] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:11] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (0.031982422, 0.04727173, -4.5); (0, 0, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:11] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:05:11] adding new element to Sz at (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:13] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:13] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (0.030944824, -0.04168701, -4.4999695); (0, 0, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:13] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:05:13] adding new element to Sz at (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:16] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:16] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (0.010375977, 0.048339844, -4.5000305); (0, 0, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:16] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:05:16] adding new element to Sz at (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:17] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 3/4
[2016-06-06 20:05:18] [CLIENTPROVIDER] Request for Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8) took 12ms
[2016-06-06 20:05:18] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 2/3
[2016-06-06 20:05:20] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:20] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (-0.19500732, -0.06472778, -4.5); (0, 0, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:20] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:05:20] adding new element to Sz at (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:20] [CLIENTPROVIDER] Request for Planet(37)[s34]Planet  (r217)[10000000hp] took 11ms
[2016-06-06 20:05:21] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:21] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (-0.29742432, -0.071746826, -4.5); (0, 0, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:21] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:05:21] adding new element to Sz at (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:22] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:22] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (-0.29742432, -0.071746826, -4.5); (0, 0, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:22] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:05:22] adding new element to Sz at (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:25] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:25] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (-1.0570068, -1.0614319, -4.5); (-1, -1, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:25] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (7, 7, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:05:25] adding new element to Sz at (7, 7, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:26] [GETNEAREST] SIDE: BACK(1): (-1.0596924, -1.0476379, -4.5); (-1, -1, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:26] [SEGCONTROLLER][ELEMENT][REMOVE] PICKING UP: (7, 7, 4)[Thruster Module]o[BACK][inactive][25hp][BLOCK]; orientation: 1; BACK
[2016-06-06 20:05:26] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 3/6
[2016-06-06 20:05:27] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 3/5
[2016-06-06 20:05:28] [UNDO] ADDING REDO obfuscated.cP@663411de(;ADD: 0; REMOVES: 1)
[2016-06-06 20:05:29] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 4/5
[2016-06-06 20:05:30] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:30] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (0.03277588, -0.39831543, -4.5000305); (0, 0, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:30] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:05:30] adding new element to Sz at (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:31] [CLIENTPROVIDER] Request for Planet(35)[s34]Planet  (r217)[10000000hp] took 11ms
[2016-06-06 20:05:34] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 4/6
[2016-06-06 20:05:37] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 1/3
[2016-06-06 20:05:40] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 3/5
[2016-06-06 20:05:41] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 2/4
[2016-06-06 20:05:43] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:43] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (-0.1786499, -0.12634277, -4.5); (0, 0, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:43] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:05:43] adding new element to Sz at (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:43] [CLIENTPROVIDER] Request for Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8) took 12ms
[2016-06-06 20:05:45] [SEGDRAWER] not Disposed LEFT: 2/3
[2016-06-06 20:05:49] Recording GIF: ./starmade-gif-0000.gif
[2016-06-06 20:05:51] [UTIL] native buffer fetch took 1434 ms; invoked GC: true; new size 8294400; index: 0
[2016-06-06 20:05:53] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:53] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (0.10748291, -0.28756714, -4.5); (0, 0, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:53] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:05:53] adding new element to Sz at (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:57] [CLIENTPROVIDER] Request for Planet(46)[s34]Planet  (r217)[10000000hp] took 12ms
[2016-06-06 20:05:57] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:05:57] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (0.10748291, -0.28756714, -4.5); (0, 0, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:05:57] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:05:57] adding new element to Sz at (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:06:01] [CLIENT] PLACING MULTISLOT: 0 -> 62
[2016-06-06 20:06:01] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (0.10748291, -0.28756714, -4.5); (0, 0, -4)
[2016-06-06 20:06:01] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@1574749319([CCS|CLI Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)])}
[2016-06-06 20:06:01] adding new element to Sz at (8, 8, 3)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][10hp], type 62
[2016-06-06 20:06:03] STOPPING GIF RECORDING!

