I reproduced this in astronaut mode, without build mode. But it probably doesn't matter whether you're in build mode or astronaut mode. Since I originally got the bug in build mode.
1. spawn 2 coresPlace two entities close to each other
2. put a power capacitor on the left coremake sure they do have different power values
3. put aplace display module on both coress on them with [power] as content
4. enter [powerCap] on the left corcompare the display module.ed results, Noticmaybe enter and exit cores to see that it will say 51000 power.t they shift then or when you do move from one to another
5. enter [powerCap] on the right core display module. Notice that they BOTH now say 50000 power.sample:
6. go back to the left core display and edit it by adding an enter at the end of the text. It will update back to 51000 power on the display.{F7291}