Hm, could you link all of those logs of that session (drag and drop into comment section to upload)?
There might be a stacktrace somewhere when it first started occurring but this seems to be a good start. Game thinks you don't have enough blocks so it removes it after placement. The nullpointer might be related to creative mode.

This 2 logs in the description of T1542 were the 2 only one of the whole game session (

, )
Unfortunately I didn't kept the serverlogs (but I can 99.99% assume they were normal since I checked them and didn't saw any usefull infos inside, just launch and close server process description); nor the threaddumps cause they look each time the same (don't know really what it describe, can't assume anything about that 2 ones cause I don't understand a shit from them :P ).

You can re-open and merge this task with T1039: Impossible to place block on a ship core, it was exactly the same behaviour that the one illustrated in the gif but with a Power Reactor on a Core instead of Beacon Light on Thruster (so first occurrence of that bug is v. 0.1954). It stated also "doesnt have enough in the slot he wants to build with" in the log.txt.0.

Here the log.text.0 of T1039 :

(don't pay attention to the ogg announce, it caused by Musicmade mod).

[2016-01-07 15:27:36] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1
[2016-01-07 15:27:37] CHECKING GUIAncorUnnamedSceneNode 366535540 MOUSE NO MORE GRABBED
[2016-01-07 15:27:37] NOW DROPPING UnnamedSceneNode
[2016-01-07 15:27:37] [INVENTORYGUI] ITEM slot 13; count 9999999; type 2 thrown into space
[2016-01-07 15:27:37] [SERVER][PLAYER] DROPPING NORMAL SLOT Power Reactor Module(2): 9999999
[2016-01-07 15:27:37] [SERVER][PLAYER] PlS[Croquelune ; id(4)(1)f(10001)] dropping item from Ship[AUSE XCH000 Travers](7)
[2016-01-07 15:27:37] Ship[AUSE XCH000 Travers](7) POINT INSIDE (ITEM[1]: type 2; #9999999; (-67.512314, -146.231, 22.198614)):    (-67.512314, -146.231, 22.198614) -trans> (8, 8, 10): (8, 8, 10)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]
[2016-01-07 15:27:38] NOW GRABBING: UnnamedSceneNode; 0; -1
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] SWITCHING SLOTS: 0, 13
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] [SERVER] execute action: InventoryClientAction [ownInventoryOwnerId=4, ownInventoryPosId=(0, 0, 0), otherInventoryOwnerId=4, otherInventoryPosId=(0, 0, 0), slot=0, otherSlot=13, subSlot=-1, count=9999999]
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] java.lang.NullPointerException
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] 	at<init>(SourceFile:42)
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] 	at obfuscated.ZS.a(SourceFile:1339)
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] 	at obfuscated.ZQ.a(SourceFile:239)
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] 	at
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] 	at
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] 	at
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] 	at
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] 	at Source)
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] [SERVER] Exception catched 
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] [SEND][SERVERMESSAGE] [SERVERMSG (type 3): [364, NullPointerException]] to RegisteredClient: Croquelune (1) connected: true
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [364, NullPointerException]; type: Integer
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] [CLIENT] FORMATING: [[SERVER]: Error occured on Server!
Please send in server error report.
NullPointerException]; type: String
[2016-01-07 15:27:39] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: [SERVER]: Error occured on Server!
Please send in server error report.
[2016-01-07 15:27:54] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated
[2016-01-07 15:27:58] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated
[2016-01-07 15:28:01] Ship[AUSE XCH000 Travers](7) POINT INSIDE (ITEM[1]: type 2; #9999999; (-67.512314, -146.231, 22.198614)):    (-67.512314, -146.231, 22.198614) -trans> (8, 8, 10): (8, 8, 10)[NONE]o[FRONT][active][0hp]
[2016-01-07 15:28:06] BLOCK ORIENTATION FOR Power Reactor Module: FRONT
[2016-01-07 15:28:06] Now playing:
[2016-01-07 15:28:06] :
[2016-01-07 15:28:06] 	
[2016-01-07 15:28:06] Krazy Ivan - 48 Poles.ogg
[2016-01-07 15:28:07] Error
[2016-01-07 15:28:07] :
[2016-01-07 15:28:07] 	
[2016-01-07 15:28:07] Unable to access volume control: Control not found
Disabling volume control
[2016-01-07 15:28:08] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (-0.21806335, -0.37399292, -0.49995422); (0, 0, 0)
[2016-01-07 15:28:08] [CLIENT][EDIT] PLACING AT (8, 8, 7)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp]; size: (1, 1, 1) --> (1, 1, -1); orient 0(FRONT) -map-> 0 PHY: {RigBExOrig@231374680([CCS|CLI Ship[AUSE XCH000 Travers](7)])}
[2016-01-07 15:28:08] adding new element to QO at (8, 8, 7)[NONE]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp], type 2
[2016-01-07 15:28:08] [SERVER] place-after: Player PlS[Croquelune ; id(4)(1)f(10001)] doesnt have enough in the slot he wants to build with: (8, 8, 7)[Power Reactor Module]o[FRONT][inactive][25hp][BLOCK]
[2016-01-07 15:28:10] [GETNEXTTONEAREST] SIDE: BACK: (-0.22379303, -0.32994437, -0.49993896); (0, 0, 0)

I had also notice that in both logs from T1542 and T1039, I had accidently dropped items in space while building in creative, causing creation of an infinite stack : T1321: Cannot pick up infinite item stacks in creative. And guess what ? In both case it was the concerned blocks I tried to build with then.

In both case the stack was quite very close to the position where I'd try to build too.

T1542 : stack of 9999999 Beacon dropped at (8, 7, 10), build attempt at (8, 8, 3) with Beacon.
In log.txt.0 :

[2016-06-06 19:23:11] [PLAYER] PlS[Croquelune ; id(2)(1)f(10001)] DROPPING MULTISLOT
[2016-06-06 19:23:11] [SERVER][PLAYER] PlS[Croquelune ; id(2)(1)f(10001)] dropping item from Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)
[2016-06-06 19:23:11] [SERVER][PLAYER] PlS[Croquelune ; id(2)(1)f(10001)] dropping item from Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8)
[2016-06-06 19:23:12] Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8) POINT INSIDE (ITEM[0]: type 62; #9999999; (400.8874, 182.65045, 369.33685)):    (400.8874, 182.65045, 369.33685) -trans> (8, 7, 10): (8, 7, 10)[Glass Wedge]o[FRONT][active][75hp][WedgeTopFront]
[2016-06-06 19:23:12] [ITEM][COLLISION] warping item out of collision (400.5, 180.5, 369.5)
[2016-06-06 19:23:12] [SERVER][PLAYERSTATE] Picked up: Type 62; Count 79999; Meta -1
[2016-06-06 19:23:12] Ship[Dropship WIP 2](8) POINT INSIDE (ITEM[1]: type 503; #9999999; (400.8874, 182.65045, 369.33685)):    (400.8874, 182.65045, 369.33685) -trans> (8, 7, 10): (8, 7, 10)[Glass Wedge]o[FRONT][active][75hp][WedgeTopFront]
[2016-06-06 19:23:12] [ITEM][COLLISION] warping item out of collision (400.5, 180.5, 369.5)

In log.txt.0.1 : Look around [2016-06-06 19:23:11] and see how the logs get spam by picking Beacon and Beacon Rod attempt.

T1039 : stack of 9999999 Power Reactor Module dropped at (8, 8, 10), build attempt at (8, 8, 7) with Power Reactor Module.

You might be able to reproduce by throwing an item in space while building creative and then attempt to build with.

Restricted Application added a project: Starmade. · View Herald TranscriptMar 10 2017, 5:45 PM